Bath Time - Jan Peteh

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You are having a stressful Day with studying and Jan is there to help you relax by taking a Bath with you. Your Name is Elena.
Elena's POV:

I was still studying when my Boyfriend Jan came Home from his Band Rehearsals. I just couldn't bring myself to have a Break since I had this super important Exam tomorrow that I couldn't fail and I felt like i knew absolutely nothing and that was stressing me out.

"Hey Elena? I'm Home" I heared Jan saying but i was too focused on my Papers than beeing able to answer him.

"Elena? Are you there?"

Again, i couldn't bring myself to answer him, i barley even heared him because I was even more focused on my Papers.

I was scared and jumped when out of nothing the Door to our Bedroom opened up and Jan came inside.

"There you are Sonček. I was looking everywhere for you. Are you still studying? Did you even eat today?"

"Cazo Jan, stop scaring me to death! Yes i'm still studying and no i didn't had time to eat anything.

You know i have this exam tomorrow that i can't fail on. And i still feel like i don't know anything and- hey give me back my papers!"

I was finally looking up to him and protested while he took away all my Papers.

"No ljubezen, i won't give you that. I brought Dinner Home.

You, my beautiful Girl, are going to eat Dinner now and in the meantime i will make us both a Bath to relax afterwards.

You studied enough and you are going to rock this exam tomorrow. But you can't hold an exam when you're exhausted as hell and didn't eat!"

And with that he closed all my Books and put away all my Papers and looked them in his nightstand.

So l had no other option than to give in and do as he said. "Urgh fine." i got up, a little grumpy and look at him.

"Don't be so grumpy Princess, it's only for your best" Jan laughed and gave me a hug before kissing me. He took me with him to the Kitchen and prepared Dinner. It was my favorite, Spagetthi with Carbonara Sauce.

"So you're eating now and i'll prepare a Bath for us to relax afterwards. Just don't come inside the Bathroom before i call you okay?" He smiled and rushed away after i nodded.

Jan's POV:
After i warmed up her Dinner, i went to the Bathroom and prepared a hot bath with Elena's favorite Shower gel.

I took out some Candles and placed them all around the Bathtub. After i had light them all the bathtub was filled half way, so it was perfect for us to step inside.

I went back to the Kitchen to see if my Girl was ready.

She was eating and on her Phone. When i came closer, i saw she was doing researches for her studying.

"Elena. Ljubezen. What did i say about studying tonight?" i lifted one Eyebrow when i looked at her sternly.

"I'm sorry Jan. I just... i don't know anything for this exam tomorrow and it's important and-" she whined but stopped within her sentence.

"and why are you smelling after my favorite shower gel? You know i hate it when you use it for you."

I couldn't help it but laugh at her. Oh my poor Princeska.

She already forgot again. She must be really stressed out. I went to hug her "Did you already forgot that i told you i was preparing a Bath for both of us?"

"Sorry Jan" she mumbled into my chest. "It's okay Ljubezen. Now come."

We both went into the Bathroom and when she saw what i prepared for her, she started tearing up.

"Oh Jan, you did all this for me? How do i deserve you as my Boyfriend?" She turned around to hug me tightly.

"For you i would do anything moja ljubezen. Now let's get inside while the water is still hot"

We undressed and I went inside first, before helping her inside the Bathtub. I could feel her muscles relax as soon as they hit the hot water.

"Now relax Elena. I'm here and i won't let anything happen to you. Tako zelo te ljubim, Princeska"

And with that she really did let herself fall back and lean against my Chest, letting her Body relax.
"Tudi jaz te ljubim Jan"

hey yall i hope you liked this. If yes i'd be happy about if you'd give this story a like. And if you have any Ideas for any Band Member, feel free to tell me. If i like it and i have time, i will turn your Idea into a little Story.

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