how ghost and king first met

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(Requested by KoopaGhostKing59)

Ghost just came back and Everyone was just relaxing not doing some are chatting with others while Union (Y/n) is playing with the twins until he he got curious of something

Union (Y/n): by the did you meet king?

Ghost: oh now thats a story i should all tell you!

Adrian: huh you still remember that

Ghost: of course i still remember you think dont i have friends?

Ghost: rude, but ill tell you guys how i met king so buckle up i have one hell of a story to tell you guys!


A portal opens and ghost looks around on where he is right now

Ghost: what the? i in hell? Which universe of hazbin/helluva is this?

Ghost starts walking around until he felt someone strong

Ghost: thats one hell of a power if you ask me....i better check it out!

Ghost went to check that massive surge of power until he sees him

Ghost: hey you! You look strong!

???: hm? Who are you?

Ghost: just a guy travelling through multiverses to see who are strong

King: well in that king morningstar or you can call me koopaghostking or kgk for short

Ghost: nice to meet you im code ghost

King: real name?

Ghost: sorry man but cant tell ya, so! You look strong! Mind fighting with me for a bit?

King: sure.....just so you know.....i wont hold back!

King transform to his overlord form
Which ghost admits its pretty cool

King transform to his overlord formWhich ghost admits its pretty cool

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Ghost: nice form

King: thanks, but no more stalling

King rushes to ghost only for him to dodge and get kicked in the face making him stumble but he didnt stop there he blocks a barrage of punches from him and kicks him in the stomach making him fly to a wall

Ghost: *chuckles* now THIS is a fight!!

Ghost brings out kanshou and byakuya and throws them at him and he didges them with no effort until he sees ghost with with Gaè bolg

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