Episode 7[3/3]

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Jimin : So let's see your husband now My Cinnamon Candy..
Y/N : Yeah let's see..
Jimin : Are you afraid of darkness?? I wanna blindfold you ??
Y/N : I'm not afraid but are you?? Cuz if I let you blindfold me now then I might ask the favour of blindfolding you later..
Jimin : Gosh that's inappropriate Mrs
Y/N : Mrs ??
Jimin : My tongue isn't in great control today so before I ruin the surprise of revealing your husband let's get done with this and move to the next one..
Y/N : You are cute..
Jimin : Am I ?? I can be more than cute too..Can you handle it ??
Y/N : Well show me first and then you can see it if I can handle it or not..
Jimin : Gosh no more talks..(I blindfolded her and gently guided her towards my bedroom till the day I signed our marriage papers and from that very moment it's been our bedroom..After making her stand in the place I had prepared for her I left her hands)
The amount of happiness bursting in me now is something I could never describe in words..The way he was carefully guiding me just speaks louder how much he cares for me.. Tonight is gonna be the most beautiful night of my life and I'm sure many more beautiful nights are waiting ahead..I understood I was in some room but when he left his hands the sudden loss the warmth from his hands made it quite uneasy but before the uneasiness could take a toll on me I heard his strong soothing voice..
Jimin : Open your Blindfold Y/N
Y/N : Jimin..(That was the only word I could say after seeing the beautiful sight in front of my eyes..Jimin on his knees with a beautiful couple ring..I already knew he was my husband and I thought I was mentally prepared ready for this revelation by him but it still feels new and amazing..I got to my knees too feeling so incredible filled up with so much emotions all at once..Fresh tears not of sadness but of happiness and that mixed emotions of feeling complete made their way from my eyes to cheek but before they could fall his warm hands wiped it out of my face)
Jimin : Is your husband not as handsome as you expected?? Is that why you are crying MY CINNAMON CANDY..
Y/N : My husband is the most handsome man I have ever known in this world..
Jimin : I'm sorry.. I'm sorry for not protecting you.. I'm sorry for telling you the truth when I knew it.. I'm sorry for being the reason these tears are in your eyes.. I'm sorry for all the shortcomings.. I'm sorry for not being there for you whenever you needed a shoulder but I love you..I love you my wife.. I'm never gonna give up on you or on our relationship or on us.. I'm never gonna leave you from me in this life and if there are anymore lives we have.. I'm selfish but I love you so much..
Y/N : I'm selfish too cuz I'm never gonna leave you either not in this life or in any lives.. Your mine Park Jimin and I'm yours..
Jimin : I know our wedding happened in the most unexpected way..But I want to make it a little better at least now..I know it's our bedroom not church and I know there is no priest but Let's take vows here and exchange our rings now..
Y/N : Let's do it..I don't need it to be in any church or in front of any priest.. I'm happy it's in our safe place our comfort zone our bedroom.. Let's do it my husband..
Jimin : I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine..Today I say,"I do" but to me that means,"I will" I will take your hand and stand by your side in the good and the bad..I dedicate myself to your happiness, success, and smile..I will love you forever..Today, I promise to be your navigator and sidekick in all of life's adventures..I promise to be your best friend and your husband..I promise you myself completely..Your love gives me hope..Your smile gives me joy. You make me a better man..Today I joined my life to yours, not simply as your husband, but as your friend, your lover, and your biggest supporter..Let me be the shoulder you lean on and the companion of your life..Give me your bad hair days, your long commutes, your burnt coffee, and lost keys. Give me your every day, and I will give you my love to make it all alright..I give you this ring as a sign of my vow, and with all that I am, and all that I have..
Jimin POV
She kept on sniffing and tears were flowing from both of our eyes..Both of us didn't care about wiping it because we both knew well these tears wouldn't stop for now..So I held her hands in mine gently yet with the firmness..I never planned on saying all these as vows but with her it seems to flow from my mouth and heart without much pressure.. I'm promising myself till the end of life I would do everything to keep her safe and happy..After gently making her wear the ring on her ring finger I smiled seeing how perfectly it suits her fingers and makes her complete and perfect..It sought of made me feel happy seeing that ring on her finger showing she is mine to hold to love to care to cherish to protect to adore.. I'm excited to hear the vows she is gonna say for me.. Composing herself and letting out a deep breath she finally started to say the vows she had for me..
Y/N : I'm madly in love with you, my husband..Not only do I promise that my love for you will grow with each day, but I promise to be your friend and partner every step of the way..I will be there for you, day or night, in richer or poorer, in sickness and in health..I trust, appreciate, cherish, and respect you..I promise to share with you my hopes and dreams as we build our lives together..You, my love, are my everything..My sweet husband, I invite you to share my life. You are the most loving, clever, and kind individual I have ever known, and I promise to always be in your corner..Together, I know we can do anything..I can't wait to work hand in hand to build a beautiful life together..I choose you and promise to choose you as my husband every day we wake up..I will love you in word and deed..I will laugh with you, cry with you, scream with you, grow with you, and craft with you..To be your kin and your partner in all of life's adventures is all I could hope for in the world..Loving what I know of you and trusting what I don't yet know, I give you my hand..I give you my love..I give you myself, the good, the bad, and the yet to come..You love me in love and complete me in ways I never knew possible..From this day forth, I promise to listen to you and learn from you, to support you and accept your support..I will celebrate your successes and mourn your losses as though they were my own..I will love you, my husband, and rejoice in your love for me for all of the years of our lives..
My hands were shaking with all the emotions that I'm going through..He gently squeezed my hands trying to calm me down.. Blinking my eyes to clear the vision better I made him wear the ring..I couldn't hold back anymore from all the emotions..I finally have a person in my life in front of whom I don't have to pretend or act in a way I don't want or do things to please them but instead I can be myself and be sure they would still stick to me closer and they would never leave me alone..I hugged him tightly like I'm gonna lose him and cried my heart out..I promise Jimin I will love you with everything I have..He kept on kissing the top of my head and patting me assuring me that things are better..
Jimin : I love you Wifey..
Y/N : I love you Jimin..
Jimin : Don't cry..Aren't we together finally ??
Y/N : You made me cry with your vows..
Jimin : You are not bad either..You made me cry with your vows too..I never knew you had so much to say..
Y/N : Hug me again..
Jimin : Omo my baby.. Let's get you to bed..(I carried her to the bed and made her sit between my legs..I turned off the lights and played a romantic song in low volume..Back hugging her I closed my eyes taking in the reality because this feels too good to be real)
Y/N : Do you know a secret??
Jimin : How will I know if it's a secret Wifey ??
Y/N : I already knew you were my husband..Well not too long ago but I knew..And also I know you tried telling the truth earlier at my home but stopped yourself after seeing my life in danger..I saw the red light on my head in the side mirror in my home living room indicating a snipper pointed at me..But I couldn't help myself from feeling disappointed at that time(There was a moment of silence until I was turned and made to sit on his lap facing him with my legs entangled around his waist)
Jimin : You are joking??
Y/N : I knew it when I was in Taehyungie hyung's home..
Jimin : Woah..I can't get angry since I didn't tell you either..
Y/N : I knew it because so many times you called me Love and when I got a panic attack you called me wife..You didn't notice properly and slipped it too many times for me not to notice..
Jimin : So my surprise didn't work..
Y/N : It did work so well than you probably expected.. I'm so happy..
Jimin : So how about having some more surprises??
Y/N : What are-(Before I could speak further I was pulled into a kîss..Well I'm surprised and I don't know I feel like pressing myself more onto him..And that's exactly what I did..I entangled my arms around his neck making him moân as I adjusted myself on his lap..Roaming my hands on his silky hair and moved body closer to him leaving not an inch between us..He pulled out of the kîss making us both breathe heavily..I couldn't open my eyes yet with all the tingling sensation running throughout my body.. Grabbing him by his collar I leaned further closer to his neck)
Jimin : Finally I lost my first kiss
Y/N : Me too
Jimin : Was it uncomfortable??
Y/N : It wasn't
Jimin : Wanna go further??(I saw nodding her head)Wanna go to the extent of spending it as an intimate husband and wife??
Y/N : I want to
Jimin : So now we are gonna lose our Vîrgînîty too..
Y/N : Jimin..
Jimin : I love you (I hovered above her and prepared both of us for the beautiful night ahead)
Y/N : I trust you Jimin..But it's my first time and I'm nervous..But I want it..I want you in all ways and this night is the most memorable moment of my life..I want to make love with you Jimin..
Jimin : Relax My Cinnamon Candy..You trust me I won't hurt you and that's true I won't hurt you.. It's my first time too and I'm nervous too.. Might sound weird but true I'm tensed too..I want to make it memorable too and I wanna have you in all ways too..If you ever feel uncomfortable or hurt at any moment please tell me immediately..If you are able to tell then tap or press on my shoulders or scratch on my back or pull my hair harder and let me know it..I will know what you feel exactly by looking at your face and the way your body reacts to each of my touches or actions but in case I don't get it accurately then enlighten me..
Y/N : Kiss me now my dear husband..
Jimin POV
And the night went so long and beautiful..It was tiring in a beautiful way..Later I cleaned us both and made her wear my hoodie..Keeping the mental note to check on her thoroughly tomorrow like being a doctor I know having first time is beautiful but also painful so I will have to check her to make sure she is really alright and help her with things that she would find hard I set the alarm for next day and drifted off to sleep while pulling her tiny body close to me while she snuggled more into my warmth..
On the other hand
After the dinner party at Jimin's apartment
Jungkook : Taehyungie hyung can you drop me and Kiara outside the college premises before you guys go home..
Taehyung : Sure get it..
Later while driving
Pavi : Officer Kim I'm craving for some Iced strawberry juice
Taehyung : Not at this night Pavi
Jungkook : You hated strawberry the what's with these sudden carvings ??
Pavi : You won't understand idiot
Jungkook : Yah brat I'm older than you
Taehyung : And now if you both won't shut up you can fight all night in the street..I will drop Kiara outside the college and Go home..
Kiara : Stop it Jungkook you are moving too much and because of that you are falling over me and you know what's going on with me..
Jungkook : Aah sorry I forgot..Yah brat it's because of you
Pavi : What because of me ?? Was I moving you or what ??
Taehyung : You want Iced strawberry juice right??
Pavi : Yes
Taehyung : After dropping them both at college I will buy and give it to you if you keep quiet
Kiara : Oh I want hot chocolate too..Why don't we drink and go to Taehyungie hyung??
Taehyung : Oh sure(I was just trying to keep Pavi silent seems like the plan has backfired)
Jungkook : Is it paining too much ??
Kiara : You know already..My first 2 days are horrible..My back is aching too..
Jungkook : Lean closer to my chest..I will massage your back till we reach the cafe..
Kiara : I feel like crying..
Jungkook : Aww it's alright..Just 5 more days and it will be over(Keeping her close to my chest I started gently massaging her lower back applying a little pressure to relieve her back ache)
Kiara : I won't be able to sleep tonight..
Jungkook : I know..Just call me.. Let's talk and if the pain is unbearable tell me okay..I will somehow sneak and come to the dorm..
Kiara : You will be done by the Warden if she catches you sneaking into the girl's dormitory..
Jungkook : That's not a big deal but you being fine is a big deal to me..
Taehyung : If you both are done biting each other's ears please get down..We have reached the cafe..
Inside the cafe
Taehyung : Drink it slowly no body is gonna snatch it from you..
Pavi : Nobody will snatch it from me in front of you but what if you snatch it from me..
Taehyung : You are acting kinda weird lately..
Pavi : You are weird too..
Taehyung : Oh I didn't forget what you said in the party that I'm an old man..
Pavi : Wanna show you tonight that you are an old man and get tired easily??
Taehyung : Oh show me..
Pavi : Don't regret it later..My hormones are at the peak today..
Taehyung : Let's see..
On the other side
Jungkook : I wish we could stay together too..
Kiara : I wish too but let's study and graduate first..Then get married and together finish our post graduation..
Jungkook : Oh seems like you have already planned it all..
Kiara : Of course I have too..Since you are too lazy to plan these things..
Jungkook : That's a lie and you know it too..
Kiara : I know each and every moment you think of us together..
Jungkook : After the post graduation Let's have a baby..
Kiara : I want 4
Jungkook : What my lady wants my lady gets it..
Kiara : Jungkook I love you..
Jungkook : I love you my Mrs Jeon
Kiara : Goddamn I'm getting emotional again..
Jungkook : Aww while returning just lay on my lap..I will buy a hot water bag from the nearby store and keep it in your tiny tummy..
Kiara : Gosh change all plans.. Let's get married tonight..
Jungkook : That's so fast but I'm ready..
Kiara : And then you have to give me cuddles..
Jungkook : Sure..
Kiara : And after marriage I want lîp kîsses too..I love forehead kîsses but after marriage I want to have more access on you..
Jungkook : Definitely Mrs Jeon..You don't have to say it..
Kiara : And damn I forgot we both have Forensic Medicine presentations tomorrow..
Jungkook : Gosh thank God you remembered it now at least..I have already prepared the presentation..You take rest and tomorrow morning I will help you go through it..We can definitely manage it..
Kiara : Uff that's a relief..
Taehyung : Are you guys done ??
Jungkook : Yeah hyung..
Taehyung : So can we leave??
Jungkook : You guys pay the bill and start going to the Car..I will be there in a moment..(I rushed to get the hot water bag from the nearby store)
Later at the college entrance
Jungkook : See you tomorrow morning Hyung..
Taehyung : See you both too..
Kiara : Good night sweet dreams take care of both of you.. Drive safely Taehyungie hyung..
Taehyung : You both walk and reach your dorms safely too..
Pavi : Bye bye
Jungkook : Bye Brat
Pavi : Yah don't start now you Jungle Book
Taehyung : Gosh not again
Kiara : How about we leave now Jungkook ??
Jungkook : You Brat I will see you tomorrow
Pavi : Why can't you see me now ??
Taehyung : Pavi that's enough already..
Pavi : Fine..
Taehyung : Bye both of you..
Jungkook and Kiara : Bye to you both too..
While walking towards the dorm
Jungkook : Come on let me give you a piggy back ride..
Kiara : I'm heavy Jungkook
Jungkook : And these muscles are not for just showing off or for nothing..
Kiara : Thank you so much..
Jungkook : I know your legs are in pain.. I'm your man then why didn't you ask me to help you??
Kiara : Because I know you are tired too..
Jungkook : I love you
Kiara : I know..
Jungkook : Yah say back too
Kiara : Back too
Jungkook : I hate you
Kiara : I love you
Jungkook : I'm sorry
Kiara : Yah are you crying??
Jungkook : I didn't want to say I hate you..
Kiara : I know I know..It was just fun..
Jungkook : Please it wasn't any fun..Even if I hate myself I would never hate you..
After a few minutes
Jungkook : See you in the morning..
Kiara : See you too..
Jungkook : Call me after you freshen up..
Kiara : Okay..
Jungkook : I love you..
Kiara : Let's get married later but give me a warm tight hug now..
Jungkook : Come here Mrs Jeon(I pulled her into a comforting tight hug..Her mood swings during periods are insane and her cramps are terrible too..I wish I could stay close to her and at least help her a bit but well dormitory rules wouldn't allow that)
Kiara : Give me your Hoodie
Jungkook : But you already have so many hoodies of mine with you..
Kiara : They lost your smell..I will give them tomorrow use it well and give it to me later..Now I have one of your hoodies in my bag take that one for wearing and give the one you are wearing to me..
Jungkook : Fine..(I made her wear my hoodie on top of her shirt that she was wearing)
Kiara : Now that's perfect..Now my Goodnight kîss..
Jungkook : Here(Pulling her closer to me by her waist I planted a gentle forehead kîss)
Kiara : Now bent down so that I can reach you..(He lowered his head to my height and brought in front of my face without any complaints because this is what we have been doing for years now)And here is yours My darling(I planted a couple of kisses on his both cheeks and then on his chin and tip of the nose and finished with a forehead kîss..I could see the beautiful smile dancing on his lips making my heart beat faster as usual..I wanted to pull him back in a hug but I knew the longer I stood here I would miss his warmth more)
Jungkook : Good night sweet dreams take care of yourself Love..
Kiara : Good night sweet dreams take care of yourself too darling..
Later at Taehyung's house
In the bedroom
Pavi : So how about me taking control over the night tonight??
Taehyung : Sure go ahead..
Pavi : But your hands will be in cuffs Officer Kim so give me the handcuffs you have..
Taehyung : Those handcuffs are for criminals not to play around..
Pavi : You are the criminal who stole my heart so give it to me..
Taehyung : Fine here..(I gave her the handcuffs.. It's the first time seeing her act like this.. Lately she has been acting all weird and crazy.. Crazy but mine)
Pavi : So how about you lay down my Officer Kim ??
Taehyung : Turn off the lights at least..
Pavi : Nope not possible..I want to see your expression so clearly..
Taehyung : If you are trying to make me go crazy then My lady you have already won because I was already crazy for you but Now I'm going insane..
Pavi : See in that mirror you can see the lap top screen can't you??
Taehyung : Oh I can see..Are you gonna play something nasty ??
Pavi : I have increased the font size so you can read what will be shown..
Taehyung : Gosh don't tell me you want me to read your books..Do you have some exams tomorrow??See I will read and help you in the morning.. Let's sleep early..(Whenever she has exams she wants me to read the chapters for her so that she can easily remember the things..I have always loved helping her in ways I can because being in a different field I can't help her much in other ways)
Pavi : Gosh don't spoil the mood by speaking like this..
Taehyung : Ooh but it's kinda ruined already I guess..
Pavi : Don't worry I can bring the mood back..(Slowly I started unbuttoning his shirt making him already close his eyes.. Unbuckling his pants I threw all the clothes including mine on the chair nearby)
Taehyung : Stop teasing me Pavi
Pavi : Now Officer Kim I want you to read those lines from my favourite book while I continue playing with you
Taehyung : That's unfair
Pavi : Then accept that you are an old man..
Taehyung : Fine go on..And what if I read it fully but you couldn't keep up till the end..
Pavi : I will remove the handcuffs and you take control..
Taehyung : That's fair..
Next day morning
Taehyung : You are stronger than I thought..You could handle this Old man so well..
Pavi : Don't worry I will get a chance to prove you are an old man..
Taehyung : If it's the same way as yesterday I would love it..
On the other hand
At Jimin's apartment
Jimin : Come on Wifey just consider me as a doctor examining you if you are so shy..
Y/N : I'm fine Jimin.. Okay honestly it hurts and it's burning down there.. I'm so tired that I could just snuggle up under the blanket and sleep..My body is in pain here and there..But I'm alright..
Jimin : I have prepared a warm bath..That will help you soothe your tense muscles..I also made some chamomile tea you can drink it up warm..I have made some simple healthy breakfast too I will bring it to the room..And I have numbing spray too after everything is done before we go to college I will help you spray it down there..
Y/N : Thank you so much for this sweet pampering Jimin..
Later in college
In the evening
Jimin : Gosh that was a tiring day
Yoongi : So how did all your plans go last night??
Jimin : Thank God hyung everything went well..And Guess What??
Yoongi : I'm not gonna guess anything..
Jimin : Gosh don't be so boring hyung..
Yoongi : If you are done go and pick up Y/N and leave to your home..
Jimin : So you don't wanna know ??
Yoongi : Then tell me..
Jimin : Fine..Y/N knew I was her husband for a while..
Yoongi : Maybe she was scared to reveal it earlier..
Jimin : Yeah but it's all fine now..
Yoongi : So if you leave now I can look at the patients who are waiting..
Jimin : Oh see you later hyung..
After a while
Jimin POV
On call
Taehyung : Jimin things are messed up..
Jimin : What happened hyung??
Taehyung : They were released from the prison a while ago telling those cases filed on them are a lie..
Jimin : What??
Taehyung : Is Y/N there ??
Jimin : She was in class.. I'm going to pick her up..
Taehyung : They would definitely target her Jimin..So stay safe both of you..I will be there soon..
Jimin : Oh okay hyung..
Taehyung : I have been calling Pavi for a while and she isn't picking up the call..Check her too please Jimin..
Jimin : I will check them both hyung.. Don't worry..
End of call
A while ago earlier
Man : Mam you have to come home.. Your Dad was arrested and your mom wants to see you immediately..
Y/N : I'm not coming anywhere..
Man : But mam your mom is so sick..
Y/N : What happened to her ??(I hate my mom for all the pain she gave me all these years..I hate my parents for all the trauma I have because of them but still they are my parents because of whom I'm in this world)
Man : She didn't eat anything after hearing your dad was arrested and she is crying so badly..She just came out once to tell me to bring you home other than that she is always in her room..
Y/N : Fine..I will inform my friend and come..
Out of nowhere
Pavi : Yah Y/N are you by chance searching for me ??
Y/N : Aah Pavi you are here..I wanted to say something to you can you please convey it to Jimin??
Pavi : Oh sure but who is this man ??
Y/N : He is a guard at my home..He is here to take me home for a while..
Pavi : Oh then I'm joining too..I have never been to your home..Let me text Kiara too..(Kiara was coming after her classes probably going to meet Jungkook)Oh she is there..(I called out her name)
Y/N : I will take you some other time Pavi..My phone is dead so please inform Jimin okay??
Pavi : Don't worry we will come back quickly anyway.. Kiara join along with me.. Let's go to Y/N's home..We can come back quickly..
Kiara : Let me tell Jungkook and then let's go..
Pavi : Okay..I will tell my Officer Kim later..
Kiara : Damn my phone is with Jungkook..After taking a few pictures in the afternoon I gave my phone to him to charge it since the battery was low..
Pavi : Don't worry let's go now..We will be back soon..
Y/N : How about next time Pavi ??
Kiara : Yeah let's go together next time with them too..
Pavi : Aah Let's go please..
Y/N : Fine..
Kiara : You are stubborn..
Man : This way mam..
Entering in the Car
3 men held us three tightly and closed the door..My eyes were about to pop out seeing them again..It was Michael Black, Fritz Wellington and Frank Wellington..And the driver was my Dad..
Like how is this even possible..He started driving the car at a high speed..
Pavi : I shouldn't have come..I shouldn't have pulled Kiara with me..We should have informed Jimin or Taehyung or Jungkook or anyone first..
Michael Black : Late realisation..
Y/D : Surprised to see me my Lovely daughter.. Don't worry I have a lot of surprises ahead..
Y/N : At least let them go..You just need me..
Fritz Wellington : Nope they are so useful in executing this beautiful plan..Well the original plan was to kidnap only you but what can we do when your friends wanna join you..
Frank Wellington : On count of 3 I will throw one of you out of the car.. Obviously it's not Y/N..So let's see who is going to be lucky..
I was sitting in the middle and Michael Black was holding me while Pavi was held on one side of me by Frank Wellington while on the other side Fritz Wellington was holding on to Kiara..The car was going in an insane speed and they opened the door at both sides..The guard who was sitting in the passenger seat beside my dad was recording everything from the moment we entered the car..
Kiara : Please let us go..
Michael Black : We didn't kidnap you guys to let you go..
Pavi : You guys will definitely pay for it..My husband Officer Kim Taehyung will definitely kill you all..
Y/D : Don't worry your husband will definitely hear this but I don't think he can do it..After throwing one of you out we are gonna drag you through this smooth road.. It's gonna be a beautiful sight isn't it ??
Frank Wellington : 1..2..
Y/N : Please dad..I will just disappear from this world..Let them go.. Please
Frank Wellington : and 3..
Y/D : Fritz
Fritz immediately threw Kiara out of the car making both me and Pavi scream at horror.. Fritz didn't let go of Kiara's hand making her to be dragged on the road..Her painful screams filled my head and that horrifying sight of her skin was separated from her body making her bleed heavily..The man was recording everything and the other men were just smiling like they did something so great..
Pavi : Let her go..(And he left her hands making her body roll on the road and be pushed aside..The car didn't stop..I couldn't speak another word..Y/N was so numb that I doubt she is at least breathing properly..And it feels like I brought this on our head because I was too foolish..I should have called Taehyung and informed him on firsthand..Save us Taehyung please..I still want to see you and be with you..I promise I wouldn't tease you or call you old man)
Fritz Wellington : You told me to let her go..
Y/D : So Officer Kim's wife we have an important part of the plan execution with you..I know your husband is too good but I'm a doctor too I know if I mess with his brain he can't handle it..So wait for the surprise you will receive from your husband later and he will not move an inch after this surprise..So now let's call my sweet Son-in-law and tell them to carry that piece of flesh from the road..You both tie a cloth on their mouths..
On the other side
In college
After Taehyung's call to Jimin
After around 40 minutes
Taehyung : Where are they ??
Jimin : Hyung something has gone wrong I think..I have searched for them everywhere they could be but they aren't there..
Jungkook : Kiara is not there either..
Taehyung : Gosh it's all my fault..I should have just killed them all rather than sending them to prison..
Jimin : We can't waste time Taehyungie hyung..
Jungkook : We can check in the CCTV footage but it will take too long because we have no idea which area to start with..
Taehyung : Let's check the footage of all exits first..
Phone ringing
Jimin : It's Y/D
Taehyung : Pick up the call and put it in the speaker..
Jimin : Okay
On call
Jimin : Hello
Y/D : My son-in-law must be searching for my pretty daughter isn't it ??
Jimin : Where is she ??
Y/D : Well she is sleeping along with
Jimin : You bastard
Y/D : Ooh calm down my son-in-law let me complete my sentence..She is  sleeping with her sweet friend..Her one friend is laying on the road.. Maybe she is still alive if you go and pick her up soon..
Jimin : I kill you I swear..
Y/D : Oh you can try after saving the friend on the road..She is on 26th Street downtown Lynn road..
End of call
Taehyung : Get in the car Jimin and Jungkook..
While driving
Jimin : Hyung please speed up..We don't know if it's Pavi or Kiara..
Jungkook : Why are they so cruel Hyung ??
Taehyung : Damn this traffic now..
Jungkook : Hyung I don't think I can handle it..I want them all safe..Can you just drop me here on the way.. Whoever it is I don't have the courage to face it..
Taehyung : Calm down and call for an Ambulance service to that area..We might need immediate medical help based on the threat by Y/D I don't think it would be some child's play..
Jimin : I will call for the Ambulance..
Jungkook : I just hope them to survive this..One is my sister the other is the love of my life..If anyone is there on the road I at least want them alive..
Jimin : 15 kilometres more
Taehyung : Jimin can you drive..I will call the station and tell them to clear the traffic..I can't handle driving now..
Jimin : I can hyung..
Jungkook : Please God keep them alive..
Taehyung : They were kidnapped from the hospital that means there is still someone in the hospital who is helping them..
Jimin : But who could it be ??
Taehyung : The chief security can be a suspect because he is the only one who gets access to all information and he won't be caught easily because he can give reason to anything as it is for security purposes..
After 25 minutes
Jungkook : KIARA (As soon as the car stopped I got down and ran to her body that was laying on the coal tar road)
Phone ringing
On call
Y/D : Oh so now come to 15th Street downtown Finn road..Just 50 km from there..
Jimin : Don't you dare to lay your hands on them..
Y/D : Nah not now..I planned to lay my hands but in front of your eyes that's more exciting..
End of call
Jungkook : Kiara..Love open your eyes please.. I'm begging you please Baby open your eyes.. Let's get married like you said.. Please open your eyes.. Please please love please
Taehyung : The Ambulance is on the way.. Jimin check her vitals..
Phone beeps
Jimin : It's a video..
Taehyung : I will look into it..You check her..
Jimin : Jungkook calm down..Let me check her vitals (Her pulse was slow and barely present..The pupillary reflex was absent..Her breathing was barely noticeable and the airway wasn't clear either)
Jungkook : Do something hyung she is losing it..
Jimin : There is no intubation tube or anything available here in Jungkook..Her airway is blocked..We can't move her recklessly it looks like her cervical vertebrae have fractured..The body is completely bruised up..
Jungkook : I can see everything hyung..I just want her alive..
Meanwhile Taehyung POV
I was looking at the video send and it was a clip showing how they had pushed Kiara out of the car and dragged her for kilometres after leaving her body on the road..It was horrible to watch it break my heart into a million pieces..She was like a younger sister to me..The way she calls me Taehyungie hyung..Tears made their way out of my eyes..It was just last night everything was perfect..There is no way I could let Jimin or Jungkook see this video..
Jungkook : What is it Taehyungie hyung?? Is it something about Pavi ?? Why are you crying??
Taehyung : It's not about Pavi..But Jungkook I promise I will kill everyone who is behind this..Not even a soul will be left for what they have done..
Ambulance arrives
Taehyung : Jungkook you go with them okay..We will be back with them soon..
Jungkook : Hyung I can't go alone..
Jimin : I will call and arrange for the immediate OT don't worry..She is strong and will make it..
Taehyung : Don't lose your hope Jungkook..
On the way to the place where Y/N and Pavi are there
While driving
On call
Taehyung : Reach the place as fast as possible..The photos of all those who were arrested earlier and the photos of those who are not arrested are also there in the files..Make sure not one of them survives..Even if I did make sure you kill them all..Be quick and bring more weapons and Officers with you..
End of call
Taehyung : What did they say from the hospital??
Jimin : They will reach there soon.. Namjoonie hyung and other surgeons have already prepared for the OT and are ready to receive Kiara
Taehyung : Will she make it Jimin ??
Jimin : I hope she makes it..
Taehyung : Jimin stay close to me..Even if the other officers arrive stay close to me..
Jimin : Okay..
Taehyung : We will save them both..
Taehyung POV
I started entering the building as per Y/D's instructions.. Guards were coming to attack us and thank God I had a gun at least so we could fight back and possibly manage till other officers come..I was shooting at the guards but then I froze in my place when a person was pushed right in front of a guard I was shooting..One of my bullets from my gun passed through her head while the other bullet passed through their chest..The gun fell down from my hands..It was like I became a statue..
Taehyung : PAVI(I rushed towards her and her took her in my arms..I promised not to hurt her and here I am after shooting her..I just shot my own wife..I couldn't register it in my head..It all happened so suddenly that she was pushed right in front of the guard out of nowhere..I can never forgive myself for this.. It's because of me she is in this pool of blood)Pavi baby wake up please.. I'm sorry love.. It's painful isn't it ?? I will take you to the hospital soon.. Don't be angry I will get you an ice cream..I will let you call me an old man..You can call me anything you want.. Please don't leave me..Pavi please Wifey wake up..You know I love you I can't make it without you.. Please wake up love.. I'm sorry I didn't know you would fall in front of me.. It's all my fault please wake up love..
Jimin : HYUNG WATCH OUT(A man hit Taehyungie hyung's head with a rod and there hyung was laying on the floor with Pavi's head on his lap..Why should it be like this God?? We all were just living our lives and we all were happy just a few hours ago last night and this night here we are battling on a life death battle..I felt something hard hit my head making me fall on the floor too..And I saw Y/N my cinnamon candy dragged right in front of my eyes..I tried getting up only to receive another blow on my back and fall down helplessly)
Y/N : JIMIN Jimin please save me..
Jimin : Y/N(It came out so lowly that it wasn't even audible to my own ears)
Y/N : Jimin Jimin please Jimin save me please
Jimin POV
I wish I was dead or at least knocked out..I can't even move my body but just lay here and watch my wife being tortured..Her cries and screams broke my heart and suffocated me but there is nothing I could do..I couldn't even scream back her name..Tears kept coming out of my eyes..Men tore her clothes and forced themselves on her making her scream louder in pain..Not one or two multiple men came and forced themselves on her while she begged them to stop..She begged them to let her go..She begged her father no not father but that horrible monster to let her go but he stood there laughing and enjoying what was happening to his daughter..The worst thing a husband can experience in life is seeing his own wife the innocent love of his life being ruined being râped by multiple men right in front of his eyes but he can't even move an inch..Her screams died down and I saw her dad going near her..No not again I saw her father pulling her up by her hair and he smashed her head on the floor thrice..Is he a father ?? Is he a human ?? Please God just kill me already.. Everything turned pitch black and I could hear something so feeble but I couldn't even recognise it..This is not how I wished my life to be..This is not how I wished our life together..The promises we made just echoed in my head and tears flowed out of my eyes..Life is brutally cruel sometimes..I just wanted to live happily with my wife was it too much to ask for..I closed my eyes completely losing my little senses not knowing if I would ever wake up..I wish it was all a bad dream and I wanna see my Cinnamon Candy in my arms when I wake up..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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