14 [fucked up new years party]

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TRIGGER WARNING: sexual violence⚠️⚠️⚠️

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Rick asked Carl and Michonne as they balanced themselves on the train tracks, Mary and Vivian walking along the side.

     "Winning a bet." Carl answers.

     "In your dreams." Michonne retorts.

     "My money's on Michonne." Mary whispers to Vivian. Rick chuckles lightly as he watches the pair.

     "Im still on." Carl said as he jerks his arm out, trying to get Michonne to fall which earned a snicker out of Vivian as she watched intently.

     "You spoke too soon, wise guy." Michonne said with a laugh. Michonne was walking on the metal tightrope with grace and precision while Carl was struggling to keep his balance.

     "Might go on a while." Rick tells them as he walks towards the group. "Maybe we could speed this up?"

     "Yeah, you're right. Shouldn't be fooling around." Michonne said. "We should probably— Carl!" Michonne shouts to try and knock him off but instead it lead to her stumbling on the tracks. Mary groans slightly before turning to Vivian.

     "You owe me that packet of nerds you found." Vivian tells her with a mischievous smile as Mary looks at her pleadingly. Vivian raises an eyebrow as Mary opens her mouth to argue before she groans and begins shuffling through her bag. She pulls out the small box of candy and hands it to a smiling Vivian as she shoves it in her pocket.

     "I win." Carl announces. "Pay up." He holds out his hand expectingly to Michonne as she pulls two candy bars out of her bag. His hands hover over the candy before taking one, Michonne trying to argue before giving up. He then splits the bar in two before offering one half to Michonne, Vivians lips twitch into a ghost of a smile as she watches.


     They set up camp in the middle of the woods, the small fire sparkling below them. Vivians stomach rumbled violently, having not eaten anything since they left the house the day before.

     "Im going to go check the snares." Rick announces as he stands up, Carl, Mary, and Vivian all volunteering to go with him as they kick sand into the fire to put it out.

     They're walking to the snares as they hear a faint shaking in the bushes. Vivian freezes, her heart sinking into her feet as a walker emerges, limping its way towards them as it groaned. Ever since the fall of the prison, Vivian couldn't stand walkers. Every time she saw one she just froze. Memories rushing back to her. She couldn't move, she couldn't think, her throat felt like it was closing up as her lungs heaved for air.

     Michonne slices her katana out of its holder and Vivian suddenly remembers she left her knife at the house. She was completely defenseless and if something were to jump at her right now— she wouldn't be able to stop it.

     The rest of them walk towards it, unaware that Vivian couldn't follow. They eagerly pulled out their guns, each of them wanting to be the one to take it out. But Vivian stood there frozen, not taking her eyes off the creature. She didn't know where this crippling fear came from, she had dealt with walkers just fine for the last two years, she had to have killed over a hundred by now.

     Michonne slices through its torso, making the unsettling noise as the walkers insides splatter onto the ground upon impact. Vivian took the deepest breath she could, just steadying herself enough to catch up to the rest of them. They didn't even realize she wasn't with them the entire time.

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