Chapter 1 : Out at Night

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It was a normal Saturday night. 

Tom was walking down the road, on her way home. It wasn't long before she bumped into someone. God, can she ever look where shes going? She doesn't have 20/20 vision for no reason, use it.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry." Tommy says, looking up at the person she had bumped into.

Holy fuck they were hot. Ginger hair and green eyes, and an orange collared up shirt— Why was he just wearing orange

holy fuck. he is an orange.

"It's fine." The person says, chuckling.

"I'm Fanta, nice to meet you." Fanta greets, extending his arm.

Tommy thinks shes in love.

"Marr- Hi, I'm Tom, most people call me Tommy. Nice to meet you too, Fanta." Tommy says, ignoring the racket thats going in her head.

holy fuck holy shit what the fuck oh my God im in love what oh my holy shir oh my God what

Fanta smiles at Tommy. Before he can even speak, Tommy cuts him off.

 "Are you single?"

Fanta seems taken aback. Does he not know what love at first sight means?

"I-I'm sorry?" He says politely. 

Well, Tommy would say Fanta was in shock. Its not everyday the realest and poggest woman ever asks you if youre single, right?

Tommy sighs, giving Fanta a smile. "No need to apologize. I'll say it again. Are you single?" 

Fanta blinks. "Y-yes, I am." 

"Be my boyfriend."


"I said what I said."

"Of course!"

And then they kissed.

And then Tommy woke up.

"What the fuck."

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