Chapter 100

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Damn Idol Episode 100

Of course, not everyone criticized Han Si-on just by looking at the title of the article.

-That giregi bastards is catching people again. These aren't words from an ordinary interview, but words from an abyss detector. It's just entertainment.

>Giregi = A combination of Korean word "기자 Gija"(journalist) and "쓰레기 Ssregi"(trash) which stands for low-grade journalists who spreads fake news for political/financial purposes, etc.

-Shouldn't you be swearing at the production crew? The people who ask new idols this question,

-But isn't the abyss detector a place only criminals go to in the first place?

-?? You didn't watch the program. Just come see it.

-Honestly, this episode was about hope for the abyss detector. It seems like the scoundrels have taken over.

-Doesn't Han Si-on have an agency? He can't defend himself against nonsense.

There were also people who watched the program and defended it.

However, the anger of the Drop Out fandom did not go away to this extent.

Regardless of the circumstances of the statement, Han Si-on's statement itself is true.

-I understand that the Hell Detector is such a program, but isn't your attitude wrong?

-ㅇㅇ Since it seemed like his personal life would come out, he immediately used the right of veto, but he evaluated senior idols very easily.

-He answered without even taking a breath.

-I guess he thought he was some kind of genius because he appeared on a program.

-Shido will all organized it at some point

-Don't even go to the leader.

Han Si-on's remarks left many of the Drop Out fandom feeling offended.

The question of which song is better between Selfish and 3 Months and 100 Days was the same, as was the question of which song he supports between Drop Out and NOP.

However, that does not mean that NOP views Han Si-on kindly.

-ㅅㅂ Because of what I heard, we got involved again and the issue only got bigger.

-Out trash, make a comeback without commercial morals.

The NOP fandom was happy about NOP's comeback, but they were not welcoming the 'VS dropout' structure.

Unless the NOP is overwhelmingly clickable, it is a game with nothing to gain.

Moreover, the momentum of Drop Out's new song was unusual.

So, from the perspective of NOP fans, they did not like being involved in one frame with Drop Out, but the issue arose because of Han Si-on.

There was no way  would like it.

In this situation, fans of 3 Months and One Hundred Days, especially Han Sion's, were very worried.

Inaction is the answer to certain issues, but not this issue.

A response has to be made, and it has to be done within three days.

Based on the filming of <Abyss Detector>, NOP's comeback is next week, but at the time of the video release, it was 5 days later.

One day has already passed, so if 4 days pass, NOP will make a comeback, and from then on, there will be no response no matter what.

If NOP wins, it will be used as a joke to make fun of Drop Out, and if NOP loses, it will be used as a joke to make fun of NOP.

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