Chapter 12- Up we Go

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I'd walked up to the group of kids talking in the kitchen, and long since had tuned out their conversation.

Joey had left, having some sort of conversation with a random rugby player, and the second he was gone, I had began sipping from the beer bottle in Podge's hand.

I shouldn't drink

My father was an alcoholic for Christ's sake

But I would do anything to get the voices in my head to quiet tonight.

I wasn't drunk, not anywhere near it, yet my head was swimming.

I could feel the thoughts inside my head growing angrier, and I could feel my control slipping.

I set the bottle on the counter, only slightly buzzed, but wishing I hadn't drank at all, since it had only made my head louder.

Joey was now standing in front of me, a blunt in hand, and I was thoroughly grateful that I had put my drink down now.

He would have flipped if he saw me drinking.

It kind of worried me that Joey was smoking, but at the same time, I was just grateful that he wasn't doing anything worse.

Lizzie was standing beside him, joining in on his conversation, touching and grabbing at his arms in the process.

It looked VERY flirty.

But to be honest, based on what I'd seen, Lizzie had some weird thing going on with Claire's brother Hughie.

She was subtle, but I caught the longing glances she cast towards the blonde boy and his small red headed girlfriend.

She wanted him.

And it was so painfully obvious yet so unnoticed.

Another girl walked up to Joey, wrapping her arms around him and staring up at his eyes, which weren't focused on her.

I followed Joey's gaze across the room to see Aoife staring right back at him as he peeled the girl off of him and scowled at her touch.

Lizzie had already pulled away from him, now talking to some random girl, also touching her as she did so.

Huh. I guess it wasn't flirting.

"Wah-hey, sexy-legs," Alec joked from beside me when Aoife walked up to the circle. "How's my favorite girl?"

"Don't push your luck, lad," Podge laughed, elbowing Alec in the ribs.

"You're looking well, Aoife." he nodded politely

"Cheers, Podge," Aoife said, looking awkward

I tuned out their voices, skimming the room for someone else to go to.

The last thing my brother wants is his sister watching him argue with his girlfriend.

My eyes settled on Claire and uh...


Fuck I still can't remember.

Oh well, Gussy worked the first time.

Anyway, on Claire, Gussy, and Ethan.

I didn't know Gussy or Ethan well at all, but I loved meeting new people, so I made a beline for the dancing group.

Claire was giggling as Gussy whispered something into her ear, and Ethan whacked him on the back of the head, clearly overhearing.

He looked up when he saw me walking over, smiling at me and nodding his head, telling me to come on over.

He scowled when Gussy ran into him, pulling Claire onto his shoulders and swaying around as she laughed.

Ethan pulled away from him and walked over to me, stopping hardly a foot in front of me.

He was dressed as Will Smith in Fresh Prince of Bel- Air.

He had on denim overalls and an absolutely hideous green and purple patterned button down.

One of his overall straps was unbuckled, and his shirt had the top three buttons undone.

"I KNEW it was a 90's party!" I said, sighing in satisfaction at proving Joey wrong.

"Yeah uh" he rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably. "Gibbs made me wear an outfit, I don't think anyone else is really dressed up.

"Oh shit" I gasped. 

"It's no big deal, you look great, uh I mean, you look good, or shit-" he rambled before I interrupted.

"No! I thought his name was Gussy!" I panicked "I've called him that like 6 times!"

Ethan bent over laughing, and I smacked his arm. 

"Don't laugh at me!" I said, also laughing at my dumbassery.

"Oh my GOD you and your brother are so alike" he said once he recovered from his laughing fit.

"I get that a lot" I said, noting that it was the second time I'd been told tonight.

Just then, someone ran into me from behind, almost throwing me to the ground but Ethan caught me and pulled me up.

I looked up to see who had done it, only to see Gibsie (not gussy) standing right in front of me grinning violently with a bag of weed in hand.

"Ready?" he asked, grabbing onto Ethans wrist and yanking him.

I got pulled along with them, just now realizing that Ethan's hand was wrapped around my waist and pulling me in whatever direction Gibsie was headed.

"I'm so sorry about this" Ethan said, turning back at me to give me a sympathetic look.

"Don't even worry about it" I laughed as Gibsie pulled us towards the stairs and took us to the second level, the rest of the Rugby team and Claire following closely behind.

Up we go.

Authors note

I GOT A 100/100 on my health test!!!!

so proud of myself i HAD to share.

anyhow, thought i owed y'all one since not much happened in the chapter yesterday and i may have accidentally made my own story a slow burn.

anyway... go chiefs!!! (pls don't hate on taylor in my comments it'll make me sad)

WC- 927

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