The Day of Love

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(Alastor x Human! Reader)

Summary: Valentine's Day is coming up and just as it is every year, all of your friends have plans with their partners except for you.

Later on when Alastor visits you, you find yourself venting to him about how you're sick of always feeling like the third wheel and then to your surprise, he offers to spend Valentine's Day with you so that you won't be alone.

You assume he's only doing this to be a good friend, but what you don't know is that he actually has feelings for you as well and since Valentine's Day is the day of love, he's going to use that as an opportunity to finally make you his.

After unlocking the door to your apartment, you walked inside and collapsed onto your couch in exhaustion.

Today has been a long day.....

At your college, you pretty much just spent the day listening to your friends telling you about their plans for Valentine's Day and just as it is every year for you, you have no one to spend it with.

While you are happy for your friends, deep down you are tired of feeling like the third wheel and you have always wondered; will you ever get to be in a loving relationship like your friends are?

Of course you already know these types of things should never be rushed and you've even received that same lecture from your parents and then them going on about how you shouldn't worry and should just enjoy your life because you're still young and have your whole life ahead of you.

And of course they're not wrong and while you do appreciate their advice, you won't deny, it has been hard for you to enjoy life to the fullest, especially when you feel left out all the time around your own friends.

It's kind of funny, when you were younger, you thought you would have a boyfriend by now but so far none of the guys at your college have caught your interest. The guys at your college were pretty much split into many categories. Some of them there can be creeps, while others can just be very immature and then the guys who are actually nice, you only see them as friends.

But even if you aren't interested in any of the guys at your college, there is still one guy who has caught your eye and for you, he would be the perfect person to spend Valentine's Day with!

Or entity you should say since he's a demon.

You have had a crush on Alastor ever since you met him but of course you won't be telling him that. You know very well that demons don't care about these kinds of things, and even if he did, you doubt a powerful demon overlord like him would be interested in you, after all you are just a simple mortal.

Sighing again, you reached over for the tv remote. Hopefully watching some tv might help you unwind and forget about the day you had, but unfortunately for you, all that was playing on tv was romantic shows and movies....

After the day you've had, this is the last thing you want... so you turned the tv off and decided to read your favourite book instead.

For a while it was helping you relax but then when you got up to a romantic moment in the story, you immediately closed your book and huffed in annoyance.

'I should just go to bed....' You muttered to yourself, placing your book aside.

As you got up from the couch, all of a sudden the lights in your apartment began flickering then the sound of radio static began filling the room.

An excited smile formed on your face as you knew exactly what was going to happen next.

As always, the room began glowing an eerie shade of red, followed by flames forming and just like that, Alastor emerged from the flames then bowed down in front of you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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