Chapter 8 : Cute Date!

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guys. i am. so lost. on ideas.

also like my main device broke lololol!!! so im writing this from my moms computer haha!!!!! fun!!!! (help)


"RAIN PLEASE! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!" Tommy exclaimed, hands on Rain's shoulders.

She sighed. "Toms, I have places to be and everyone else is busy." Rain explains, trying to exit the house.

"Rain, you don't understand! You can't leave me alone with that Fanta Ed Sheeran wannabe!" Tommy continued, trying to stop Rain from leaving.

"Tommy.. Please?"

Tom felt like she might cry.

"...Die. Don't use that on me."

Rain sighed. Again. "Toms, I'm getting late. I've already called Fanta too." 

Okay, Rain. So you're just going to leave me like this. I see.

"...I hope you have an awful day." Tommy huffs, crossing her arms.

Rain shook her head. What was she shaking her head at?? 

"I'll see you later."

"Stop acting like you're older than me!"


Well. This was awkward.

"You're not allowed to stay in your own home... Alone?" Fanta said, snickering.

Tommy rolled her eyes. "You can't say that."

The Ed Sheeran wannabe tilted his head to the side, raising an eyebrow. "Why not?" 

"Is it not obvious? Your name is Fanta. Like. The drink." Tommy giggled. "Did your parents hate you that much they named you Fanta?" 

That shut Fanta up.

Okay, that was a bit mean.

"Tommy, why don't we just.. Start over? This clearly isn't working out, and if shit continues like this any longer I will kill myself!" Fanta says cheerfully.

Ginger Ass was weird. Fuckin' Dazai Osamu wannabe. 

He even had that haircut. Stupid bitch.

"Okay, well... Since you asked, I'm Tommy. I am a minor, and my favorite color is red." Tommy says, smiling.

Why was Fanta looking like that.

"Are you in fucking kindergarten?" He asked.

Okay. What the fuck.

"No???" Tommy says, looking offended.

Fanta raised an eyebrow. "Introduce yourself properly then!"

Formal ass bitch.

"I did! You introduce yourself!" 

"Okay, fine. I'm Fanta, I study biology, aand... I work at a nearby animal shelter." Fanta smiled.

He thinks hes better than her.

"Biology sucks ass. You work at an animal shelter?" Tommy asked, looking interested.


Fanta nods. "Do you wanna come with me and see the animals?"

Holy shit.


Its a date! 


"Fanta..?" Tommy calls.

Fanta places the dog back in it's cage. "Whats wro-- HOLY SHIT?"

Tommy is never touching a cat ever again.

"I don't think your cats like me very much." She murmurs, oddly quiet.

Fanta wonders if Tommy is currently possessed.

"What did you do to get her to scratch you??" Fanta asks, looking concerned.

There we go with that fucking TONE OF VOICE AGAIN.

Tommy frowns. "How the fuck do you expect me to know?"

Fanta looks relieved. Tommy being quiet was... weird!

He sighs nonetheless. "Its just a couple of scratches." 

Okay. What the flip.

"Okay, big strong man. It hurts." Tommy grumbles, elbowing Fanta, earning a chuckle from him.


Fanta smiles at Tommy, looking smug. "You're a weak one."

"I am NOT weak!"

"Mhm.. Also, I didn't know you thought of me as a big strong man?" Fanta continues, mocking Tommy.

This leprechaun looking fucker.

Tommy looks at Fanta with a look of disgust that probably wasn't real. "That was cringe."

"You didn't deny it." Fanta says, smile widening.

"HEY! Just 'cause I forgot to respond to that, doesn't mean I do think of you like that! Besides, you look like the Wallmart version of Ed Sheeran." Tommy huffs, putting her hand to where the cat had scratched her, rubbing that area.

Fucking cats.

"Alright. Whatever you say, Toms." Fanta hums, stretching a bit as he stands up.

"Hey, you don't have the permission to call me that!" 

"I don't? My bad, Tomathy."

A murder was about to occur, and Tommy miraculously knew who the victim was before it even happened! Bonkers! 


word count : 508


so fucking goofy man!! i was rereading the entire story and man i had myself laughing SO HARD
i'll try to add more to this soon, im getting SOMEWHAT of a plot in mind >_<

do we want more ren content? fanta and tommy both meet ren? :3

who knows, i might even just make one chapter just with ren selling drugs. LMAO.

enjoy reading this!!!!!

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