Oil change

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The world was desperate to get away from fossil fuels

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The world was desperate to get away from fossil fuels. But the Green energy from solar and wind or oceans had a big problem. The energy production was very intermittent and needed batteries to store them. And batteries used lot of rare earth and toxic chemicals which caused more issues than even fossil fuels did.

We needed a more cleaner, biodegradable battery .

Almost all species on earth store energy inside their bodies , as fat and tissue . And when required it was converted into energy .

Animals rarely get obese, because they have to adapt to their natural environment and food availability. They may gain weight during periods of abundance, but they usually lose it during periods of scarcity. Some animals, such as bears, store fat for hibernation, but this is not considered obesity, as it is part of their survival strategy.

But with humans it was whole another story . Over 20% of hte human population was actually obese . It can be easily calculated that excess fat in an obese man , after deducting daily bodily requirements, can actually provide enough energy for 82 days !

Add to that the millions who want to reduce weight, cut down their tummy , and you had the perfect solution - recruit humans to act as energy stores, and when required convert all that fat into power .

People who goto gym could get the coorelation easily.. alsmost all your treadmills or stair masters show when you exercise, how many calories you burnt and equivalent powere gnerated in watts. And this power can now be purchased by the very gym to run their arconditionig or heating. techncailly you get paid to exercise. And the goverment mtched it too becuase it reduced a lot of costs which would have otherwise gone to produce it and transmit it. And to top it all, you no longer needed any crazy diet, eat whatever you want , store it up in your body, and extract it to get paid.

For those who hated exercising, there were special charging pods - beds and couches. Liek the wireless chargers for mobile phones. You just sit or sleep on them, and the pods would extract the energy while you slept. So one could just sleep your way to a 6 pack figure , overnight.

The technology prototype was already there . It only needed human trials and acceptance. And as expected people took to it overwhelmingly.

And then came a bigger brekthrough. Specialised toilets to convert human waste to biogas , in a clean manner. Not only could it power your own vehicle but also reduce the drain on drainage system. So people were getting paid to poop !

Well, not everybody were happy. Especially the oil companies and OPEC countries. But , people were more than happy , not just for winning the war over oil, but that the machines still needed them for this purpose.

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