What was she supposed to say? That's alright. Go off and love another woman.


What were you expecting her to say?

"You're doing great." The PT says his hand, out to catch her if she falls. It has been a few months since the crash though Wanda's recovery has only begun. You come as moral support when her parents or Pietro were unable.

Which seems to be more common lately. With drowning in medical bills, Ms. Maximoff had to pick up another job while Mr. Maximoff took on more hours and even Pietro had dropped out of college to help out.

You wish you could do something to help, something more than sitting in a chair while your girlfriend struggled to take a couple steps forward.

The maximoffs refuse the money you have saved and the help you've offered. You thought deep down they blame you for the accident.

Almost as much as you blame yourself. Yelena won't talk to you, because she feels it unfair that you're living a lie and you've shut the others out.

You thought it best that way. So they wouldn't have to choose sides and she could have all her people.

"Detka look."

You look up from one of the square tiles of the floor and watch as she takes a step all by herself. You smile though feel even worse about yourself. Her arms began to shake and quickly gave out.

You rush across the room to her side where she lies hunched on the floor. You were surprised to see her laughing. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She laughs so hard she barely seems to be breathing. "I'm fine." she looks up, those beautiful eyes meeting yours. "I'm fine"

"Let me help you up." you reach for her waist, her arms wrapping around your shoulders as you lift her from the floor and into the wheelchair she had been in. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes." she assures you. Through these months she has kept a smile on her face and it amazes you. Your eyes flicker between hers, searching for an ounce of doubt yet only catch a speck of something else. Your furrow your brows confused.

"You're hovering again." she mumbles. It's a smidge of annoyance. She wants to go again and you can see the disappointment in her expression when the PT tells her she's had enough for today.

For the first time she doesn't seem so bubbly.


Back in her bedroom she sat up with her arms crossed over her chest. You could feel she was upset from the chair you moved in beside her bed, but didn't say anything. You sat scrolling through Instagram.

Watching your 'friends' live their lives. Everyone is enjoying their freshman year of college. You were doing online classes so you could spend more time here - with Wanda.

"I could have kept going." Wanda grumbles her eyes averted out the window. Where the rain happens to be coming down.

"Your PT said-" she cuts you off short,

"He wouldn't have if you didn't pull me off the floor. I could have gotten up on my own." she barks, hands coming to smack the blankets.

"You're right," you shake your head, "I'm sorry," you say. She falls roughly into the mattress, with a harsh groan. You spent most of the night there, at her house, just watching over her. She found it aggravating, but there wasn't anyone else to do it. Mrs. Maximoff got a second job, Mr. Maximoff worked longer hours, and even Pietro was working extra hours outside of class to help pay for Wanda's medical bills. You offered money, but they never took it.

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