"Fucking lairs," said Jacob, and switched to another channel. They were also covering the same story, same pictures but with different angles.

Omar opens the door and steps in and lumbers towards the coach and sits on it. Omar was a slow mover. Not because of big body, he was a clumsy person. He spends ten hours a day on a chair and eating everything crispy and crunchy. Jacob look towards Omar, he was sitting there like a pile of fats wrapped inside tee shirt and jeans shorts.

"You should start eating more greens." said Jacob, noticing his belly. "Or perhaps a good twenty five minutes workout session might save you."

"Why should I? I consider myself perfect."

Jacob stands up, go to the kitchen grab two bowls, spoons and a oats meal box from the top shelf. Came back and place it in front of Omar. Omar was watching the news on TV. Jacob opens the fridge grab the milk curtain and came back where he was sitting earlier.

"Try this it is organic, my bother make this fresh in this farm." said Jacob. "You will thank me."

"Dude, look at that, they found three more of them," said Omar.

"What do you mean by THEM?" asked Jacob and poured some milk in his bowl while gazed Omar's face.

"THEM. The Freeland dwellers. Man I tell you, these guys are real bad ass mother fuckas. They never quite, not matter how many U.P.E guard they have," Omar replied.

"They are not dwellers, look at those pictures, focus on their hands," said Jacob. He walked closer to television screen, and circled on the picture with his finger on a man who was in custody on U.P.E.

"Look at his hands, look closely. No sunburns. Look at his neck, no burns. All clean like you and me, that's why they covered their faces. They are citizens of this command quarter."

"They must have done something which cause them their lives," said Omar.

"May be or maybe not, this was just a tail, the question is, where's the elephant?" asked Jacob.

During his last four year of news agency carrier, he is doing much more than writing script and editing social documentaries. Jacob investigated a number of stories related to Rosharps. He published those stories on an ARCANE, which was initially titled as UniWorld. It was Jacob's project to connect all sector across the globe to share data. Which will help to manage production issues and discuss solutions. However he never uploaded it on main comm stream. Because all of services provider one way or another were connected to Rosharps. He later uploaded this project as Arcane on a covert network. Which can be accessed through special protocols coded by Omar.

Jacob was convinced that there has to be a story behind this simple looking arrests. Because G.O.R.E that's the second time in this month they caught people trying to break in.

"I know what you're thinking right now," said Omar.

"Our followers on Arcane trust us, they were expecting some kind info on this news."

There were more than two hundred follower of Jacob's blog on Arcane. But there were some hidden faces who write much better than him. But they never invested their time in investigating the truth. All they do was to write about things that people want to read. Arcane sounds more like a movement against Rosharps Fascism these days. However it helps to grow arcane community day by day.

"I was thinking to ask Zoey about this, she must know something, her dad is working for G.O.R.E," said Jacob.

She was the one Jacob can trust for some inside news. She was with him since the time of his high school. They both went to same college. But Mr. Clifford somehow manage to convince her for degree in international Relations. He secured a government job for her with his influence in Rosharps. Jacob knows that no matter what she do, she was always a rebel deep down like him.

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