Ignore My Strict A$$ Parents, Love | only part

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TW: non-consented sex/forced sex (kinda), cursing, smut, strict parents, raw sex (partially??)

This is NOT real, and do NOT litterly do this in real life. This is fiction! Alright? Do you understand?


Third Person POV:

It all started with a simple text from George, but, it wasn't at all that simple. As that 'simple' text soon exclated and turned into something awfully, disgustingly, but excitingly crazy, and filled with chaos.

- - -

George -

Come over

Dream -

Why, what's up?

George -

I need you, just please come over.

Dream -

Oh. But, I thought your parents didn't know about me?

George -

They don't, I'll just have you sneak in through my window

Dream -

Are you sure? You could just come to mine?

George -

Just come over, please! And hurry, I need you really bad!

Dream -

Okay, I'll be there in 5. I'll see you soon, baby. Love you ♡

- - -

George didn't reply after that, only focused on trying not to touch himself, and wait for Dream to arrive outside of his bedroom window.

Which didn't take long, since the younger was soon outside of his house, waving up at his boyfriends open window.

George signaled for him to climb along a pipe on the siding of the house, which, Dream complied immediately. Being on the football team, and having going to the gym five times a week being useful in this case.

George reached his arms out, letting Dream grab his hand for support. Then, helping pull up his, way heavier boyfriend. All the muscle growth over the past few years having made it seem as if he gained more weight. But, that wasn't the case.

"George," Dream whispers, pulling George into a tight hug, once he finally gets through the brunettes window.

Normal High-School boy behavior, am I right?

Well, maybe just for them.

"Dream, I need help," George whines, wrapping his arms around Dreams neck. Trying to push them together closer.

"I know, I know. But, are you fine with doing it here? We can always go to my house?" Dream asks again.

"No, it would take to long. Can you just, please hurry. It hurts," George whines again, subtly trying to press their hips together, to get any kind of friction.

Dream taking notice of his boyfriends small movements, and letting a grin show in his amused expression, "Let me help you with that," he offers. Earning a groan from George when he finally was going to get what he wanted.

But, what Dream didn't know was the fact that George's parents were extremely stirct... never allowing any kind of friend over, and now George had secretly brought a boy in. Whom, just happened to be his boyfriend.

However, Dream didn't need to know about that yet. Just not yet, as it may ruin what they had between them.

Atleast that's what George thought.

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