Prized Possesion

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(Alastor x Demon Reader)

Summary: You have been helping out at the Hazbin Hotel for a while now and while working there, you end up becoming good friends with Alastor. As time went by, you and him become close friends and as more time went by, you end up developing a crush on him.

Things have been fine for a while until one morning an incident happens at the hotel. Thanks to Alastor though, the incident is quickly resolved but as the day went on, you kept noticing that he seemed bothered about something..

Will you find out what's been bothering Alastor? Will you be able to help him feel better? Have a read to find out!

As you're reading this, I think you'll find the title of this story will make sense. I hope you'll like it!😀

Today was a long day here at the Hazbin Hotel, especially for your dear friend Alastor.

It all started this morning when some idiot thought it would be a good idea to break into his room.. You're not exactly sure how that demon got into Alastor's room. For most of the day you've been wondering if they just flew in through an open window, or if they teleported inside or maybe they just simply sneaked in.

Either way, it didn't really matter.

Because thanks to Alastor.. that demon definitely won't be coming back to bother anyone again...

While you are glad that this mornings incident has been resolved, there was still something that has been bothering you.. Throughout the day you kept noticing that Alastor didn't seem to be acting like himself..

Normally he would feel satisfied after getting rid of pesky demons but this time.. it seemed as if he was bit shaken up.. Another thing you noticed as well was that he was really quiet for most of the day.. which is very.. unlike him...

You were surprised no one else noticed this, but then again everyone was really busy today so you figured they were too busy to notice and for the ones who actually did they seemed to enjoy the silence.

You however did not..

All day you could tell that something has been bothering him and you couldn't stand it. So you promised yourself that after you finish your work for the day, you will find him and see if you could cheer him up a little bit.

And after finishing your work, that's exactly what you went to go do.

Even if this hotel is a big building, it still wasn't hard for you to find him. He was down at the lobby, sitting at the bar by himself. Normally Husker would be there, but since it's late he had packed up for the night. Everyone else is also usually in their rooms around this time, so Alastor was completely alone.

As you approached him, you noticed that he looked really deep in thought. Whatever he was thinking about, you could tell it was clearly bothering him. You also noticed that his fluffy deer ears were drooped a little as well.

Seeing him like this made you feel so sad.. you didn't want to waste any time, so you quickly made your way over to the bar and made your presence known so you wouldn't startle him.

"Good evening Al!" You greeted. You smiled at him and pulled out one of the chairs then sat next to him.

At first Alastor was surprised to see that you were still awake, but nevertheless he was still happy to see you. His deer ears even started to perk up a bit more.

"Ah Y/N! Good evening my dear! What are you doing up so late? You should be in your room getting some beauty sleep!" He states cheerfully.

My Charming Demon Belle (Alastor x Reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now