Chapter 2: Transfer and Raid

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images used nor it's characters in this chapter they belong to their respective owners.

1 week and 3 days later, Midnight

(Place: M.E.C.H Transport Helicopter)


I was in a H225M Military Transport Helicopter on route to Montana Research Facility with the rest of the volunteers

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I was in a H225M Military Transport Helicopter on route to Montana Research Facility with the rest of the volunteers. The cybertronian bodies were already transported there separately and discretely as to not attract the autobots nor the decepticons attention all though M.E.C.H has had some close encounters with the government we manage to avoid them for the most part. The scientists in Montana are already making the final preparations for the mind transfer and spark integration.

Today was the day I get my new body and M.E.C.H finally gets its Cybertronians super soldiers built for battle and destruction. This is only the beginning for M.E.C.H. Once M.E.C.H has its army both the autobots and decepticons will be destroyed and earth will finally be ours.

Suddenly a thought came to my mind and I couldn't help but laugh a little. One of the other volunteers must've notices my laugh because he turned to me and asked.

Volunteer: <serious and with a monotone voice> Is something wrong sir?

I look at my right at the volunteer that had spoken to me and I know him. I made sure to memorized all of the candidates that volunteer for Project: Transformer.

Subject 002. Name: Thomas Lawrence. Age: 45. Born in America he joined the military at a young age. He excells in both close quarter combat and mid range combat. M.E.C.H recruited him after the military had discharge him of duty. His appearance: Serious man with blonde shot hair, blue eyes and a scar on his right eye that reaches his lips and chin and another scar on his left side of his lips he possess a muscular built.

 His appearance: Serious man with blonde shot hair, blue eyes and a scar on his right eye that reaches his lips and chin and another scar on his left side of his lips he possess a muscular built

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(This is an amazing drawing credit goes to Kanetosama for this amazing art)

Y/n: No it's just a thought that came to me. The place where we're headed is the same place Silas reach titanhood and where I was nearly killed, now we're going to that same place we will achieve titanhood and I will be reborn. <chuckles> Destiny works in mysterious ways don't you think?

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