You Are Not Alone

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This isn't a prompt lol I keep listening to StarAI's BBS covers and Brian's AI cover of You Are Not Alone had me thinking of this. Short little sweet fluff, enjoy!


Brian had a secret from his boys. Not a bad one, no no no, but he felt awkward about it.

Daithi had taught him guitar a while ago, and he really loved it. He also liked to sing sometimes, though he knew he wasn't that good. It was something he'd picked up a few months before after Brock's mental breakdown, thinking he needed something to help himself.

Daithi was the only one who knew, and surprisingly was doing a really good job at keeping it a secret. Though he'd almost told by sending Brian a brand new acoustic guitar for his birthday last month. Thankfully Brian had caught the package while the others were busy or out and was able to hide it in his recording room closet before they saw.

Currently, his four boys were elsewhere and he was the only one home. Tyler and Evan had gone to Anthony's, Jon and Brock having a them day. They'd all felt bad when Brian had said he'd stay home, but he insisted and said he'd be fine, he had a recording session lined up with Marcel, Scotty, Courage, and Marksman.

He did, he didn't lie about that, but that wasn't until later that afternoon. Right now, he wanted to sit and play his guitar and sing a little. Something to sooth himself after a long week.

Just the other night
I thought I heard you cry
Asking me to come
And hold you in my arms

I can hear your prayers
Your burdens I will bear
But first I need your hand
Then forever can begin

He sang softly to himself, smiling faintly as he strummed the cords. His shoulders were relaxed, eyes closed as he listened to the music. He loved this.


Brock and Jon walked into the living room, kicking their shoes off by the front door. "Brian?" Jon called but getting no reply. The two gave each other confused glances as they started off, looking silently for their missing boyfriend.

They got down the hall and Brock paused, looking at Jon confused. They could hear a gentle guitar playing down the hall, but no one had that song anywhere? A soft, unknown voice was singing too, unintelligible with distance.

They followed the song and stopped by Brian's recording room where the sound was the loudest. Brock carefully opened the door and the two peeked in, eyes wide as they saw Brian facing away from them, barely visible by the window as the lights were off.

He had a guitar in his hands (when did he get a guitar?) and was softly strumming it. The notes were smooth and confident, making the two wonder how and when he'd learned.

Suddenly Brian started singing and the twos hearts melted, entranced by the others voice.

You are not alone
I am here with you
Though we're far away
I am here to stay

You are not alone
I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
You are not alone

Brock and Jon listened with awed hearts, falling even more in love. They heard footsteps and hastily backed away, Brock closing the door soundlessly as Jon rushed down the hall hissing a "shush!"

Tyler and Evan froze in the hallway, bewilderment on their faces. Brock gestured them forward with a finger on his lips, still able to hear Brian playing softly behind the door.

Moments in Life - Poly!BBSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora