Chapter 4

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(Jai's pov)

Bit by bit, the voice of her anklets fade. The door closed between us.
This time forever.

I still remember the first time I put those little anklets to her. Those little feets, she was just 3.

On a Saturday evening we took her along to the playground. We sat her on the shortest rock which could give her a good view of our game and we could have an eye on her too. But somewhere between the game, we lost track of her, too invested in the final penalty kick, we didn't noticed her getting down and sliding through the bushes. The bushes were taller even  than her. Me and Sameer searched the whole ground. The first time in our life we forgot to celebrate our victory.
I still remember the fire inside our hearts, we screamed our lungs out calling for her.

"Pathu .....pathu.....where are you??"


Sameer's voice was raising on each words. Tears filled his eyes.
"She's just's all my fault"
She was his, no our only sister....
At the centre of the ground he falled on his knees crying.

"Aisa....Ai....there she is" I screamed pointing towards the bushes.
Both of us ran towards her
God how much we worried...
Sameer kneeled down to her level and hugged her tight...

"Pathu....where were you?"
"Didn't we told you not to go anywhere without telling us huh?? What if something happened??"

It was then we realised she was hiding something behind her back.
Two bundle of flowers tied with grass it was her gift for winning the match. Each bundle had different flowers and she stretched her little hands
towards us. Our little angel ...
Tears filled our eyes even the slightest thought of losing her just killed us from inside.

Sameer hugged her tight and I placed a kiss on her forehead. She smiled, reveling her half grown teeths, curly little hair rolls that at the side of her face some even reaching her shoulder, bare pink frock with barely reach her knees and her divine face.

Would you believe I found my reason to live at the age of 10, I did. And it was her. My baby sister from another mother.

On our was back home, I made her sit on my shoulder that's her favourite ride since the very first time. She sat their proud like princess and I was the knight carrying the little princess in her pallaque to pay a visit to the country.

On our way back, we saw a small shop where the silver jewellery were made.
Our eyes met, I know we were thinking about the same thing. Without wasting time Sameer went in. I took my princess in hands and put her down to the ground. She kept hugging my hands staring alternatively between me and the shop.

"He's telling its 50," Sameer told coming back. " I told it's for her and that we only have 10, he settled with 30" we had just won 5 each for the match but we still need 20.
"Ok hold her I'll be back" I told him handing over her and ran back to my home. I had secretly saved 30, taking a 20 without my mother noticing I sprinted back to the shop.

Without a single clue what's happening around her, she smiled at both of us, slowly Sameer took her on his lap and I put on a small pair of anklets on her feet. She shook it making and laughing at the sound.
She liked it. I shook her leg even more to make more noise, laughing she kissed on both of our checks.

Back on my shoulder,she was still laughing and shaking her legs. At that moment I believed we were the happiest in the world.

Tears were still streaming from my eyes, she and her memories were that special for me. I watched a flight take off, it was her...she was in it. Our little baby girl is now grown up, the one I carried around on my shoulder has now became big enough to fly over my head.

Atleast she will be happy. I sighed

*She flied, everything's fine*
To: Sameer

Hello readers, hope everyone is doing good. It's really good to know someone somewhere is actually reading my words. Hope you are enjoying. Feel free to comment your opinions and mistakes. Please. do vote and support.

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