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Last night, the alleged last night of the cabin, you were awakened by heavy breaths.

"Kiss me." Her voice was raspy, yet so liquid smooth. 

The warm and thick red on her hands, told you the deed was done. 

"Kiss me, please." Her pleads are urgent, and so are your lips as they crash onto hers.

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Brian's C-10 Chevy truck is covered in a black coat, and shines in the sun as it twists and turns over highways and back roads. Sitting in between Kate and Toby, you find yourself to be sweatier than comfortable.

"Kate, can you roll your window down?" You lean to your right to whisper.

"The back windows don't work, neither does the AC." Brian glances back at you. By the twinkle in his eye, he can tell he enjoys you being stuck in the back sweating your ass off with the demented sixteen year old and your ex-girlfriend.

You take in a breath, and look over to Tim who sits in the passenger seat smoking a cigarette while humming to the 80's music on the radio. "Tim, can you role down your window?" You watch his arm shift and his window role down, letting in the breeze you've been waiting for.

"Thanks." You mutter, getting a simple nod in return from the brunette. 

The wind and the radio of the truck fills the silence for awhile, until Toby stretches and wakes up from his nap. His hand hits your face, maybe intentionally, making you do your best to lean away from him and into Kate.

You feel Kate's arm wrap over your shoulders, her palm pressed firmly against your left shoulder. "Why do we have to go to Jeff's? The safe house we were in was perfectly fine." Your attention is focused on the road ahead, ears mentally shut to let yourself out of the conversation.

Who is Jeff?  You want to ask Kate, but keep your mouth shut.

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The tan, one story house is one of the many in the suburbs of the city. You managed to fall asleep, and missed the view of the buildings and didn't get the name of the city. You could've asked Kate, but you doubt it even mattered.

On the steps of the porch, a man sits leaned over his phone while puffing on a cigarette. "Look at that, the monsters out of his cave." Brian chuckles as he pulls into the driveway beside the house. You wait for the engine to be quiet and the keys be slid into Brian's pocket to confirm your safe travel.

Kate opens her door and slides out, followed with you. Once you step out, you cans see mountains in the distance. We're either West or South, You think to yourself. In the bed of the truck, you watch Toby jump in and begin grabbing duffel bags.

"Here is yours," Toby passes a grey one to Brian. "And yours," He plops a dark purple one into Tim's hands. And then he crosses to the side of the truck where Kate and you stand, and lifts up a black duffel bag for her. "There you go." Kate whispers something under her breath before turning to walk towards the house.

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