Chapter 5

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Aisa's pov

It was hard to leave him behind, but then again do I have a choice? Did I ever had one?
Today I'm flying.
Leaving behind everything that weigh me down I'm going to fly soo high.
'for better' that's all I can think now.

Final 10 mins at the waiting area I look back at my life. All my past experiences and pain came into my eyes in the form of tears,
"Shh it's okay it's gonna be okay" I tried to console myself.

"You are doing this for you" Sameer ikka's voice intrigued my senses.
Yes. I'm doing this for me. For my own good.

No more hard feelings, after the announcement, I went into the flight,
the air hostess with red lipstick gave me pleasant smile
"welcome ma'am, "She said.
For a moment I stood there without any response,
"can I help you?" She asked

Uh yeah you can. You should.

I showed her my tickets, by god's grace she understood my problem.
"Sure ma'am, 3rd one on the 11th row,
That's your prescribed seat."
I nodded thanking her in my mind.
She gave me one more of her smile,
I bet it's that smile which is bringing food to her plate.

Without creating a traffic for others I walked in counting the rows...
8...9...10 and 11 yup this one.

An old man probably on his 70s was sitting next to my seat immersed in the newspaper. He was neatly dressed with a suit and tie perfectly tucked in.
The whole appearance screamed
'I'm a gentleman'.

I stood there patiently waiting for him to notice me. Few minutes later he sensed my presence. "Yes??" He said taking eyes from the newspaper.
I pointed to the empty seat next to  him. "Oh sorry.....please" he said coming out from his seat,
so that I can get in.

'Told ya gentleman'

To my luck it was a window seat.
After putting my luggages above I settled down. He gave me a small smile and went back to his newspaper

Somehow, things feels easier now. The two people I encountered till now was nice to me. Honestly, it helped my confidence. I hope this lasts. It's going to be a long journey nearly half day. I'm already tired. I just rested my head on the windows and closed my eyes.


need a good sleep but my brain is going against my will. That little bundle of pain in the ass won't just let me get some rest. Poor me

Even when I'm above the clouds I was still thinking about the ground.
'will Jai ikka be gone ?'
'what is someone find out he was the one who helped me ?'
'will Suhara tell anyone?'
I thought and thought and thought until I didn't know what's thought and what's reality. I was soo lost in my head that I didn't hear the air hostess calling for my order until the 'gentleman ' shook my arms.

"What would you like to have ma'am?" She repeated patiently.
"Nothing " I nodded.
I just had a sandwich and coffee so I'm not feeling hungry and the thought of eating on the air is kind of......I donno scares me...what if I vomit??.....'ughh Aisa shut up'
I cut my stupid thoughts and put my attention back on the new air hostess infront of me.
"Are you sure? " She asked again.
I nodded and she left. For a moment I felt his eyes on me. I ignored it and turned towards the clouds. It was like a cloud bed honestly it was such a breathtaking view. Somewhere in the middle of my thoughts I closed my eyes.

(several hours later)

I woke up sensing someone shaking my arms. "Wake up miss" it was the man. He was a bit struck by my sudden shock out of sleep but managed to not show it out, for which I'm grateful to. Being mocked by an old man is the last thing I want to happen in this flight.
"We are landing in 10 mins" he informed. Ya Allah, did I slept for the whole ride??  He must thought I'm some sleep freak.
I can't blame though,I was that tired.

The announcement came, and the flight started moving down, cutting through the morning clouds with a loud, ear pearcing noise the flight touched the ground.
Im in a different country now, all alone, I should start from zero.

One by one the passengers left their seats, I waited for the crowd to cut loose. I  guess the man next to me was also thinking the same since he hasn't taken eyes from his magazine yet. After few minutes he got up and I copied him, he helped me with my bags and let me walk first. One the way to the checkout he introduced himself. "I'm Ashok,....Ashok Kumar,
CEO of Deccan Dairys, its pleasure meeting you miss....."
well......its time.
I took my notepad out,
"It's Aisa, nice to meet you too sir"
For a moment his smile left but he did tried to cover it and smiled again.
No matter how much I'm used to this it still hurts.

Yes I'm mute, I can't talk since birth.
The little notepad is my replacement
of vocal chords. I'm okay with it though, yes sometimes it feels hard but I'm used to it.

He left without much complications and I was left alone again. To a new beginning....

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