Chapter 30

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Damn Idol Episode 30

I've been around the show business industry for a very long time, and I'm an expert at forming business relationships with people.

Of course, I won't say that the success rate is 100%.

Because there were definitely people who couldn't be partners no matter what I did.

However, I am much better at establishing business relationships than ordinary people.

However, not in this life.

This life is clearly a passing round, and one that must be speeded up.

The reason why I showed an appropriate appearance to PD Kang Seok-woo was because I thought that was the way to debut as quickly as possible.

But there is no reason to do that to Onsaemiro.

What if Onsaemiro is a truly talented vocalist and is the person needed to form the best team in the future?

Then, all I have to do is be nice to people who need Onsaemiro.

While I was thinking that, Onsaemiro suddenly started talking to me.

"hey. Can I ask you one thing?"

"yes. Go on."

"You said you weren't a trainee. And you're not affiliated with any agency."


"How much do you practice singing a day?"

well. The time spent purely singing is not long, but the time spent moving to sing well is long.

I practiced for over two hours just this morning, but I didn't sing a single line.

Most of my daily life is centered around music, but I need to save my neck a little before debuting.

"I think it's about eight hours."

"Every day?"

"If possible."

"then... ... . Don't your parents say anything?"

Why are you asking this?

Do you have any conflicts with your parents who are opposed to becoming a singer?

"well. They didn't say anything."

"... ... yes. thank you."

After listening to the answer, I got the feeling that there was something else that Onsaemiro wanted to ask.

Why do I feel like you're going round and round by not asking directly?

What did you want to ask?

The conversation didn't end on a positive note, but I didn't need to say anything more.

If you have something to say, you'll say it again, right?

At that time, the makeup car door opened and a producer other than Kang Seok-woo came inside.

I don't know his name, but I've heard producer Kang Seok-woo call him 'Go PD.'

"hello. How long will it take the remaining two?"

"Mr. Onsaemiro is just finished."

"I think Mr. Han Si-on will take a little longer."

"Is that so? So, would participant Onsaemiro like to go to your seat? Just go and get guidance from the PD."

Onsaemiro stood up, bowed, and left the makeup van.

Meanwhile, the late PD sat next to me and started talking to me.

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