15. A Spell Of Protection [ Part 1]

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Jimin stepped out of the car the moment Taehyung shut off the engine. The grand manor appeared before him, nestled among tall oak and pine trees.

The building, slender and tall, reached towards the sky with a pointy rooftop. Its windows, shaped like dashes, stood guard, blocking the dim moonlight from streaming inside.

The scene seemed a blend of elegance and mystery as Jimin took in the enchanting surroundings. A long gasp escaped his lips, "You're no joke Kim Taehyung" He said, Gazing at the large lawn stretch before his eyes, "Do you live here alone?"

Standing beside Jimin, Taehyung exhaled a cold breath, "I used to live alone... But not anymore" He said, With a hint of joy etched on his face, His blissful eyes glanced at Jimin, "It's getting colder so let's go inside," He said, Gesturing Jimin to come.

As Jimin entered inside, A feeling of entering a dark fairy tale castle engulfed him. The grandeur of Taehyung's manor unfolded before his eyes. Large staircase, Adorned with a plush red carpet leading to the upper floors. The walls, adorned with interesting paintings, Whispered tales of a bygone era.

Candlelit mount, Cast dancing shadows on the walls as Jimin moved forward. The air held a scent of ancient wood, telling stories of the manor's history. Massive oak doors, adorned with ornate carvings, creaked open, revealing rooms filled with antique furniture and velvet drapes.

Jimin's footsteps echoed through the hall, each step unveiling the secrets of the castle. In a corner, a grand piano stood, waiting to share melodies of the past. Stained glass windows painted the rooms with hues of ruby and sapphire, creating an ethereal atmosphere.

Walking through the long hallway, Jimin stumbled upon a library, its shelves adorned with leather-bound books. Dust particles danced in the filtered moonlight that streamed through the windows.

"Woah... I never saw a place like this" Jimin said, looking up to the large shelves touching the roof, "I wonder how you could grab a book from that point?" He said in curiosity.

Taehyung released a soft chuckle, Face twinkling as he stood at the doorway and gazed at Jimin, Whose eyes were still fixated on the bookshelves.

"There is a rolling ladder" Taehyung answered, Heading inside, He inched closer to Jimin, "You must be exhausted, Why don't we go to your room and you take some rest" He suggested.

Jimin looked back at him, With a slight shrug of his shoulder, He answered playfully, "As you wish".

Taehyung led Jimin upstairs, To his new room. The door creaked open, revealing a room adorned with vintage charm. Moonlight streamed through the lace curtains, casting a silver glow on the antique furniture.

"Here's your new space," Taehyung said with a smile.

Jimin's eyes widened as he scanned each detail, A mahogany dresser, a brass bedstead, and a worn-out Persian rug that added a touch of elegance.

"This room, It's so fucking gorgeous" Jimin exclaimed, In utter bewilderment. "I envy you"

Taehyung chuckled. "Glad you like it. You must be tired from the move. Why don't you take a rest?" He suggested, "And I'll bring you something to eat"

Jimin nodded, settling onto the bed, He lay in a starfish shape, Eyes fixed onto the high ceiling. "You know\...Taehyung...You're so lucky... Having your place to live is not something everyone gets that easily" He said solemnly.

Taehyung felt his heart ached, "I Know what you mean" Taehyung answered, Lacking the words to offer his comfort, "Well considered this place to your own" He continued.

Jimin giggled softly, " Yoongi Hyung told me the same thing when he brought me to his place and I took it seriously," He said Playfully, Rising on the bed, "Yeah Since we're talking about hyung... So tell me what we gonna say to him" Asked Jimin, Gazing at Taehyung curiously.

Taehyung chewed his lower lip, After pondering more than five seconds, He cleared his throat and said, "Tell him we're in a relationship" Taehyung answered.

Jimin gasped a long breath, "Are you crazy? How this could happen?" He protested.

"We just kissed... Don't you remember? Maybe in the future we can have a relationship then why you're scared?" Taehyung exclaimed, " Anyway if you have any other lie to tell him then please share until then I'll arrange some food for you" With this, Taehyung headed outside of the room, Leaving Jimin speechless.

"What else I can tell Hyung?" Jimin muttered, After failing to get another idea he dropped over his decision to protest against Taehyung.

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