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South Cabin 

The cabin is quiet, with the new guest. Toby sits in the living room, playing a simple game on his phone. Tim doesn't like phones, or electronics. He says the government use the devices to track you down and manipulate you. Toby also used to believe this while he was off his meds. But now he has a fresh Samsung in his hand, scrolling the internet with boredom. 

He sighs, slumping further into the couch's cushions. Tobies brown eyes avert the screen and go over the wall beside the couch, and he smiles. His gloved hand goes over the horse sticker that he stuck on the wall back in 2014, when there used to be a recliner instead of a couch where he sat.

"Rehab was supposed to be a fresh start." He whispers, letting a soft chuckle erupt.

The creak of floorboards ahead of him makes the teen look away from the sticker, and let his smile fall. Brown eyes meeting the dead eyes of the woman who just emerged from upstairs. Her hair is unbrushed, her boxers and "borrowed' KoRn shirt from Spencer's fit her tired aurora. 

"Girl, go change before Brian see's you wearing that shit. You know he hates KoRn." Kate only stares, and turns to walk off into the kitchen. Toby's eyes follow her, and are soon distracted by his phone once again.  

The frizzy haired woman grabs a muffin from it's place on an old place, and takes a lazy bite of it. Her mind flows out to the scenery beyond the window. The cabin used to be an extension of a Mansion in the early 1900's, but then the mansion burned down sometime in 1984. That's when Toby stumbled upon it with Rouge, and decided to turn it into a decent hide away. 

Wide windows, to give a view on the lake below the hill. 

She grips an orange from the fruit bowl, and looks down on it. You used to always say how you ( hated / loved ) oranges. They were ( always too / always perfectly ) juicy. The morning sun invites the excuse to give this fruit to you, but the sudden presence of the brunette behind her makes the thought vanish. 

"The body was found by the police," Tim sighs as he slides off his light jacket, and sets it down on to the wooden kitchen table. "A missing person report was sent out about five hours ago about, You know, didn't know up for work for three days. One of her co-workers went to check on her, and found the place a reck. Thanks to Brian and the boy." He smirks at the last part, beginning to make himself coffee.

Kate nods, looking down on her feet. The kitchen tiles feel cold, even with thick socks on. 

"Why didn't we just kill her." Her voice sounds of irritation. Tim lets out another sigh, and turns slightly to face Kate. 

"You know we can't just, eliminate, people without his okay." His eyes focus on hers, who don't meet his. She is to busy in thought.

"Then what are we gonna do with her?! Torture her for questions we already practically know the answers to?! That reporter bitch didn't know shit about us. Only because two other fuckers slipped up while on a mission, doesn't mean the whole FBI knows about us." Kate suddenly lashed out, angry eyes pointed at Tim with accusation. 

"He wants any information we can get." Tim responds calmly while mentally cursing the woman in his head. 

"Yeah, right." Kate whispers, exiting the kitchen.

She ignores Toby, and walks up the stairs.

Turns into the hallway, and continues the walk to her bedroom.

She stops at the locked door, and hears mumbling from inside.

Her desperate heart clenches, recognizing your voice.

Like a lost puppy.

ღ ღ ღ

Your POV 

"Kate was put in a mental hospital after lashing out on her older brother, Troy. She would write to me, draw pictures. Some of the pictures were off putting, always this tall, black figure in the background of colored trees and eyes. When she got out, we talked alone in the bathroom at school." You stare hard on the wall, furrowing your eyebrows.

"She woke up to her brother on top of her, undressing her, so then she grabbed her lamp and hit him over the head. She grabbed the broken glass of the lamp and stabbed him multiple times." Your stomach squeezes with disgust, pure hatred for the face you saw multiple times before. 

You looked down to your tied hands. "She never told the nurses or her mother that was the reason she attacked him. That's when her family and the town began to call her crazy." Eyes heavy with sadness of the memory, you close your eyes to be in the darkness.

"That's crazy shit, girl." Toby mutters, cracking the door open to make himself visible. Your eyes are quick to open and glare at the boy, your hands ball into fists. 

You glare in silence, as Toby just stares.

"Who untied your hands?" He questions, tilting his hand, eyes on your hands. You stare at him, and wish him the worst.

"The hooded man." Is all you say before going mute, and turn away from him to lay on your side, facing away from him.

The creak of floor boards and closing of the door makes you give out a relieved sigh, letting your eyes rest shut. 

The chapters will be getting longer and more like, interesting so just wait! Omg i cant wait to publish everything

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