Chapter. 13

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Jacob didn't listen to anything and he was just gone; Omar couldn't say anything to him he just stood there and watched and went out of the door. But deep inside he was worried for him; when he was still waiting for him maybe he changed his mind and might come back. He realizes what kind of danger he is stepping in; although he sounds much immune to all kinds of danger right now after his little meet-up with those men inside that old factory.

They all sound so unrealistic, the video they show to Jacob can be fake and it can be made up. But the real question was why would they do so and how come they already know about these things, there must be more of these around Rosharps might be hunting them down or collecting them in their zoo.

Omar tried several times on Jacob's phone but it was out of reach. Omar has no idea what to do now, although he remembers Jacob always talked about his big brother in the sector but he didn't have his land line or cell-phone number; Jacob never gave it to anyone. Omar was worried and curious at the same time, he thought arcane was spreads all over the globe right now there must be someone who knows about his brother.

Omar came back to his desk and opened his laptop. Arcane was already logged in because the prophet didn't allow him to logout; they were keeping him inside the system, just to make sure that he didn't login again with a masked identity.

Omar created a post and sent it as an open message to everyone.

The post reads, "If anyone knows Jack Miller from sector he has a farmhouse name Sugar salt stone pasture. If anyone knows to ask him to contact his brother he is in trouble."

No answer; he was waiting there might be someone who knows about him because he was in EX-U.P.E but most of the people on arcane are against U.P.E and if they find out that the inventor of arcane, has direct links with EX-U.P.E, the Jacob will be the most hated person of Arcane to keeping his followers in dark.

Back after half an hour there was a message popped up on screen some random user wrote a post to him, that sector was quarantined and the communication system was down.

Omar wrote a reply, "if the communication is down then how would you know its current status?"

Another user appeared with the same information he wrote a reply, "there is some kind of a fever spread in the sector and U.PE took over the sector."

This information sounds quite convincing about the fever, if they were talking about the fever it means they must know something else about it; because right now there are only two leads about it first was Jacob and second was the prophet.

Omar wrote, "What do you know about this fever? How it spread in the sector? And post it within the same chat.

"We have no clue how it is spread, but a random patient appeared at the medical bay, they were treating him without knowing what happened to him but he attacked and broke the arm of the chief doctor and ran away into Freeland territories."

"Only one case or there are many more?" wrote Omar.

"No it was just one case in the morning but after that we heard there was another little girl who got the fever." the same user replied in the post.

Jacob was talking about a girl that must be her; after a minute another user confirms the quarantine news he also asked to share some pictures Omar allowed him to do so. The user uploaded some pictures in the post.

Omar opens the first picture, he sees a heavily armed division of U.P.E around the main gates of the sector. In the next picture all the scanners were turned red; that was a clear indication of quarantine and there was a man standing next to that with a gun in his hand and behind him his squad with a railer.

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