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It had been one amazing month since Brian, Brock, Evan and Tyler had shown up at Jon's home, and he was struggling. Jon knew he was hiding a big piece of himself, and he'd spent too many sleepless nights with Luke stressing on how to tell them.

Jon was regressed at the moment, curled up on Luke's couch with a teddy bear in his arms. "You okay Jonny?" Luke asked softly, covering the little with a blanket.

"How do I tell them Lukey?" He whispered and Luke pulled his brother to his side. "Do you want me to talk to them?" He asked softly and Jon shook his head quickly.

"No, I want to tell them. But how?" He asked, looking up at his brother with doe eyes. Luke smiled fondly at him and hugged him tighter. "We're flying down to Tyler's in a couple days, yeah? Just sit and tell them, who knows, they might know about it," he encouraged and Jon sighed, resting his head against Luke's arm.

"Okay, I'll try," he mumbled and Luke nodded. "Do you need anything? Juice? A snack?" He asked and Jon shook his head, yawning. "Can I nap?" He mumbled and Luke nodded, shifting down so Jon could lay across his lap.

Jon sighed, closing his eyes as Luke's hand started threading gently through his hair. He'd find a way to tell his boys about this side of him. It was too big too hide after all.


"Jon!" He heard Tyler call excitedly, he and Luke walking up the driveway to Tyler's Tennessee home. Jon's tallest boyfriend ran out the door, Kino and Archie barking behind him.

Jon laughed as Tyler picked him up, spinning him once before setting him down to give him a kiss. "Hey Luke," Tyler greeted Jon's brother and Luke gasped, a hand to his chest.

"No kiss for me too? How rude," he mock cried and Tyler scrunched his nose. "Should have brought Genay if you wanted kisses, sorry," he said unapologetically and Jon laughed at Luke's grin.

"Is anyone else here yet?" Jon asked hopefully and Tyler shook his head. "Brock's plane lands any time now, Evan and Brian won't be here till after dinner," he said and Jon let out a long suffering sigh.

"I need all my boys together though," he complained and Tyler rolled his eyes. "Am I not enough for you?" He asked mock pained and Jon grinned up at him.

"Of course you are, but you can't tell me you don't miss the other three too," he said and Tyler smiled. "Of course I do. It's been three fucking weeks since I've seen you guys, I'm having withdrawals," he complained and Jon laughed.

"Come on in, we can wait for the others in the AC," he said and Jon followed curiously. This was his first time in Tyler's house, though he'd seen a bit from the others vlogs with his friends.

"Anthony and Keller have promised to stay away this week, so the only new faces will be Archie and Kino," Tyler said and Jon smiled a bit relieved. He wasn't quite ready to meet the others.

"Alright, Luke, your room is upstairs, second door on the left. I've upgraded my bed, so you and the other three will be with me," Tyler said to Jon who smiled brightly. Luke headed upstairs as Tyler took Jon's bag and led him to his bedroom.

Kino and Archie followed them there and curled up into their beds, Jon smiling fondly at them before jumping onto the bed. He curled up under the covers, sighing happily.

"I'm never leaving your bed," Jon mumbled, muffled by the blankets and Tyler laughed. "You're welcome to it, as long as I get to share," he said and Jon peeked out from under the blanket, eyes twinkling mischievously.

"Nope, all mine, you can snuggle Kino," he teased and Tyler put his hands on his hips. "Oh really?" He said amused and Jon grinned, popping back under the covers. He heard footsteps and prepared himself, his breath rushing out as Tyler jumped on him.

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