~Chapter 14~

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"Please, have a seat," Aunty Em said as we reached the kitchen.

"Awesome," Annabeth responded.

"Um," Clarisse hesitated, "we don't have any money, ma'am."

"No, no, children. Money is not needed. This is a special case, yes? It's my treat for such nice orphans."

"Thank you, ma'am," Annabeth replied. Aunty Em stiffened momentarily, as if Annabeth had done something wrong, but she relaxed just as quickly, so I assumed it was my imagination.

"Quite all right, Annabeth," she said. "You have such beautiful gray eyes, child." I wondered how she knew Annabeth's name when we hadn't introduced ourselves. Our hostess disappeared behind the snack counter to prepare the food. In no time, she brought us plastic trays loaded with double cheeseburgers, vanilla shakes, and XXL servings of French fries.

Clarisse was already halfway through her burger before she remembered to breathe. Annabeth sipped her shake, and I didn't eat. I knew the food wasn't poisoned but I still didn't trust it, keeping an eye on our hostess. I perked my ears when I heard a peculiar noise.

"What's that hissing sound?" I acted confused. Annabeth shook her head. Seriously, did she not hear the hissing of the snakes!?

"Hissing?" Aunty Em inquired. "Perhaps it's the deep-fryer oil. You have sharp ears, Percy, but please, relax."

Aunty Em didn't eat anything. She hadn't removed her headgear, not even to cook. She sat forward, interlacing her fingers, and observed us while we ate. It was a bit unsettling to have someone stare at me when I couldn't see her face..

"So, you make these statues?" Clarisse asked between bites.

"Oh, yes," Aunty Em responded. "And animals. And people. Anything for the garden. Custom orders. Statuary is quite popular, you know."

"Is there much business along this road?" I inquired.

"Not much anymore. Ever since the highway was built, most cars no longer travel this way. I must cherish every customer I receive. I used to run this with my two sisters, but they are long gone."

I couldn't help noticing the sorrow in her voice, genuine and deep. Annabeth had stopped eating and sat forward, saying, "Two sisters?"

"It's a tragic tale," Aunty Em replied. "Not suitable for children, really. You see, Annabeth, there was a malicious woman who envied me when I was young. I had a... a boyfriend back then, and this wicked woman was determined to separate us. She caused a dreadful accident. My sisters stood by me, sharing my misfortune and curse for as long as they could, but eventually, they passed away. They faded into nothingness. I alone have endured, but at a great cost. Such a cost."

I couldn't move for a moment as the prophecy echoed in my mind. I eventually stood up, with the three of them watching me closely. "Did you mention a curse?"

"W-well, yes, it's a rather dreadful one, dear," Aunt Em replied. Percy stared at her for a moment before responding.

"Yeah, whatever," Clarisse mumbled, eating some of my fries.

"Such beautiful gray eyes," Aunty Em mentioned to Annabeth again, causing Annabeth to abruptly stand.

"We really should be going."

"Please, dears," Aunty Em implored. "I rarely get to be with children. Before you leave, won't you at least sit for a pose?"

"Sorry, but we had no intention of being turned to stone. We're on a very important quest, you see," I replied, standing my ground. "If you don't want to be discovered so easily, maybe you should silence your serpents. They make far too much noise, Medusa."

"Ah, you're quite clever, boy, a child of the Big Three, born with three godly parents. You will make a beautiful statue." Medusa cackled as she began removing her disguise. I created a barrier of ice in front of us. Behind the ice, Medusa revealed her true form: from the waist up, she appeared as a beautiful Greek woman with copper-toned skin and bright yellow eyes, but her hair was a writhing mass of hissing snakes. From the waist down, she had the tail of an anaconda. Medusa grinned menacingly, her fangs visible.

"Wow, I think I just puked," Clarisse muttered, taking out her spear while Annabeth gripped her dagger, and I summoned Morningstar. I was trying to think of a plan and suddenly an idea popped up.

"Now, come on, honey, remove this pesky barrier and let me through," Medusa cackled, slithering back and forth.

"Okay," I answered grinning.

"What?" Annabeth yelled. "If you take down that barrier, she'll turn us into stone!"

"Then stay behind the barrier." I instructed. As both girls watched as I walked through the barrier manipulating the shadows and some mist to blind my eyes, and protecting me from medusa's curse.

Medusa slithered forward, her lower body like a massive serpent. Her tail whipped through the air, moving with remarkable speed. Her snakes struck out, snapping at me, but I used Morningstar to parry their strikes. The snakes recoiled, hissing with fury.

My senses tingled, and I felt the presence of the snakes all around me. I closed my eyes for a moment, relying on my acute sense of smell and hearing to track their movements. I could hear their slithering, their forked tongues flicking in and out.

With a swift motion, I lunged forward, slashing Morningstar through the air. The blade struck true, cutting off several snake heads. They writhed and turned to dust as soon as they hit the ground.

Medusa let out a furious hiss and swung her massive tail toward me. It was faster than I expected, but I managed to sidestep just in time. Her tail crashed into the ground, shattering the concrete beneath it.

I knew I had to act quickly. The snakes were regenerating, and I couldn't keep cutting them down forever. Using my trained senses, I focused on Medusa's movements, listening to the subtle changes in the air as she slithered and struck.

With a sudden burst of speed, I closed the distance between us. I could feel her snakes lunging at me, but I ducked and weaved, narrowly avoiding their fangs. I reached her, I spun Morningstar into an angle, holding it like an icecicle.

Medusa's eyes locked onto mine, and I could feel their hypnotic power trying to draw me in. I averted my gaze, focusing on her lower body instead. With a powerful swing, I severed her tail from her body.

Medusa let out a blood-curdling scream as her tail disintegrated into dust. She writhed in pain, her upper body thrashing wildly. I seized the opportunity and flipped the sword around as the strange aura burst around it as I plunged it into her heart before twisting. Instead of bursting into golden dust, Medusa's body burst into black flames as she slowly disintegrated into black sand.

Mimicry of "Gorgon" accquired

Skill "Medusa's Eye's" accquired

Skill "Venom Secretion" accquired

"Where did you learn to do that?" Annabeth asked in amazement.

"Dude, you have to teach me how to do that!" Clarisse cheered, slapping me on the back. Soon, we were all ready to continue. I leaned against the sign in front of the house, watching as Clarisse and Annabeth searched the place. my gaze at the sky and closed my eyes, letting the rain wash over me, enjoying the sensation of the cold water.

"So, what now?" Clarisse asked, walking over to me, with Annabeth not far behind.

"Now? We find the damn bastard who stole the bolt and return it before Thunder pants loses his cool."

Legend Of Perseus: The Missing Bolt (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang