Second year

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Lorenzo's POV

"Lorenzo!!!" Onyx squeeled running down the hall.

I turned around and she nearly knocked me to the floor. "Have you seen Blaise?"

"No..." I answered honestly, why was she looking for Blaise?

"You literally suckkk! He's ignoring me again" she said crossing her arms and putting on a fake pouty face, sticking out her lip.

"I wish I could help onyx but I really haven't seen him, have you checked the dorms?"

"OH MY GOD NO! ILL BE RIGHT BACK" she said, basically screaming at me and began running back towards the dungeons.

I went and sat at my seat in the great hall, waiting for the rest of my friends to arrive.


"I can not waittt to go home!" Onyx whined.

We were sitting in the common room.

"Why, are you that tired of me?" Blaise said pouting and looking at the girl.

Draco, Lucille and I all cringed internally.

I don't understand why Draco was cringing tho, he and Lucille act almost the same way.

I was the only one who really had the right to. I mean I am super happy for my friends of course!

But sometimes I felt lonely.

But at least I had matheo. He came to hogwarts this year and quickly became a part of our group.

He and I were the only ones so far not basically married at 13.

While the others would trail off as usual matheo and I would hang out with the weasleys and pull pranks on teachers or students on dates.

It was very fun, to be honest.

Matheo was probably my closest mate, besides Draco of course. Blaise and I aren't as close, he's usually just there. But he is definitely still one of my best mates.

I didn't know where matheo was at the moment.

Probably in the dorm packing, he moved into our dorm earlier last month. We rather have had him then Adrian pucey who if I might add was a total arse.

He had sticky fingers and did not see a problem with snooping in others belongings.

"Has anyone seen matheo?" I ask looking around the room.

"Yeah, he said he was going to write to his family" Lucille said looking your way.

Draco's eyes softened, almost as if he had gotten upset by the fact she had talked to him.

I knew Draco liked her. He wasn't as comfortable with matheo as I was so I guess he was just feeling protective.

Onyx and Lucille were basically part of the family now. And so was matheo.

But I was still wondering.. what family?

Matheo told me he didn't talk much to his parents, I wonder what other family he would be writing to.

OKKAY GETTING BETTER!? We're almost to the good stuff lol

Just the two of usOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora