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Evan walked up the steps of the front porch exhausted, yawning to himself. He'd been stuck in that damn meeting for 3 hours, and to be honest he barely remembered any of it. And it had been the second meeting of the day, the first being 2 hours long.

He'd been up late recording some gmod prop hunt with Brian, Brock, Daithi, Lui and Marcel, and he'd had to get up by 8am to make it to his 9am meeting. It was now nearly 2 in the afternoon and he just really wanted to take a nap.

He walked inside and found complete silence, a rare thing with his boys. He kicked his shoes off by the door and walked through the house, wondering where everyone was.

He finally found them in the bedroom, Brian, Brock and Jon curled up on or around Tyler. Brock and Brian were tucked against Tyler's sides, legs thrown over his while Jon was full on sleeping on top of Tyler.

Tyler's eyes met his with amused relief, smiling faintly. "They all went little at the same time and wanted to cuddle, I couldn't say no, but my legs are asleep and I really need to piss," he said quietly and Evan leaned against the doorway, chuckling lightly.

"You can never say no to them," he said amused and Tyler attempted to shrug, but froze as Jon hummed and snuggled closer. "Please, Ev, help me here," Tyler begged and Evan laughed lightly, moving to gently tug Brian back.

Brian grumbled in his sleep, trying to scoot back to Tyler but Evan laid down, pulling Brian against him. Tyler shimmied carefully, rolling Jon off him. Jon let out a grumpy huff as he and Brock found each other sleepily, curling up together.

Tyler sat on the edge of the bed, stretching his legs out on front of him with a sigh of relief. "Thank fuck, but now I've got pins and needles," he complained and Evan chuckled, running a hand through Brian's hair.

"Go pee and come back, I want a nap now," Evan said amused and Tyler flipped him off before standing carefully. He left the room and Evan focused on his three littles, heart melting as Brian curled against him, a faint smile on his face.

Tyler returned a few minutes later, sighing relieved as he went to climb back into the bed. He curled behind Brock, placing a hand on Jon who shifted at the touch. Jon yawned, peeking up over Brock to give Tyler a sleepy glare.

"Daddy Ty, you left me," he mumbled and Tyler chuckled lightly. "Do you want me back between you and baby boy?" He asked softly and Jon nodded, scooting back so Brian was pressed against his back.

Tyler moved to squeeze between the two and Jon immediately curled against Tyler, yawning again. "Evans back," the taller man said softly and Jon blinked over at Evan, smiling faintly.

"Hi Daddy Ev," he said softly and Evan smiled fondly at the little. "Hi Baby Bub, you having a good nap?" He asked and Jon nodded, yawning again.

"Sleep more. Goodnight," he mumbled, tucking his head back down against Tyler's shoulder. Evan smiled fondly and and went to carefully stand up without disturbing Brian.

Unfortunately, that didn't work and the Irishman blinked awake, looking up at Evan with sleepy eyes. "Where you going?" He asked with a yawn and Evan touched his cheek. "Just getting out of these clothes and into something comfortable, Bri, I'll be right back okay?" He said softly and Brian hummed, rolling over to curl against Jon's back.

Evan quickly changed into a tank top and some sweats, moving to curl up with his boys on the bed. Tyler yawned, his cheek resting against Brock's hair.

"A nap sounds good now that I can feel my legs," he mumbled and Evan laughed lightly, grinning at the look Tyler gave him.

"Next time you can be the body pillow to these three," he grumbled and Evan shrugged, shifting as Brian rolled over to tuck against his chest. "I wouldn't mind that," he teased and Tyler rolled his eyes.

Evan blew him a kiss and Tyler smiled exasperated, shifting to lay down more comfortably. Evan pressed his cheek against Brian's hair, breathing in the soft scent of coconut as he let his body relax.


Two weeks later, Tyler was at Anthony's recording a video. The other four were playing some games while waiting for him to return.

Jon and Brock were both in little, tucking their legs under them as they tried to focus on the game. Brian had been slipping in and out of little, and currently wasn't in it but Evan was sure he'd probably go back soon.

After a final match, Evan put his controller down and stretched. "Daddy Ev, I'm hungry," Brock mumbled and Evan looked at the clock. "It's time for lunch anyway, let's go make something to eat, Tyler should be back soon," he said and he led the three boys to the kitchen.

Brian helped him throw some sandwiches together, Brock and Jon getting the drinks. They all sat down to eat, Evan making sure they all finished their food and drink.

Evan had been taking care of his littles for a year now with Tyler, and he absolutely adored it. He never realised how much he enjoyed taking care of his boyfriends until that day Jon had introduced him to it, and while he knew some might think it odd, he didn't care.

Brock yawned after clearing his plate and Evan smiled fondly. "I think it's time for a nap," he said and Jon nodded, yawning a second later. Brian had slipped into little halfway through eating and he looked up at Evan with a frown.

"Can we all cuddle you?" He asked quietly and Evan nodded, standing and leading them to their bedroom. "I wanna lay on you, can I?" Brian asked quietly and Evan smiled faintly, nodding.

"Of course Bri, let's get changed into something comfortable and we can all lay down, okay?" He said and they all nodded.

Evan handed Jon one of his shirts while Brock and Brian stole a couple of Tyler's. Evan changed into a muscle shirt and some shorts, knowing it'll get pretty hot being surrounded by his littles.

He laid on the bed and Brian crawled over him, tucking his legs between Evan's with his head on Evan's collarbone. Brock and Jon laid down on either side of them, Evan wrapping his arms around them.

He kissed all three on their heads and Jon tilted his head up to kiss Evan properly. "I love you three," Evan said softly and they all gave sleepy replies.

They all drifted off to sleep and Evan just laid there, feeling considerably warm but happy. He shifted his hips slightly, having laid down in an odd way and Brian mumbled in his sleep, shifting his body to get comfortable again.

An hour later Evan heard the front door open and close and he looked up, waiting to see Tyler appear. When he did, he paused and grinned at Evan, who just smiled back.

"My legs aren't asleep, so ha," he whispered and Tyler rolled his eyes, moving to the closet to grab some clothes. He changed quickly and crawled into the bed, curling around Brock and placing his hand on Evan's hip.

"Comfortable?" He asked amused and Evan grinned. "Very, actually. Kinda warm, but I expected that. Brock and Brian are space heaters I swear, but Jon kinda balances that out," he said and Tyler grinned.

"He always balances us out, huh," he said and Evan nodded, yawning. "You have fun with Anthony?" He asked and Tyler chuckled. "Watching tiktoks the boomer way, you know. It's crazy really how he always manages to find videos I haven't seen," he said and Evan chuckled lightly.

"Anyway, I'm tired, I'm going to nap," Tyler said and Evan nodded, tilting his chin. Tyler rolled his eyes amused but sat up enough to lean over Brock and kiss him softly. "I love you," Evan said quietly and Tyler smiled. "I love you too, night Ev," he said as he settled back down and Evan replied softly back.

Evan rested his cheek on Jon's hair, squeezing his hands subtly. His legs may have been fine, but he wasn't about to let Tyler know his arms had fallen asleep an hour ago, because he did not want to hear the "I told you so".

Ooof short short chapter. 1420 words lmao but I needed some fluff in my life. I hope yall enjoyed! Kisses!!


Moments in Life - Poly!BBSWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu