11. Shattered Silence

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The car remained filled with silence, As Taehyung drove Jimin back to his home. He keenly noticed the pain etched on Jimin's face, feeling his heartache in response. Anger surged within him, but Taehyung held back from uttering a word, keeping the turmoil confined within.

Jimin didn't bother himself to say anything, He sobbed in silence, His heart still beat wildly, Beads of sweat tingled down his forehead, and His hands still trembled, He struggled not to think about the phone call, But his stubborn mind played the opposite.

KwangSoo's terrorizing voice constantly echoed, Leading Jimin to think about the consequences of encountering his cruel father, Who killed him.

Merely the thought about KwangSoo has been sending chills to the spine. But Jimin wasn't in a condition to speak anything, He lacked the strength to ask Taehyung, how a dead person could return to life.

Once Jimin arrived home, He quickly let himself out and headed to the home, Didn't greet Taehyung before heading inside.

Taehyung too preferred to let Jimin go without saying anything, He knew Jimin needed his time alone, Although concern was visibly etched on his face.

However, Petrified from the threatening message, Taehyung got earlier in the morning, He spent his entire night in his car, Parked in front of Jimin's house.

The night has been difficult for both, Jimin turning and tossing on his bed through anxiety, And Taehyung sleeping in his car as he was afraid of anything bad happening.

Alas, The first ray of the sun overshadowed the long night. Jimin prepared himself for the day ahead, His eyes widened in bewilderment When he saw Taehyung sleeping in his car.

In a chilly exhale, Jimin felt a shiver run down his spine. A person he'd only known for a few months crossed all boundaries, stepping into the role of caretaker. Taehyung, with his tender displays of affection, managed to warm Jimin's heart despite the frosty atmosphere.

After thinking for a moment, Jimin went inside and headed to the kitchen. He opened the side cabinet and grabbed a packet of noodles, In a few seconds he prepared a bowl of ramen and went outside with a pair of chopsticks, Gratefully Hoseok and Yoongi were still sleeping so nobody caught him.

"How the fuck he could sleep outside?" Jimin muttered as he approached the car, He knocked on the window glass.

Taehyung didn't take more than a second to wake up, He pulled down the glass and greeted, "Good morning" Carving a wide smile on his face. " Do you feel better?" He asked stretching his body.

"Take this" Jimin shortly answered, Giving the bowl to Taehyung, He then headed to the passenger seat and sank inside.

"What would you feel if you see your dead father alive and walking on his two fucking feet? " Jimin answered, Shutting the door closed.

"If I were in your spot, Then I probably would lock myself in a room" Taehyung answered, Slurping the noodles, His eyes momentarily scanned Jimin, He looked comfortable compared to the last night."You look quite good today"

Jimin softly chuckled, "Thanks to my tablets" He answered flashing a small bottle of his anxiety pills *Prozac.*  "It's not something new, I'm always taking this... I stopped for a while but I think I need them back in my life" His voice laced with solemnity.

"And it's happening since the day you met me" Taehyung exclaimed in a lower tone than he usually spoke in.

Jimin busted out in laughter, "I never said this" He answered, Gaining Taehyung's attention on him, He continued to giggle.

"You look more pretty when you feel happy" Taehyung passed a compliment.

Jimin suddenly fell into silence, His smile slowly faded, As thier gazes met each other, Taehyung's eyes, deep and intense, met Jimin's, and at that moment, A silent understanding passed between them.

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