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Monica <3

 Is Chinese good for tonight?


                                                                                                                                                                                                    I'll eat whatever you get, babe. 

"You busy on Sunday?" Jannette calls to you as she washes her hands in the bathroom sink. You look up from your phone as you exit the bathroom stall. The average standing woman looks at you in the reflection of the mirror.

"Uh, no, why?" Your eyes focus on hers while she's busy sliding out a piece of gum from her purse. The sleeves of your uniform wet from just giving the animals baths, you feel uncomfortable and antsy to get home to take a shower. 

"Me and the others wanted to know if you'd like to come out to eat with us, since we all have off on Monday for holiday." And by "others" she means Alice who talks to much, Benjamin that never makes eye contact, and the pink haired girl who asks every one she sees what their star sign is.

You try to make a negative face, as if you're actually doing anything this Sunday. "I don't know..." Shrugging your shoulders, Jannette walks up to you. Tilting her head, her hazel eyes focus on yours.

"Stop being shy with us." She rests her hand on your shoulder. "You have my number if you change your mind." She smiles before leaving the restroom, and into the main lounge of the vetanerian clinic. 

Letting out a breath, you rub your tired eyes at the space of finally being alone. Even if that means being in a two-stalled woman's bathroom, with smudged mascara under your eyes.

                                                                                       ღ ღ ღ

You hold the blanket around your shoulders close, the dark kitchen cold. You let your legs dangle against the bar stool Infront of the kitchen table, your eyes busy taking in information on the computer screen ahead of you.

Humming a tune, your boredom is sparked with interest at the sight of; TattleCrime.com.

Clicking the website, you read the description: Talk of all the most recent crimes, join chatrooms and groups who have the same interests as you! Find people with common interests in your area!

You slightly tilt your head. "I can't believe this is an actual site." You mutter. Pressing down on your arrow key, you scroll down the page to get a glimpse of what you're looking at. And then her name comes to mind, and your longing for her safety comes. 

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