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I decided that I would spend today with matheo. We both only had three classes today so once we were done we agreed to catch up.

My first class was devinations and oh my I wanted to drop out so bad.

It was so cool at first but now mis trelawny keeps telling me I'm in danger.

I tried to ignore it but I couldn't shake the feeling I had stuck in the pit of my stomach. Next I had dadda with snape.

I had him twice today. For dadda and potions, it was only temporary I know they would eventually find someone to fill one of the two positions.

I am just not looking forward to it at all.

When I first walk into dadda snape is staring directly at me. I hadn't realized I was late until now. I knew I shouldn't have stopped at the bathroom on my way.

"Nice of you to join us mis black." He said in his full tone turning back to look at the board.

I took my seat and took out my things. We were learning about defensive spells.

I had grown a headache from the sound of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley bickering for the whole class.

They were sat directly behind me.

I ticked my quill against the desk, shaking my leg and looking back and forth between my paper and the clock to try and ease my anger at the two boys behind me.

20 minutes left of class. I couldn't handle it. I quickly raised my hand and asked to go to the restroom.

Snape reluctantly said yes, reminding me that there were only twenty minutes left of the class.

I sped walk down the hall way, I just needed a little piece and quiet.

I felt it happening again.

The halls were closing in the floor beneath me wavy like I was on a roller coaster. I suddenly couldn't breathe, and my throat was tight. I found a near by window seal and just sat, holding my chest tight and squinting my eyes.

I took deep breaths trying to remind myself where I was.

Reaching my hands out around me to feel the things beneath me, beside me, and above me.

I counted the things that I could feel.

Gripping onto the window ledges. I listened. 

I counted the things that I could hear, trying to keep my mind on anything else but the overwhelming feeling that had come over me.

I I opened my eyes, I counted the things I could see, then the things I could smell.

Last I took deep breaths in and out of my mouth and leaned my head back tapping my fingers against one another.

I looked down at my watch.


There were only 4 minutes left of class so I took my time to walk.

I got to the door right as everyone was getting out I quickly walked in and gathered my things. I told Snape that I wasn't feeling well and he nodded his head.

He was more kind than I had imagined. Though if it was anyone else I was sure that he would not have been.

I tried not to think about it as I went back to the dungeons. As soon as I walked in I saw Enzo and Lucile practically fucking on the couch.

She was straddling him and they were making out intensely . I just stood there in shock with my mouth slightly open. "What the fu-" I started but Enzo stopped me by almost throwing Lucile to the floor.

They both just stared at me. Not saying anything. I looked past Enzo straight to Lucile. She knew I was getting feelings for him.

She was just saying she liked Draco.

What the fuck.

I walked up the stairs to my dorm and just layed on my bed. Thinking. Crying.

I woke up to matheo sitting on my bed, rubbing my arm gently.

"Shit. What time is it?" I asked frantically looking at him.

"Just after lunch, you okay D?"

"Why wouldn't I be? I just fell asleep my bad."
I knew he wouldn't believe me but it was worth the shot.

"You've been crying d, talk to me."

"It's nothing" I said almost in a whisper, staining at the bed instead of at my brother.


"He kissed Lucile."

I said quick. My brother didn't know I fancied Lorenzo. No one did. Not even Lorenzo.

"Who did?"

It was more of a demand than a question. Like I didn't have a choice but to answer.

"Lo- Lorenzo"

My voice started to crack and when I met my brothers eyes that was it. I fell into his lap crying, not too rough but hard enough to stagger my breathing.

"Do you want me to kill them?"

He grabbed my chin to make me look up at him. He was serious.

"N-no it's fine. It's not like we were together or anything, but I, I just thought there was something there. "

My brother held me while I cried. He didn't say anything just held me. Finally after about an hour we decided to go walk around campus. To try and clear my head.

"So when were you going to tell me you fell for my bestfriend?"

He said with a smirk, nudging my shoulder slightly.

"After I admitted it to myself probably. But there is no point in it now. He obviously doesn't feel the same."

"Lorenzo isn't the smartest, he has a lot of issues with how he sees himself, I will talk to him."

"There is no need, really. I think I got the memo, and besides there are plenty more boys at hogwarts."

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