Bonfire Night - Kris Guštin

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Context: You sit at a Bonfire with Joker Out and a few Friends and Kris gives you a Guitar lesson. You both have a crush on each other but first don't want to admit it and when you do, you're the happiest people on earth. Your Name is Léa.
Léa POV:
Kris invited me to a Bonfire night with his bandmates and a few other of their Friends and since I've always had a huge crush on him of course I said yes.

When he came to pick me up he wore a burgundy shirt with a bit of a flowery-ish pattern on it and some khaki shorts.

Oh how I loved this outfit. And he had his Guitar with him, how could things go so well for me? I for myself wore a simple white crop top and a long skirt with blue and white flower pattern.

It was cute and it gave me summer vibes. „You look nice today" I complimented his look. „Thanks, you don't look bad yourself"

Okay now was this a compliment or did he just wanted to be polite and reply back? Stop overthinking it Léa! We went to his Vespa and he drove me to the beach where Bojan, Katy, Jan, Victoria, Jure, Nela, Nace and Laura were waiting already.

„Hey Léa, Kris! Finally you're here! LÉA PLEASE YOUR OUTFIT IS SO HOT SUMMER GIRL VIBES I LOVE THIS OMG!" Vic practically screamed in my Face.

Okay why not. A hot woman like her can do it. I mean Kris is still the man of my dreams but I would take her as well. (AN: who wouldn't take her if THE victoria deangelis asked you on a date let's be honest here)

„Yeah sorry Vic, this guy here" I pointed at Kris „actually drove in the wrong direction first when picking me up, so he was late."

I couldn't help but laugh a little at him getting lost in his own city. "But we're here now, i'm ready for a night out with my friends" And boyfriend i added silently in my head, giggling at my own thoughts.

Vic looked at me, she knew my secret, of course she knew. If she didn't knew i would've done something very wrong. And with Vic knowing, basically everyone here knew.

I gave her the 'stop judging me i'm having a harmless brain' look. She just grinned at me what ment something like 'yeah whatever i don't believe you'

We sat down at the Beach and for a while everyone was just quietly watching the sun go down while thinking their own thoughts. Until my stomach started growling.

It was a little embarrassing how everyone looked at me. "Someone's hungry i guess" Katy, Bojans Girlfriend, laughed at me.

"Bojči why don't you start the Fire so we can roast our bread and the Marshmallows and Léa can stop her stomach from growling"

She pushed him off so he had no other choice than doing that. A little grumpy the grandpa here.

Yeah we love calling him the grandpa because he's always dressed like one and behaving like one.

Meanwhile Kris put his Guitar out and started playing some Songs. When he played 'hey there delilah' i couldn't help but start singing.

Bojan joined me soon and after it ended he said "Wow Léa i didn't know you were such a good Singer!"

"I'm not as good as you are tho" This is when Kris, who stopped playing, spoke up.

"Shut up Léa you're just as good as Bojan if not better!" I blushed and looked down on my feet. "You really think so?"

"Yes i really think so Léa. You're so Talented and i really love you Voice." Oh Kris why would you say that i'm dying inside right now at your Words.

"Thank you Kris" I gave him a shy smile. "But i'm not as Talented as you guys are, i can't play Guitar or Bass or Drums or any Instrument in general and the singing also took me Years to learn and be comfortable sharing with others" I added to it.

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