"I love you. Malaki was right, we are like a little family." Cameron moved her hands behind her back as she tilted her head. Ayden realized it looked like the smile she saw when she first met Cameron.

"I'm confused." Ayden pinched the bridge of her nose.

"I'm sorry I can't stay with you like you wanted."

"Cameron." Ayden reached for her redhead, but she disappeared. It was like she was never really there.


She'd been out for a day.

Ayden woke up chained to the floor. Her body didn't feel immobile like before. She stared at her arms seeing the second cut on Achlys's mark. She tried to teleport but realized the metal was celestial steel.

The next thing that got her attention was red hair. Cameron's body was on the floor in front of her. She wasn't moving, a white streak interrupted her auburn hair. Ayden looked toward the sky seeing Annabeth struggling under the sky as she sobbed. She didn't understand how they switched out or when.

"Oh good," Ki moved closer to Ayden. "You aren't dead too."

"Too?" Ayden shook her head. Ki glanced over his shoulder at the redhead on the ground. She wasn't moving. Her chest wasn't rising or falling. Nothing. "She's not-."

"Dead, yeah she is," Ki kicked her leg, hard. Cameron's body shook, but she didn't wake up or cry out. Her head rolled back toward Ayden showing that her eyes were open. She was staring off into the distance, but they were dull, faded. "You killed her. Well, you and Artemis killed her." Ayden looked over to Artemis who stared at the ground.

"She's not dead." Ayden narrowed her eyes. She thought she had only been out for a few minutes.

"Mmm, well she is. Artemis wouldn't take the sky from her, so she eventually just wore out since you put her there. Annabeth luckily being the brave demigod she is took the sky in hopes of saving what was left, but," Ki crossed his arms and stared at her body. He seemed disappointed. Ayden didn't want to believe it. His reaction wasn't one to a close friend dying. It was more like someone failed to complete a quest. The Ki she remembered would've been devastated. "Luke is going to be pissed when he finds out." Ayden wanted to laugh.

"She's not dead."

"Ayden," Annabeth grumbled as she moved under the sky. Her hair was streaked with white as well. The three girls matched one another in their misery. Once their eyes met she knew that it was true.

"She must have been holding it for a few minutes, it was only a few minutes, she wouldn't have-." Ayden stared at the body. A little blood was crusted under her nose. "She's not, but the dream. She's-." Atlas walked out from the darkness.

"Oh," He stared at the body. "Well, I mean maybe it's for the best." He turned and Ayden saw who he was staring at. Luke was standing behind him. His eyes landed on the girl's body.

"Cam," Luke rushed forward kneeling beside her. "Cam." He touched her cheek. "Cam, hey." He looked at Ki. "What did you do?" Ki lifted his hands with a smirk.

"I didn't do anything to your girl, that was her," Ki pointed at Ayden. Luke looked over at Ayden. His eyes were a blur of emotions. A fear struck her body as she watched his eyes water.

"Cameron, please. Cam," He pressed his hand to her neck. When he pulled them away they shook. Ayden realized she saw a ring. It was a black ring on Cameron's finger. Her ring finger. "Please, please." Ki grimaced as he watched Luke slowly fall apart in front of them. "I'm gonna-I'll-let me just," Luke gently cradled Cameron's limp body against his chest. He stared at her head as it rolled to the side her eyes still open and staring off in the distance. He moved toward the mountain's edge dissapearing from Ayden's view.

Turning Tides | P. Jackson Books 1-5Where stories live. Discover now