Chapter 2 : Meet Up

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"What the fuck?" 

What the hell did Tommy just dream. He met a guy named Fanta, asked him out, and the two kissed? what??

Tommy got up from her bed. This is gonna be fucking hilarious to share with Rain

Rain was Tommy's bestest friend EVER!! They were always together and always have the time of their lives with each other.

Tommy got ready, sent Rain a location, and headed out.


"Okay, first, what the fuck?" Rain said, sounding genuinely concerned because how in the name of fuck do you dream about Fanta being a real person.

"Beats me, man. I don't ask to dream, the dreams ask to dream." Tommy shrugs, taking a sip of Fanta.

Rain blinked. She seemed to be in confusion. Well, that's just the Tommy effect™. 

"Wh- I'm not even going to ask at this point." Rain says, taking a bite out of her own food.

"Then don't" Tommy replies, earning a very nice glare from Rain.

Rain sighs, most likely done with Tommy's bullshit. "Sometimes I wonder how we're friends."

"Me too." Tommy grins. (:3)

Tommy's best friend shook her head at him before remembering something.

"Oh by the way, my boyfriend wanted us to meet up with him at a nearby park. He made a new friend, and thinks you'll like him." Rain says, smiling.

" him?" Tommy asks suspiciously, raising an eyebrow.

Rain groaned in annoyance. The usual. 

"He's a boy. He can have guy friends??" Rain says, nudging Tom.

"I knew that, but... me liking his friend?" Tommy asks again, skeptical.

"NOT LIKE THAT, YOU FUCKING BITCH—" Rain took a deeep breath in. "Like as in friends, Tom. Friends." She says, pinching the bridge of her nose as Tommy let out an 'OHHHHHH'.

"Anyways, have you finished your food?" Rain asks, standing up. 

"No. Piss off, I'm finishing my Fanta." Tommy says, drinking her Fanta.

"C'mon bitch, you can drink on the way." The girl says, pulling Tommy up by her shirt's collar.

"OW— Don't fucking do that ever again, I'll punch you." Tommy threatens, earning a very nice glare from Rain. Eh, would be best for Tommy to listen. Not because she's scared or anything. She just wanted to.

Tommy and Rain soon reached the park. It was a five minutes walk away, but it ended up being ten, because Tommy didn't want to leave her Fanta bottle. Could you blame her?

"You took your time." Mattew, Rain's boyfriend says, snickering. 

"Yeah, yeah. You should ask Tom that." Rain says, looking over at Tommy.

Tommy didn't respond.


"Tom, you good, man?"

Tommy stared at Mattew's friend. She looked shocker than shock.

 Why the fuck was Fanta real.

"Y'know you can stop staring." Mattew's friend says, a smug look on his face.

"Shut the fuck up, I wasn't staring." Tommy grumbles, crossing her arms before Rain elbows her.

"Don't be yourself!" Rain whispers. 

Tom looks depressed.

"Nice to meet you too." Mattew's friend says, chuckling.

"I will punch you." Tommy threats.

"You sure? You look like you're five feet tall— I bet you're shorter than that." Mattew's friend snickers, his hands in his pockets.

"Oh, I am going to fucking—"

"Tommy, what do you have to say for yourself?" Rain scolds Tommy, who is currently sitting on the floor with a bruised face.

"That guy is a dickhead." She grumbles.

Rain looks like shes going to grow white hair. 

"You don't even know his name!" Rain exclaims, frowning.

Tommy scoffs. "I don't wanna know that ginger-ass's name. Ginger Ass is a bloody good name as it is." She says, standing up before rain pushes her back on the ground.

"Sit and think." 

"What the fuck."

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