Big softy

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Davinas pov

"Okay your turn" Draco said with a smirk.

We're playing truth or dare while we wait for our food at one of the local diners in hogsmade.

"Truth or dare" I asked smiling.

But before he could respond a young waitress had walked over to our table, carrying our food in either hand.

I immediately started eating my pancakes while Draco began eating his sandwich.

It was pretty quiet while we ate, the both of us were starving.

We were walking around hogsmade just window shopping until I had finally convinced Draco to go into honeydooks so that I could get candy.

"What are you wanting to get?" He looked down at me while I skipped through the store. "I was thinking whispy wand. They are my favorite. "

"Okay I'll buy" he said taking the candies out of my hands and walking to the front.

"No it's okay I've got it" I said reaching around him for the candy, but he simply just held it above his head.

This cunt. "That's not even fair, you know I can't reach up there" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

He was smiling a big smile, showing off his pearly teeth, I swear they twinkled.

"So you'll let me pay then?" He asked smirking.

"Fine." Was all I said while crossing my arms over my chest and giving him a fake pouty face.

"What's next?" He asked as we walked down the streets. I wasn't really listening though, I had stopped in my tracks.

I could hear my heart in my ears. I could feel my chest closing again and the tears start to burn my eyes. As I watched Lorenzo tuck a piece of hair behind her ear.

Behind Lucile's ear. They were across the street from us, leaned against a bench they were sat on.

Draco quickly noticed and stepped in front of me to block the view.

But it was too late. I already saw the horrific view.

I took a big swallow and blinked my eyes quickly. "You never picked" I said looking only at his chest as he stood in front of me.

I hadn't even realized we were against a wall or that his hand was firm on my arm. He looked down grabbing my chin to lift it and make me look at him.

"What do you mean?" He asked seriously.

"Truth or dare?" I asked innocently. Still trying to hold down the vile I felt in my chest and throat.

"Uh ...dare? But Davina are you sure that you're okay?"

"I dare you to kiss me." I said it quickly. I almost didn't have time to think about it.

I knew they would have spotted us by now. But I didn't even care right now. I needed a distraction from this awful feeling. And I know that Draco did too.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me close as our lips connected. I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen it. It was hungry.

He bit my bottom lip to gain access, slowly moving his tongue into my mouth.


He began to kiss down my jaw then slowly pulled away.

"You're not as bad of a kisser as I would've thought d" he said calmly.

My face was red. That was new. Just the other day he called me a nickname. But this was a nickname that only he had ever called me.

D. I like it.

Maybe a little too much.

"You're not so bad yourself Draco" I smiled and then we were off back to the castle.

Draco's pov

"Where have the two of you been?" Matteo asked as soon as we walked into the common room.

"Out" Davina quickly responded, still holding a smile.

Then Lorenzo appeared from behind him, "yeah so what were yall doing?" He asked with a smug look.

"Shopping, Draco here bought me a shit tone of candy! You want some Matt?" She said and skipped over to sit by her brother.

But he was staring at me. Intently. Threateningly.  Knowingly.

It was terrifying. I just know Lorenzo told him what he had seen. That he had seen me and her kissing.

I wonder if that is all that he told him.

I took a seat across from them, and Lorenzo sat to my side in one of the chairs while Davina ranted to her brother about her morning with me. Only leaving out the kiss.

"Who would've thought Draco was a big softy?" Lorenzo spoke suddenly when Davina was finally done.

She sat up from her slouched position on the couch and sat her candy down.

"And who would've thought you were such a jealous prick" she said eyeing him seriously.

Matteo was holding back a laugh. He covered his face quickly and hunched over.

Lorenzo though looked red, angry.

"Shes got you there mate" I said looking over at him while trying to conceal my own laughter.

So sorry for the short chapter, and for posting so late I hope yall still enjoy and give me plenty of feedback, I've had a really bad writers block as well as being caught up with school and work don't forget to vote(:

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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