chapter 10

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"it's boooaringgg.....let's go out" Natty groaned lying in her bed. Poor dear was waiting patiently for me to finish my prayer. Rubbing her eyes, she sat up with a hair looking like a bird nest.
"Please....." She chirped.
'okok, but just a walk around the campus, we can't go out' I wrote.
Honestly I was bored too, and she seemed a bit off lately, so it might cheer her up.

Putting my hijab on, free style this time. We headed out. As usual Riyona was out, so we locked the room. I still recieved some stares, probably because it's the first time I'm wearing a hijab free style, I mean without covering my face. But I'm getting used to it, so I just ignored. It was dark and pretty cold. She was talking about random topics, swinging our hands in the air.
I should admit, she's cute. She makes me laugh a lot. Well most of her jokes aren't funny but the way she laugh at her own jokes makes us laugh harder. She's a happy soul. I really enjoy being with her.

2 hours later, we were back at our entrance, honestly it seemed like 15 mins.
As we were entering, she got a call from Gawen. Time for me to leave then...
I got in first gesturing her to head back soon.

Riyona's group which Natty call 'colourful bitches' were gathers at the corner of the corridors. Ofcourse they were giving me strange looks, acting like I payed no attention to them, I continued.
"Hey bitch" it was Riyona.
Seriously what's her problem??
"I know you heard me, stop right there" she commanded. And just like that the whole group surrounded me.
I see why Natty call them colourful, one girl got green hair, other one with violet kinda head. Riyona's was red, rests are blonde. The only thing common among was they all had that B attitude and are barely dressed.

"So you can walk around without guard dogs huh?" Riyona said checking me head to feet. Really? What have I ever done to them?? I just looked down and said nothing
" Oh isn't it your prayer time, shouldn't you be wearing that white rob??"
"What is there soo much to pray for you huh? Are you serving the Lucifer??" The violet head asked, others laughed.
Honestly, that was lame.
"Look here bitch, we know what you're trying to do, so fold these drama in 16pieces and shove it into your mouth or you'll...."
"Or what?" Natty's voice from behind, cut shut Riyona's speech.
"What will you do you bunch of lame ass bitches" she got in between me and others.
"Hey look here you frea..."
"Is there a problem girls?" Our RHD broke the tension.
"We are fine " the blond girl replied immediately. Reciving a monstrous glare from Natty.
Our RHD looked at me, she knew they were lying, I looked down. Not wanting to make it anymore complicated. Natty was about to open her mouth but I held her hands. She gave me a look, but I really didn't want to make it an issue.
" Riyona, if I hear anymore complaints about you guys, I'll personally make sure you all will be out this dorm as well the university.....I hope you haven't forgot what happened last year" with that warning she left. I saw no drop of fear in their face, instead there was pure annoyance.

'what happened last year?'  I wrote when we reached room.
"What else? Someone nice would have been tormented, these witches are living to hurt others." Okay she's still mad.
Riyona didn't came back the night. Good.
Let her stay out. Replying to few of Ahbinaya's texts, we called it a night.

Next day,

It's Gawen's b'day tomorrow, Natty has been planning for it for the past one week. She haven't shut her mouth about it annoying me and Jo equally. Well a little more for me because we live together.
It was noon, I did my prayer on my usual spot, but unusual today Jo has also been there, he used to ditch us to spend this time with a girl named Cara, from chemistry department.

'why are you not with her?' I wrote.
He sighed before answering" she's committed"
'with you?' that would be amazing.
"To Robin" he replied in a lowest voice he ever used. Natty broke out into laughter.
"Oh c'mon, I didn't really like her, she's....she's not that beautiful" says the one who planned to have 3 kids with her.
I couldn't hide my laugh either, and Natty was halfway to ground.
"Uh I mean, she's beautiful from long sight, but she uh...her..her teeth is misplaced, I hate people with improper teeth" his face right now, both of us are on the ground now. He looked both us frustratedly,
"Okok fine, I admit, he was fast and nevermind I can find better" it sound more like a consolation rather than a confirmation. After facking a 'we are here for you hug' we settled down for lunch.

'i want to buy something for Gawen' I wrote.
"I have an idea, you buy something and tell them that it's our gift, he'll be extra happy"
Jo said.
"Shut up loser" Natty cut in, "well then buy him a watch, he told he broke his, yesterday ."
"Watch it is" again Jo told nodding at me.
'then can we go to mall after class?'
"No next hour is literature, so we'll go right away, I hate her fat ass" seriously?? He hate that professor because she scolded him for sleeping in class. I don't know when is he planning to grow up.
'i don't want to bunk classes'
" I think we should go, there's soo much to do for tomorrow"ladies and gentlemen, for the first time in the history the two monkeys I call friends agreed on something.

'well you guys go, I'm not coming anyways, I'm not allowed to go for parties, you can give him my gift'
"Our gift" Jo reminded.
"What?? No way, you ARE coming. And you too looser." She pointed to Jo who's trying to enter an entire omplete without breaking the yellow, into his mouth.
"Yewahh" he nodded with mouthful.
'i don't think so, they won't allow, and I won't cross them'
Who's this 'they'? Jai?? Or Sameer??  Call them, I'll talk."
This girl just never give up.
' alright, you can try, but not now. It'll probably be midnight in India now, we'll call in the evening.
"Right" she sat back to her chair.

None of us owned a car, so after lunch we decided to walk to the mall. After almost half hour of wandering, kicking, running and laughing we made it there with limited glaring from people. First Natty dragged us into a cosmetic shop and brought some perfumes. And then to a shoe shore and brought 2 pairs, didn't she brought one last week?? Poor Gawen...
We both kept wandering through the stores buying absolutely nothing, following her luck good little ducklings.
Finally we found a watch store and after exactly 13 minutes of  arguing,begging, pleasing he finally settled down to pay 1/3 of the watch.

Finally when we stepped out if the mall, it was 4pm. I have a prayer at 5. Dumping Jo on the way back, we headed to our dorm.

"Wait here, I'll just go to the ATM" she said
leaving me on the streets. It wasn't busy at all. Wonder where people gone,

"Aaagghhhhh" a muffled scream of a male, came out of the tunnel roads. I was just a 50m away from it. I knew I didn't know the places here, but still my curious ass begged  me to go in there. I was about to step in to the dark tunnel suddenly something no, someone just fall infront me. He was bleeding, from basically everywhere. I couldn't saw his face. I looked to the side where he came falling from. There were 4 guys, and one thing caught me off guard.
The 6 feet figure, coverd in black, struggling to free himself from the web.
It's him. Again.

He punched the tallest guy hard right in his face, that guy falled down. He threw the slim guy to the wall, to take the final guy he turned, and for a moment his eyes locked with mine. The bright brown eyes was still elegant as ever. And it never left mind this time. But I felty own eyes widening when I saw that guy, beating him with a hockey bat or something like that, he didn't even flinch. Instead he took his eyes from me and strangled him to the wall and punched his egg again and again and again. His own forhead was bleeding, but he doesn't seem to care.

Somene was pulling my scirt, it was then I remembered there was a human lying at feet, panting for air.
"Hey...hel help"

I really should have just stayed there.

He haven't stopped punching him yet, what am I supposed to do now?

"Hey what are you doing here I was worr..."
Natty stopped from behind me. I was almost streching my hand to help him, but stopped suddenly. She pulled my hand and dragged me out of there, once gain his eyes locked with mine. His hair was messy, but nice and he was bleeding, a lot.He had a straight face, no expression at all.
But his eyes were heavy. They were trying to say something, which his mouth never did.

We reached room, Riyona was in. So she decided to not talk about it. Good.
After a shower, I did my prayer. But usually, he had conquered my mind.
To my own surprise, today's dua was for him ' Allah, I don't even know why I'm doing this, but I want you to take care of him. He might have done many bad things, but that doesn't make someone completely bad, I do believe he has good in him. So please take care of him, I feel bad seeing him bleeding like that, yes others were bleeding too, but.....I don't know, please just take care of him too.'

Opening my eyes with thoughts of him, I knew my sleep is long gone.

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