Chapter 73

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Damn Idol Episode 73

Perhaps I want to take the side of three months and one hundred days?

In fact, I couldn't do it, but have I lost the objectivity to recognize that?

I am also human, so I feel a sense of intimacy when we hang out at the same time and in the same space.

Of course, these feelings do not affect my actions.

However, objectivity maybe lost even if only for a moment.

We recreated our stage.

<Forking Road> is an arrangement of Chris Edwards' <Highway>.

Choi Jae-seong, who has an otaku personality, wrote the song's story. To put it simply, it is a situation where you have the opportunity to 'give up time travel.'

We're all separated at different times, and we're enjoying life there so much.

People are kind, peaceful, and you're lucky enough to get a decent job.

The reality was painful, so I don't see any reason to go back.

The only thing that bothers me is the friends I time traveled with.

I'm happy, but I don't know what time zone those friends are stuck in.

The story of this song is that through that process, events unfold and all the friends return to reality.

Lee Ion, who plays the role of a villain, is the culprit who led the 'closure of time'.

Since the music video was not filmed, this story is not revealed in the song.

However, because there is a clear story, the emotional lines that develop are clear.

So, we performed well on stage.

Koo Tae-hwan understood what he had to do in the introduction, and Choi Jae-seong showed 100% of his skills this time.

Although Lee Ion took on a difficult role to play, he did a great job conveying a meaningful feeling.

Finally, On Saemiro went crazy.

After our conversation in the studio, he seemed quite at ease, and he burst out in laughter.

In my personal opinion, On Saemi-ro was more than Juyeon of take scene on this stage.

Me, there's nothing to say.

It was a good stage.

Because everyone performed their duties perfectly, both as a team and individually.


Yeah, I didn't lose my objectivity.

Those who have lost objectivity or turned a blind eye are the judges.

As proof of that.

"Wow! It was a fun stage. I don't know Korean, but I'm not stupid enough to miss the vibe on stage. The five of you clearly reached the same destination with the same emotions. And it exploded. Boom!"

Eddie is giving high praise.

However, this seems like Eddie's solo action.

I can see embarrassment spreading across the judges' faces.

They're probably not editing it, are they?

The score our team received was 88 points.

To be honest, it was a bit absurd, but I didn't show my emotions like an amateur.

Damn IdolOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz