Chapter 5- Second first day

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Shannon had a moderate concussion and had stayed overnight in the hospital, meaning I had been home alone with dad.

Not only had I ended up bent over on the ground gasping for air as my father kicked my stomach repeatedly last night, but I had also received multiple hits to the face. Now I had to find a way to cover the marks before school.

Almost a week had passed since Shannon's injury, meaning a week had passed since my initial beating, but Joey had stayed the night at Aoife's last night, meaning he wasn't there to stop dad from going into the boy's room during a whiskey tantrum.

I had tried my best to block the door, resulting in a nasty shiner on my cheekbone, a busted lip, and a black eye.

I was not only in pain from my fathers beatings, but my constantly aching ankle was a brutal reminder of my not so pleasant first day. It had swollen up and turned purple, becoming almost fully unrecognizable.

I had been wrapping it in white athletic tape every day, praying it would heal, and every day it got worse. Eventually I realized that I couldn't be at home anymore.

Thankfully, I was going back to school today, and Shannon was as well, so that meant we would be having our first day, well... a second time.

I was just as excited for school this time as I was the last time.

I had just finished concealing the bruise on my cheek when Joey knocked on the bedroom door.

Before I could even respond, Joey creaked the door open, peeking in, sighing in relief when his eyes landed on my thoroughly concealed eye.

I smiled at him, wincing slightly when pain shot through my cheek.

"Marci-" Joe began, tone laced with worry.

"I'm okay Joe, trust me" I said, soothing his concern.

We sat in a crippling silence for a moment, neither of us knowing what to say before I finally spoke up.

"Now does Seany need a bath?" I cooed, changing the subject as soon as possible when I noticed the little blonde baby in my brother's arms.

I reached my arms out gently, taking Sean into my grasp and slowly beginning to bounce him against my hip. He leaned his head against my shoulder, toddler drool smearing on my school shirt.

"Mammy" Sean whined, crawling closer to me when Joey tried to grab him from me.

"Shhhh, shhhh" I hushed " Mammy's here", soothing the child. Despite the fact that I was definitely not his mother, Sean had persisted on calling me mammy. It had been his first word, and it had been said to me.

"He's already had a bath today, he just keeps crying for you" Joey explained with a heavy sigh.

"It's okay Joe, i've got him till it's time to go" I assured my older brother. Joey lingered in the doorway for a moment before he hesitantly closed the bedroom door with a creek.

I set Sean down on my pink floral bed sheets, and faced towards my vanity mirror, gasping when I saw my horrifying bed head.

I had completely forgotten to do my hair after being caught up in my concealer ordeal.

I snatched my hairbrush up from the vanity and quickly tried to take the beast of a hairstyle under control.

When I finally got my hair brushed and into a ponytail, I still didn't feel happy with it. I reached forwards and pulled out my bangs from the front of the ponytail, pulling them forwards and in front of my face.

Then I grabbed the spool of ribbon from the top of my dresser and cut a long piece off.

The ribbon was purple and silky, sliding smoothly in my fingers as I wrapped it around the base of the ponytail and tied it into a bow.

I stepped back from the mirror, smiling in satisfaction at my new hairstyle.

Sean cooed from my bed then, catching my attention and I scooped him up, gently placing him back on my hip.

"Marci!!", Shannon yelled from down the hall, telling me it was time to go.

"Oh shit" I laughed as I peered down at my phone and saw the time. I was running late.

I swiped my shoes from the floor and swung my backpack onto my back, diving for my bedroom door.

Sean giggled in my arms as I almost fell to the floor in my attempts to leave my room in a hurry.

I swung the door shut and slipped the baby from my arms into a surprised Tadgh's grasp. He groaned in frustration as I let go and Sean started crying.

"Marci wait-" Tadgh said, but Shannon grabbed my arm and dragged me before he could finish his protests.

I hopped on one foot as I put my first shoe on and hobbled towards the door alongside my sister.

By the time I had finally gotten my second shoe on, we were at the bus stop and I had already striked up a conversation with a random woman.

She was sitting on the worn blue bench beside the bus, patiently waiting.

She had the most gorgeous necklace on. It was silver and worn. It had a bird's nest with two bright blue beads nestled inside to look like robin eggs. I had complimented her on it, and we had been chatting since.

Shannon peeked from behind my shoulder as we spoke, clearly too nervous for her first day back to interact.

I had recently found out that not only had Shannon been knocked in the head on the pitch, but she had flashed the entirety of the rugby team in the process.

Shannon was convinced that the second she stepped foot into school this morning, the bullying that she had faced at BCS would resume, and I didn't blame her for her nerves.

In fact, even I was a little nervous for her sake. I really wanted to believe that Tommen was different, but that worry still ached in my chest for the long bus ride there.

But, despite my nerves, I was thrumming with excitement for the opportunity to see my new friend again.

I got the chance to redo my first day

And I wasn't gonna waste it


Authors note

Hey!!! wait so I've actually gotten support on this story!!! and thank you to anyone who has read!!! Sorry it's taken me to long to update! Finals 🙄. Anyway ily all!!! bye!!


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