Chapter 41- Ouch

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"Marc' you've gotta help me here" I sighed as I tried my best to shove her into my car without hurting her, but was struggling considering she had just fucking bit me.

"No, I wanna stay for lunch!" she whined loudly, drawing the attention of a group of students in the parking lot.

"We had lunch three hours ago" I tried my best to explain gently, even though it was my fourth time telling her.

"But Im hungry!" She protested, still using all of her force (which was surprisingly a fucking lot) to keep me from getting her in the car, and by the looks of it, you'd think I was kidnapping her.

Shit was this girl a handful when high, a funny one, but still a handful nonetheless.

"We can stop at Mcdonald's if you get in the car" I bribed, still trying my best to fit any limb of hers into the small frame of my car.

"Really?" she squealed excitedly as she stopped her struggling, plopping down in the passenger seat of my car obediently and looked up at me with hopeful eyes.

"Yes" I assured, walking around the side of the car to get in the drivers side, not pulling my eyes from her in case she made a run for it.

"Promise?" she asked expectantly as I pulled the seatbelt from beside her and strapped it over her chest.

"I promise"


"Okay and... gotcha!" Marci squealed as she attempted to tackle me for the third time in a ten minute span.

We were standing outside of her house, which had taken me ages to reach since she had thrown one hell of a fit when she realized that I meant her house and not my house.

I felt like I owed it to her parents to not bring their high daughter back to my house for a nap in my bed, even though I knew my own intentions weren't negative.

"Marc' nobodies even home, the drive is abandoned, you just need to sleep" I pleaded with her as I accepted the fact that she would remain on my back and reached for the door anyway.

"No!" she yelled, pulling me back from the door and hopping off of my back. "We can't be here" she begged, trying to drag me back to the car but I held my ground.

"I promise I'll leave right after you get to bed, I just need to make sure your okay Marc'" I explained as calmly as possible while she practically pulled my shoulder out of its socket.

"Eth' we have to go" she repeated, her voice cracking as she tried to get me away from the door.

I knew why she didn't wan't me in her house, it was "a sack of shit" as their brother had so nicely put it in one of our previous conversations, but that didn't matter to me and I hadn't expected it to matter to Marci either.

"C'mere" I coaxed towards Marci as she completely ditched tugging me and started inching to my car.

She hesitantly drew closer to me until after ages, her face was just inches from my chest.

"It'll be fast, just get into some pjs and I'll be gone, but I can't leave you here like this so you have to trust me."

"You have to be careful" she begged quietly, her sobriety showing suddenly as she spoke the words fairly clearly.

"I will. I promise."


The bathroom door down the hall cracked open and Marci appeared from it, swaying violently as she tried to walk down the hall.

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