Empowered by the divine artifact in my grasp, I lunged toward Heracles, Gungnir firmly held within my hand. Its ivory staff acted as a conduit for my newfound powers, coursing with energy that surged through me like a river in full flood. In my other hand, lightning crackled menacingly, poised to unleash its cataclysmic force.

Heracles, the mighty God of Strength, charged forth, his club raised high, and a defiant roar on his lips. Staring him down, I spun Gungnir as I charged straight at him.

Our weapons clashed with a deafening boom that reverberated across the beach, the very ground quaking beneath our feet from the sheer force of our encounter. As I strained against his overwhelming strength, I could feel Gungnir resonating with power, ready to channel my abilities.

I summoned all my demigod power from Zeus, channeling it through Gungnir. With a resounding slam into the sand, I sent forth relentless bolts of lightning that struck Heracles with unyielding ferocity. Each sizzling impact seared with divine potency, causing the God of Strength to convulse in agonizing torment.

Heracles, once an indomitable force, struggled to maintain his footing. The electric onslaught left him weakened and vulnerable, his massive form quivering as the currents surged through him. Smoke and sparks danced around his writhing body, casting an ethereal display upon the battlefield. Even a god, it seemed, could not endure an unrelenting barrage of lightning.

Unyielding and determined, I watched as Heracles fell to his knees, wracked with pain. Seizing the moment, I released Gungnir, propelling it toward the god. With unerring precision, the spear struck Heracles, impaling him through the chest and creating a gaping void within the divine being.

Yet, my assault did not end there. I summoned Morningstar and uncapped Riptide, launching the blades toward Heracles. They sailed through the air with deadly accuracy, severing his arms before shadow traveling back to my side. Gungnir, summoned back into my hand, was ready for the final blow.

Heracles, battered and defenseless, gazed up at me with eyes that held both pain and disbelief. The once-invincible god had been reduced to a mere mortal, his formidable strength drained by the relentless onslaught. "Any last words?"

"Áde gamísou." Heracles spat blood and spit in my face. I sigh and wipe it off, before I swung Gungnir, severing Heracles's head from his body. Time itself seemed to slow as his godly essence burst forth in a radiant explosion of golden light, leaving behind only his club and a card that quickly vanished. Gungnir flickered in my hands before shattering like glass and returning to Draupnir and shifting back into its ring form.

Skill "Divine Strength" accquired

The battle had drawn to its triumphant conclusion. I stood there, victorious and breathless, as Heracles, the God of Strength, dissolved into nothingness. The beach, once a battleground, returned to a state of eerie tranquility, and the receding tide revealed Hades's bronze helm of darkness. Picking it up, I felt the weight of the godly artifact in my hands.

However, before I could rejoin my friends, the sound of leathery wings flapping reached my ears. Two sinister-looking figures descended from the sky, landing before me with an air of ominous authority. The first Fury was unmistakably Tisiphone.

"We witnessed the entire spectacle," she hissed, her voice a mixture of astonishment and begrudging admiration. "Perseus Jackson, you possess far more power than we had assumed. At such a tender age, you have slain a god."

With a nonchalant gesture, I flung Hades's helm toward her, and she caught it with a surprised expression."Return this to my father," I instructed her. "Tell him what transpired here today."The Fury hesitated for a moment, her forked tongue flicking over her green, leathery lips.

"Live well, Perseus Jackson,"

I joined Clarisse and Annabeth, who were staring at me in astonishment.

"Percy," Clarisse began, "that was so incredible..."

"Terrifying," Annabeth interjected.

"Cool!" Clarisse corrected herself with a grin. "You killed a god!"

"Well," I said, breaking the silence, "now it's time to return the Bolt to Mr. Grumpy." They both nodded, still taken aback by recent events.

"We need to get back to New York, and fast."

"That's impossible," Annabeth protested, "unless we—"

"Teleport," I finished her sentence.Annabeth looked at me with disbelief. "Teleport with your control? No way, not again."

"Yeah," I said as I grabbed both of them around the waist, lightning cackled around us as we were surrounded by the shadows, "pretty much exactly like that."

Legend Of Perseus: The Missing Bolt (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now