Chapter 6: Late Night Drive

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"Calm down, Tom—"


10 minutes earlier

Tommy was standing on the roadside, perhaps she shouldn't have done crack. 

Reneer was nice, though ...

Tommy giggled.

"Gay and nice." She murmured, earning a glare from an elderly couple across the street.

Tommy had completely forgotten the car was at her exact location, so when the horn honked, Tommy thought the end of the world had finally arrived.

"Hiya, it's me." The Ginger-Ass says, getting out of the car.

"Hi... Ginger." Tommy grumbles, crossing her arms. 

She wasn't in the mood to deal with his orange, leprechaun looking ass.

The Ginger-Ass looked as if he was about to pop a blood vessel.

"Look, I'll put you and me both out of our misery." Fanta says, putting a hand in his jacket's pocket.

He thinks he's allat.

"Does that mean you're going to kill me, or yourself?"

Ginger-Ass sighed, done with Tommy's bullshit.

He just did the Rain sigh™!

"Get in the car, please." Ginger-Ass asks with a forced smile.

"What if you kidnap me?" Tommy asks back, narrowing her eyes.

"Rain sent me here—" Ginger-Ass begins.

"What's your name." Tommy interrupts, having a shit-eating grin on her face.

"Fanta, nice to mee—"


"Calm down, Tom—"


And then everything went black.

Tommy woke up in the backseat of a car, street lights blinding her vision. "What the fuck..." She mumbles, sitting up straight. 

"I am so glad I didn't have to wake you up. Were you on drugs the entire time?" Fanta asks, raising an eyebrow.

"No, I don't do dru— ..Yeah, I don't." Tommy says groggily, remembering how Reneer distributed drugs to her.

Fanta chuckled.

That was hot. Wait—

"Mind getting out of my car?" Fanta asks, yawning.

"You're saying that like I want to stay here." Tommy replies, getting out of the car.

Fanta snorts, rolling down the car window. "I don't think you know how despite many times I've called your name, you weren't waking up." 

No way that happened.

Tommy's never been this embarrassed.

"...Drugs." She grumbles, walking towards her door, entering her house, and shutting the door.

The revs of the vehicle indicated that Fanta had left with his annoying-ass camry.

Tommy sat on her warm, warm floor. 

Why was it as comfortable as her bed.

"What the fuck.." 

A/N : ME & FANTA !!! YIPEPEPEE !! i love us :3 (why am i like this over a drink.) i really liked this chapter, and i hope you do too ^_^

p.s : 147 views terrifies me

word count : 399

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