Chapter 13

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Damn Idol Episode 13

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

The one who burst into laughter this time was CEO Choi Dae-ho.

It wasn't a laugh that was completely oblivious to the broadcast like Lee Chang-jun's.

It was clearly a build-up laugh that was conscious of the camera and meant to give praise.

But if this smile was fake, it wasn't.

Because it was a truly bold and incredible performance.

"How should I review it? Who will do it first?"

"I will go first."

Blue, who still didn't understand the trick Han Si-on used, raised his hand.

Anyway, based on his musical knowledge, he cannot know exactly what that participant did.

I have a vague guess, but I could be wrong.

If you pretend to know something here, you may be embarrassed or disliked, so it was best to react the way the viewers would feel.

After coming to that conclusion, Blue began praising Han Sion's song.

*     *     *

It was a satisfying song.

Of course, there were many things that were disappointing.

It would have been much better than this if it had been a full band session rather than MR accompaniment.

Additionally, the sound equipment itself was good, but the microphone settings were too general, which was a bit disappointing.

It would have been much better if I had changed the middle and high EQ settings to ones that suited my tone.

Lastly, there were too few spectators compared to the size of the convention center's main hall.

Since there were no sound-absorbing elements to absorb sound, the reflected sound was strangely annoying.

There wasn't enough latency, and it wasn't the best stage.

But, it was still satisfying.

Because I showed the best I could do with my current vocal skills and a less tuned tone.

This is a jinx that only I have, if the first stage after returning fails, it often ruins my entire life.

I'm glad I overcame the jinx with ease.

While I was thinking that, the judge Blue showered me with praise.

Because I'm quietly listening.......

This guy doesn't seem to know what I did.

Are you being careful because you might make a mistake?

Or did you give the comment to composer Lee Chang-jun for the sake of professionalism?

"I give you 10 points."

After receiving a perfect score from Blue, I bowed my head.

"Thank you."

Next, vocal trainer Yoo Seon-hwa.

Although this was my first time meeting her, her comments about my tone and vocal skills were quite accurate.

She seemed like a talented person.

"I also give 10 points."

CEO Choi Dae-ho took the microphone.

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