Quiet Recordings

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Prompt from Brine! Little!Brock coming in during an Among us recording session(Ik Tyler doesn’t play among us anymore but I miss the days 🫠) surrounded by ppl who may not even know Tyler & Brock are in a relationship much less the Little aspect to it, and Tyler trying to caretake and game and hide that Brock or whoever joined him are in a diff state of mind all at once. Doesn’t have to be Tyler & Brock either that was just the easiest example(could be on a much simpler level of Bri Bri intruding on a Evan, Basically, Scotty, Nogla & Panda video so it’s 3 ppl covering for Bri Bri, etc)



Tyler laughed loudly, moving his character along the screen. He was playing Among Us for a rare moment with most of the main crew, meaning Himi, Larry, Send1t, Kara, Pasta, Bonsai, Wonton, Nogla, Pjonk and Ze. Brock had considered joining, but decided against it as he had some editing to do.

They were in a meeting, debating over who was the imposter. Tyler kept insisting it was Larry, but Nogla kept insisting it was Tyler. "Fuckface, you always say it's me if I'm not in direct view," Tyler complained and Nogla hummed.

"Just means I'm right," he said and Tyler rolled his eyes. "No, just means you're fucking mentally damaged. It's not me! Pasta can vouch, right?" He said and Pasta said, "Yeah, I actually can. He was by lava singing the star wars theme."

Everyone laughed and Tyler grinned. "There, definitely not me. I still think it's Larry, he walked by with Kara last," he said and Larry protested, "We split up! She went to admin and I went to medscan!"

"Suree likely story Burger Man," Tyler teased. He'd already skipped, but it was still funny. "12 seconds left, who we voting??" Bonsai called and Pasta said, "We're still on 7, I say skip and keep an eye on Larry."

Everyone's vote popped up and while two people voted Larry and one for Tyler (definitely that Irish fuck), everyone else skipped. Once they'd all spawned in, Tyler ran off to specimen in search. He wasn't about to tell anyone he was a killer, but he actually didn't kill Kara.

The door opened and Tyler turned curiously, seeing Brock standing there looking hesitantly. Tyler hurriedly muted himself, turning to look at his little. "Daddy Ty?" He whispered and Tyler opened his arms, gesturing him forward.

Brock scurried over, tucking himself into Tyler's lap. Tyler kept an eye on his game but focused on his little. "What happened?" He asked softly, making sure the mic didn't pick up his words. No one in the game except Send1t, Larry, Himi and Nogla even knew the five were in a relationship, and no one knew about Brock, Jon and Brian being Littles.

Brock sighed, head tilted on Tyler's shoulder. "Just tired. Missed you," he mumbled and Tyler kissed his head. "You can sit here, but we have to be quiet okay? Daddy's recording, and almost no one here knows about us, baby boy," he whispered gently, realizing a meeting had been called in game.

Brock nodded, tucking himself into Tyler's side and watching the screen curiously. Tyler looked down at him a moment before unmuting, hearing Pasta complaining.

"Tyler hasn't said anything in a while, I think he's guilty," Nogla said cheerfully and Tyler rolled his eyes. "I was muted fucktard. I didn't do anything that round, I barely even left admin," he complained and Brock curled closer at the tone.

Tyler softened his hold a moment, kissing his forehead. "He's right, I think he stood in a corner that whole round," Bonsai said and Tyler said, "Ha, vouched. Suck it Nogla."

Everyone skipped and Tyler started following Nogla, taunting him as Nogla yelled. "I'm not fucking doing anything, I'm just following you so you don't have any evidence," Tyler said loudly over Nogla and Brock flinched.

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