22. I'm so sorry Sam~

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If you want to know why the update didn't come yesterday, check out the conversations board.

But I will try my best to give yesterday's update on saturday.

I am going to be busy for a few days, but I will still try to updates on time, but if you guys respond well(follow, vote or comment kardo) it will be even better.

Now enjoy!

Advika POV:

"Who are you married to.....?"

Dev asked suddenly, he was looking serious, without thinking I uttered.

"Sa.." I was about to tell, then I remembered that the Sam had strictly forbidden me from telling anything to anyone. I pressed my lips tightly and I scolded myself being so careless, I started rubbing my both palm nervously and lowered my head to avoid their intense glare.

"What...?" He asked in confusion, he frowned his eyebrows and fixed his gaze at my face, I lifted my lashes and gulped getting his intense glare fixed upon my face I took few seconds to calm down myself and a nervous laugh escaped my mouth.

They glared at me like i lost my senses, I now if I take longer time to tell them it will be harmful for me, I can't lose them, my mind went blank at this moment, I again lowered my head and tried to think something sensible , when suddenly an idea click in my head.

"Guys actually I want to tell you that just forget about his name or anything when he will come back, I will ask him to drop me and then you will meet him."

I murmured in low voice but I tried my best to be cheerful and I put a nervous smile on my face.

I know right now they are looking at me like i tried to crack a joke because there is no relation between telling his name and my excuses, their expression completely changed.

Getting their horrible expression, I just want to dig into ground and bury myself. I scrunched my nose.

"I'm so sorry Sam.."

I murmured in low voice not enough to let them heard, I took a deep breath and grab some courage to tell them everything thing actually not everything.

"His full name is Samrat Singh Thakur, he works as an accountant in Thakur Industries, his salary is quite good, but sometimes he seems too rich to me, and you all know what I feel about them."

I almost tell them all the details this three people can't even take breath without knowing everything, there is nothing left to hide, they are not the ones to remain calm until they know every single thing.

They did not look satisfied with my answer, we all become possessive about each other, maybe they are worried about me.

"Guys please say something.."

I pleaded they didn't utter a single word for past 10 minutes and gazing at me blankly, now I'm on vedge to cry, tears started collecting in the corner of my eyes.

"Hey, hey stop do show your crocodile tears, after hiding this much information now you are showing this tears."

Anish muttered dramatically and lightly hit my head playfully I slapped his while caressing my head and pouted.

"Ha ha...." Pragati and Dev started laughing enjoying this scene. I scrunched my nose and glared.

"Stop laughing at me." I yelled being frustrated with their continuously laughing.

"Ha ha ha...." Both of them started laughing louder and this time Anish also started laughing with them.

I stared at them and started getting up from my place. Now I can't bear it anymore, I dust my clothes and picked bag from ground and turned to leave when.

His ANVI~  The saga of true love begins with a mysterious lieDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora