Chapter 68

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Damn Idol Episode 68

As soon as I entered the studio, I turned off all the cameras mounted by the broadcasting station.

I'm not saying anything that others shouldn't hear, but there's no reason to let this scene remain as footage.

"Don't stand, sit on the sofa."

On Saemiro sits on the sofa without saying anything.

Seeing that he doesn't react much even though he was suddenly dragged in, he seems to think it doesn't matter.

Actually, I don't mind either.

However, I plan to correct some misconceptions about On Saemiro.

So I turned off all the cameras, dragged the engineer's chair over, and sat down on the other side of the sofa.

"On Saemiro. You asked if you could beat me, right?"

"That's right."

"It's impossible. That never happens. Do you somehow recognize it?"

"... ... Is it because your talent is greater?"

"It's not wrong, but it's not the right answer."


"Because you're not the only one who can't beat me."

"Who else can't win?"

"Right now, in this world, no one who is making music."


On Saemiro, who was blinking slowly, laughed.

It seemed absurd.



This is not comfort.

"It's the truth."

It's the cold truth.

It doesn't matter if On Saemiro quits music because he can't overcome despair, and it doesn't matter if he retires after coming up next.

However, if the reason is 'desperation with the talent of an aspiring idol on the same team', then that is wrong.

Because I'm just not that kind of person.

So, I plan to change that proposition to 'I was in despair after seeing the most outstanding musician on the planet.'

I am not a natural genius.

But endless time made me a genius.

So I can be sure.

Currently, there is no musician on this planet with greater talent than me.

"On Saemiro. Say something."


"Really, just say anything. Fade is a bastard, This is good too."

"... ... Coming up next."

I muttered On Saemiro's 'Coming Up Next' a few times and picked up the guitar.

"Look Carefully. It's improvisation."

And then I played the guitar.

Even On Saemiro would know because he has ears.

The rhythm and pitch of the nothing sentence you just said out of your mouth are turned into music as the main melody.

It will be a performance worth listening to.

"Again, say something."

"... ... On Saemiro."

"Shouldn't you have had that kind of self-love sooner?"

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