As we followed Bea through the aisles, she pointed out different sections and highlighted some of the unique features of Adams Archives. "Over here, we have our fiction section," she explained, gesturing to a row of shelves filled with novels of every genre. She began to point as various places of the store and their corresponding signs. "Over there are the maps, geography and language books."

Finally arriving at a row labeled graphic novels, Jon began to walk over and inspect the various books. Jon's eyes sparkled with excitement as he perused the shelves, his fingers trailing over the spines of the books. "This is amazing," he exclaimed. "I could spend hours here."

Bea chuckled. "Feel free to stay as long as you like. Let me show you two more things."

Leading us to the back of the store, Bea opened a door and pointed to a fenced area enclosed by a tall black spiky fence. "This is our outdoor reading area," she said, her voice tinged with pride. "It's the perfect spot to escape into a book and enjoy the fresh air."

We stepped outside, breathing in deeply as the crisp cool air filled our lungs. The fenced-in area was surrounded by ivy-covered walls, creating a sense of privacy and tranquility. Various patches of flowers, tables and chairs were scattered around, inviting us to sit and relax amidst the beauty of nature.

As we made our way back inside, Bea turned and took us down a flight of stairs to a spacious basement. The air growing cooler as we descended, and the faint scent of old paper and dust filling my nostrils. Rows upon rows of shelves stretched out before us, each packed with books, boxes and trinkets of all shapes and sizes.

"This is our basement storage area," Bea explained. "We keep overflow inventory down here, as well as some special collections and what my grandfather owned."

As we made our way back upstairs, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sheer abundance of books contained within, easily reaching over a thousand. After the tour, we found ourselves sitting back at a table in one of the cozy nooks, we began to debate what exactly our subject should be. Armed with books from the science section, we delved into research, discussing and debating numerous celestial bodies and events before finally deciding on one.

"This book has some great information about asteroids," I said, flipping through the pages showing them photos. "Did you know that most people don't know the difference between asteroids, meteors and meteorites? Why don't we just do that?"

"Is there a difference? I don't know that much about anything space related. " Gannon inquired. I nodded, replying, "Asteroids, meteors, and meteorites are all celestial objects found in space, but they have distinct characteristics. Asteroids are the rocky bodies that orbit the Sun and are typically found in the asteroid belt. What most people call shooting stars, are smaller chunks and debris that enter Earth's atmosphere and burn up, producing bright streaks of light. Meteorites are the remnants of asteroids that survive the journey through Earth's atmosphere and land on the surface. They can vary in size from tiny rocks to large boulders and are composed of rock, metal, or a combination of both."
Gannon looked over to Jon and laughed, "You really weren't kidding when you said he'd be a huge help on this project, he explained that really well."

"Thanks, I don't wanna do all the work though." I said chuckling, while raising my hands and backing away. "I'm actually getting a little hungry, I kind of skipped breakfast. Would you guys mind if i went and got food? I don't mind getting something for everyone. I'll be quick." Jon spoke up and agreed. "I don't mind, I'm a bit hungry myself but what are you thinking?"

"I'm fine with literally anything, what are you guys thinking?" I said while looking over to Bea and Gannon, not giving them time to deny. I had heard their stomachs rumble during our tour. They waited a second before both saying "Takeout?", they looked at each other and chuckled. With Jon and I agreeing, I got their orders and grabbed my keys and backpack, checking the time. 3:35.

The Group ProjectDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora