chapter 8

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Aisa’s pov
We were walking to our first class today,I kept staring through the corridors while the two monkeys I call friends followed behind arguing on adding cheese to hamburgers. I feel much better today. The stares were comparitively less, some of them even smiled. That’s a lot of progress I’d say.
I moved to table where I sat yesterday, a small cover was placed on my bench, at first I thought someone would have forgot to get back, well too curious to leave it alone, I took a peek into the cover, it’s a phone. Brand new one. I looked all around searching for its owner, I mean who would forget a new phone like this? My friends were too busy to notice so I had to shuck them out of the sensational debate in hamburgers. I shuck once, no response. I shucked again, no response. I slapped on the bench making some noise.

“What?” the snapped together
I showed them the box.
“woa, new phone?? Where did u get this?” Natty asked with a curious tone. I pointed my table.
“who’s is this?” Jo asked.
‘no idea’ I gestured.
“bro, you know who left this here?” Jo asked a boy at the back.
“nah bud, just got in now” he answered.
A girl from the corner table called us, “ a guy came actually. He asked me where she was sitting, I showed him, he left it there.” It’s for me??
“who could it be?” Natty thought to herself. His face came to my mind. Will it be him? Could he possibly notice my broken phone? Mostly, would he care?
Jo opened it,
"It's a cool phone." Jo said.
"Oh yea? The  give it to her" Natty snatched it from him and gave it to me.
It really is was a nice phone, white shade.
No sim card, not memory card but the most surprise was it had a SORRY on wallpaper.
Who on the earth would do this for me??

We were interrupted by the bell and our professor came in shortly.
“ settle down ladies and gentlemen, I’m Lucus, your literature professor.” A young and good looking professor, everybody seemed interested in him, especially girls.
“ well you all can introduce yourself later because this is gonna be a two communicative process, and I’m pretty bad at names.” He said. “ so let’s begin, with religion. We’ll  have to discuss about all the perspective matters….”
“ that’s bullshit. Since it’s an interactive session, I’d say religion is pure bullshit” Some guy from the back corner commented, surprising everyone.
“oh and you are?” professor most humbly asked.
“Im Aeron.”
“ ok Mr Aeron, I mentioned that it’s an interactive class not an interruptive one. But yea your thoughts are valued, could you list any 3 good reasons why you think the way you think? “ professor asked.
“sure, there are a lot. Firstly I’ll start with a live example,” and then he turned towards me. Please no.
“look at her” he pointed towards me, all eyes settling on me. Allah!!!
“she just a girl, same as everyone here, but look…she’s forced to dress like to that, not even leaving her freaking face out. What on the earth with happen if she shows her face?? Or wear normal dress like others...?? This is what religion does, it treats people differently. It curtails people’s basic freedom and it separates people into ethnic groups, the whole existence of religion lies on this diversity of groups. Its not fair, everybody deserves freedom.” He stopped for breath, I guess.
I was looking down, clutching my scirt. Why do I always have to be the centre of attention?? What was my fault?? Two feet appeared near my table, it was our professor. “ hello miss, can you please introduce yourself.” He politely asked like nothing happened. I kept my head down not knowing what to do, I really don’t require an announcement right now. Natty stud up from beside me, “she’s  Aisa, and I can talk for her.”  She looked she was cutting an apple, soo cool and experienced.
I saw a wave of sympathy in the professor’s eyes, but he covered it immediately. “ that’s cool, can you then give us a short note her and her religion?” he asked her. 
“Sure Mr. Lucus.” She started.
“oh it would be great if both of you can come into the front.” Sir said.
Jo gave my hand a small press, he must have heard my heart racing. Calm down Aisa it’s just your classmates!!!
We moved to the front, Natty as confident as ever, and I was looking everywhere except front.
“ well I’m Natasha and this is Aisa. She’s from south India. And you may all know she’s an Islam. It might look like certain limitations for Islam girls in their religion, but may I quote, protection is different from limitations. And this is not forced. Indeed it’s a choice.” She spoke gesturing towards me. “ this thing she wears is called a ‘hijab’, the only rule is you have to wear it. You can do it anyway you want. it’s just she likes it this way. The style is totally personal. Right? “ she looked towards me, anybody can say, I’m close to my breaking point. I simply nodded.
“would you mind to open it right now,?” professor asked in a whisper. Yes it was pretty awkward, but I nodded. I don’t want anybody to think any low of my religion. Slowly I opened my niquab, revealing the front of my face. I’m confused if I should smile or just… you know…well I donno what to do. “oohh” “woa” were few words I could decode right then.
“it was a good decision to keep it close” professor whispered. To that I smiled.
“there prayer style is also different, it has certain procedures and it’s done 5 times a day.” She really must be an angel Allah assigned for me. A confident, caring, loving angel which can irritate at times. I was soo focused in her that I lost track on what she was saying. Unless she shuck me asking “right?”, I guess she always is, I smiled nodding a yes.
Class went on, I was half minded all the time. Like a snap it was our last hour of day. I kept my niquab closed. Whatever they say, I’m comfortable like this. And I like it this way.
It's English hour and we had her class yesterday so without wasting anytime she went directly into the poem. It’s called ‘starnger’. Instantly my mind drifted back to him. The stranger. They said he’s the worst, but is he?? Really?? He might have done bad things like beating people up, not apologising for hitting someone to ground, but could he be that bad? I don’t think so, or else why would he buy me a new phone? I haven’t complained to anyone, I wasn’t  going to. That clearly tells he’s not that bad right?? Ok may be I donno if he really bought me the phone, but who else could it be? It’s not like….
“ get back to earth, class is over. Let’s going starving” Natty broke my thoughts. Gosh, I haven’t taken down any notes.
“wake up idiot, we’re leaving “ she said hitting sleeping Jo’s head.
"Huh?? Over?? Alright you go ahead I have an appointment." He said rubbing eyes.
"Appointment?? With whom?"
"With Lana, to fix a date....move aside" he cut in through the middle adjusting his hair plasting a smug smile which was supposed to be chocolate romantic but happened to be opera comic.

We were a bit late today, so we tried to find some silent spot for prayer. After about 10 mins we found one, it's a couple spot actually so it won't be much loud. Ignoring the steamy kissing scenes here and there, I found a lonely area. After getting it done, we headed for food. Natty got a call from Gawen, I absolutely am not in a mood for couple flirts, so I said I'd be in library, might as well do some productive things.

Such a giant library,with thousands of books. It was natural for one to get confuse on where to begin. The first section was fictions. I randomly walked in and entered to the third row. Scanning through the names of books, my eyes struck at one.
'you are the password of my life' something about it was familiar. So I tried to pull it out, but to my surprise it went back, someone from the other side had taken it. My breath hitched at the most unexpected sight through the deck of books. The same brown eyes was staring straight at me. I blinked a few times, but he never did. His eyes were sharp, confident and something else I can't explain.

I immediately walking back and peeked through the 4th row, just to make sure if it's really him, same black clothes with half hair on a bun. He caught me peeping so instantly backed off. No, this is not the time for being stupid. I need to talk to him. I need to return the phone. You can do it Aisa. Yes.
Taking a deep breath, I walked towards him. My heart was hammering, but he was there. Looking only at me. I halted infront of him and slowly took the phone out. I pointed at him,then to the phone and raised brows. Even the air through the windows were scary, but he remained calm. With no response at all. May be he didn't understand?? Setting the phone on the bookshelf near, I took my notepad out.

'did you brought this? you really didn't have to. Mine just got a few cracks but it's still working. You don't have spent soo much money. I understand, it's just an accident.'

tearing the page I looked up to give it to him, but he was gone. I turned all four side, there was no trace of him. Excuse me, but I was just trying to talk to him and he just left?? How rude. Only the book he took was resting about the rack. Did I do something wrong??

"Here you are, come it's time that idiot has already called 3 times." Natty called me from behind.
Should I tell her??
So that they will also know that you're stupid??

Taking the book, I silenty followed her.

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