Then, they gave a high five to each of the Three Months and One Hundred Days members.

It was a respect for the performers who put on a great opening performance.

"Do you like any of our songs? Other than that one from earlier?"

"Oh, fortune cookies! I like fortune cookies."


As soon as Baek Man-won started playing <Fortune Cookie>, the quick-witted Koo Tae-hwan started singing.

He then handed the microphone over to Choi Jae-seong.

Just like that, the concert hall began to fill with people singing along.

The opening show was an opportunity to warm up the unfamiliar atmosphere of the concert hall and introduce the main characters of today's performance.

In that sense, the opening of Three Months and One Hundred Days Crew was perfect.

The fandom of Three Months and One Hundred Days was greatly moved by the music that filled the concert hall.

The reason they were moved was not because Three Months and One Hundred Days was recognized by one million won or because they saw Three Months and One Hundred Days in person.

There are reasons for that, but there is something more important than that.

That is, three months and one hundred days really seem like one team.

The fans could feel it too.

Choi Jae-seong, who had been in the backup role so far, tried to become the main character today.

In fact, it could have been so.

Choi Jae-seong is not a member that stands out in 3 Months and 100 Days, but if you look at his individual stats, he would have been an ace in other groups.

Singing, dancing, looks, talent.

Nothing is missing.

He's only 18 years old.

Since Three Months and One Hundred Days debuted in Coming Up Next, a content that focuses on competition with other groups, the group's fans have become a mainstream trend.

Because if there is an enemy on the outside, there is bound to be unity on the inside.

But that didn't mean he didn't have personal fans.

Among Choi Jae-sung's personal fans, there were many who disliked the other members.

They never gave highlight parts and only forced sacrifices in the name of team balance.

When Choi Jae-sung tries to become the main character, how will the other members react?

There may be many possibilities, but there was also a possibility that they would not like it.

But it wasn't at all.

After the stage... ... .

No, they felt it even before the stage ended.

The members of Three Months and One Hundred Days are truly happy with Choi Jae-sung's performance.

-ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠThis place is crazy. Jaeseong was really great ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-(Photo) Do you see this? As soon as the stage is over, look at the hyungs coming over and cheering him on.

-I guess one million won also liked our kids.

Therefore, fans who were lucky enough to visit the site had no choice but to share their touching posts on social media.

-Oh, I was trying to go to a million-won concert!!!!

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