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"I choose to be your friend, but falling in love with you was out of my control"


Another Tuesday night and Yelena paces back and forth in her bedroom, on the phone arguing with none other than her boyfriend, Flash Thompson. The world's biggest douchebag. Though there had been countless arguments before, this one was different, louder. Plugging in your earbuds you collapse onto your bed as the sound of Taylor swift drowns out the conversation that could be heard through closed windows.

You of many find, the king of the court, to be quite the bully. From stealing kids' lunch money to shoving dweebs into lockers, Flash did it all. Yelena, on the other hand, blinded by the flowers and the chocolates, the hugs and the kisses, she doesn't see him in the way the rest of the school does.

It's not until the faint sound of a 'tap' hits against the glass, that you are drawn out of your light slumber. You yank on the cord and your earbuds fumble out and onto your bed. And then another 'tap'.

It's Yelena throwing whatever she can find at your window. Her tear-stained cheeks were hidden behind a fake smile, but you saw right through her facade, and your anger at having been woken up so late vanished. Biting off the cap of a sharpie you spit it carelessly to the floor as you grab a large sketch pad and start to scribble a note onto the blank page.

'U Ok?'

Holding up the paper, a frown consumes her expression, then she shakes her head. With a single finger, the young blonde gestures for you to wait a moment before she scribbles in her own book.

'We Broke Up'

Writing the word SHOCKER in all caps, it was a no-brainer when you quickly crumble the sheet of paper, tossing it aside. You can hate the basketball player with every bone in your body but at the end of the day, he was Yelena's first love. Putting her feelings before yours, you write your next word carefully.


The young blonde rolled her eyes and her next message had you silently chuckling to yourself.


Throughout the years of being Yelena's best friend, this has been your go to way of communicating, but it's kinda difficult for long conversations, so you keep it short. Looking up from your papers, you see curtains closed as you hold up one last message,

'I Love You...'

You've tried for years to get over these feelings that you've developed for your best friend but you come to the realization, it's hopeless. Ripping the page from the book, you crumble it into a ball before throwing it into the trash bin. Head hitting the pillow, your thoughts wander back to the first night you fell in love with the young blonde.

It was after midnight and Yelena was craving some sort of adventure and somewhere along the way, you were drawn in. There was a No Trespassing sign in your path, yet you foolishly continued to drive past it, aware of the possibility of disaster.

The two of you sat on the trunk of your car, watching as the planes took off and flew over your heads. Within moments the plane would become another blinking star in the night sky.

Her sun-kissed mane fanned out along the rear windshield, while you propped yourself on your elbow to get a better look of the little Russian, heart warming to the way your hand seems to fit so perfectly in hers.

And just when you thought the moment would last forever, the flashing of blue pulled your attention and everything went downhill from there. The officers instructed you to put your hands on the hood and spread your legs while they frisked you. And whilst getting that pat down your eyes were amusingly on Yelena, the blue flashing along her fair skin as she did her best to sweet talk the men in uniform.

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