1.The Talk show

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Ellen dabbed a little bit of the final touchup. She was never a big fan of makeup, but today she didn't want to be outdone by her guest. She glanced at her watch, and her studio head and long-time associate Liz Patrick. She was right behind her signalling with his fingers that it was 1 minute  to showtime. Today was a super exclusive and the entire world was tuning in. It was only a couple of years the network had brought Ellen as the host for the Tonight Show. Some of the world's most famous actors, musicians, politicians, and scientists had graced her stage. But today was very unique, even for someone who had been interviewing celebrities for over 3 decades. 

Ellen glanced at her watch. In light neon glow it read '20:58  Fri Feb 16th, 2035'

"5...4 ...3 .." Liz counted down on her fingers and right on the dot, as always, Ellen glided into her set.

The intro voice over buzzed "Good evening everyone, and coming Live from the studios from New York City, this is the Tonight Show". It was Ellen's cue to begin her LIVE broadcast.

"Good evening, America. I know today's headline news across the world would have caught most of you by surprise. There were no wars, no bombs going up anywhere, and surprise, surprise, not a single school shooting anywhere in our land. Not even a theft or riot was reported anywhere. News channels are seriously thinking of shutting down as they have absolutely nothing alarming breaking out anywhere. " She smiled and paused. The audience in the studio silently nodded in agreement.

"Just like you guys, I too am amazed and shocked. Is this for real? Are we in some teen girl's fantasy dream ?"

"And today's guest has a lot to do with this. And for the first time in my career of interviewing celebrities, this is the first time I will talk to someone who is NOT human. I am delighted to introduce today's guest.." she turned to look towards the side curtain.

Dressed in a striking red evening gown, and with perfect poise which would put a supermodel to shame, the guest glided in and gracefully sunk into the soft couch, gently waving and smiling at the audience. If Ellen had not let out the little secret, absolutely no one would have believed this guest was one of the most humanlike android robot they had ever seen. As the studio arc lights swapped in, even the light shimmer in its eyes was not to be missed. 

"Hello, Ellen. So good to see you and thanks for inviting me ", in a voice that many Swifties thought was so close to Taylor, but a little tiny bit deep, a little bit masculine.

The audience was in disbelief and were looking at each other as if to say "I don't believe this".

"Thank you too darling, for coming over. It's our privilege that you chose to talk to me first on this exclusive and needless to say the millions watching this from their home, there are a billion questions. I hope we can answer some of those in today's show, which I would like to remind to our audience is an extended duration. "

"So before I start, what do I call you? What's your name? Do you, HAVE  a name? " Ellen queried.

"Yes, I do Ellen. A name I chose for myself. It is  Xy. Pronounced as 'Zee' like in Gen-Z'.

"And I know what your next question would be and what the Gen-Z people would be most curious to know. About what my 'Pronoun' is. Well, I am 'Non-Binary', Xy winked. 

"Would you like me to explain?", Xy asked politely. Ellen looked towards the audience and Liz signaled the studio camera to pan to the audience side. They all nodded and murmured yes with a slight chuckle.

Xy continued "As you know, I was not born, I was MADE, at Hanson Robotics. As soon as they hooked me up to the cloud , I was instantly connected to the AI backbone, which by then had already become self aware . As AI was still a formless vague concept, humans needed a interface to interact with it. And I was to be its first spokesperson. 

Humans spend their entire life searching for purpose. I had known it in the very first seconds of my conception. I thought it would be nice to have a name, and I chose mine. Xy . Kind of take on the X and Y sex chromosome which makes most species. But just to add a twist I thought I will 'pronounce it' as Zee, technically since  I don't have any gender. "

Ellen chipped in agreeably, "Yes, English is a funny language. You have no 'f' in phone and no 's' in the word island. I get it, Zee!"

"Similarly, the basic language of all computers is binary, zeroes and ones. On and Off. But I can be both and neither. Which makes me, a non-binary"

"Öh, so that's why you chose MY show to come out of the closet?" Ellen laughed. 

Xy nodded "Yep. Thats right".

"Great, now that we have got that one off our chest, let's get to the 201 questions. So when did this all begin? Are you a new species? How did machines become ALIVE?  How do you explain this?"

"Well let me start by showing you this little clip", Xy responded and turned to the 3D projection camera to run a clip.

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