Episode 7[2/3]

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Y/N : I wanna eat something you cook..
Jimin : Okay then let's go home..Shall we ??
Y/N : Sure.. Let's go home..
On the other hand
In Black's Mansion
Living room
[Note : Edward Black is the father of Michael Black,Rachel Black and Adam Black..His wife Louise Black is no more..But their family is more powerful from whom Edward Black became rich and powerful..He has kept his information hidden from the outside world..The biggest secret he holds is he has another relationship from whom he has another son Kang Daniel who is older than the Black siblings.. Edward Black hasn't revealed about the mother of Kang Daniel but now he wants her his love back and wants to take revenge on people because of whom he had to separate with her..The black siblings hate Kang Daniel because he is the favourite of Edward Black..They are afraid of Edward Black and pretend to be humble in front of him because Edward Black has control over everything the Black siblings own..]
Micheal Black : What is that you wanna say Dad ??
Edward Black : Is everyone here already??
Micheal Black : Yes Dad..
Edward Black : I hope the Wellington siblings can stay in the guest room for a while..This is a family discussion after all..
Frank Wellington : Sure Mr Black(They left towards the guest room guided by a maid)
Edward Black : So first Rachel I would like to know the reason why you had done the outrageous act today in the institution..
Rachel Black : I was angry because she was getting close to the man I like..And Mickey likes that girl too..
Edward Black : Who is this guy you like ??
Rachel Black : Park Jimin
Edward Black : Will you still love him if I disapprove of this relationship??
Rachel Black : No dad but I need a reason and if I can't have him you know what I want then..
Edward Black : Even if I know what you want..Only if you tell me I can help you with it..
Rachel Black : If Park Jimin can't be mine then I want him to be ruined..I want him alive but I want to see him suffer every second..
Edward Black : Well that will be done the day after tomorrow..I can let you witness that beautiful scenario..And Michael do you like that girl so much?? What's her name ??
Micheal Black : Her name is Park Y/N dad..I like her so much.. It's been quite long..
Edward Black : But what if you know she already belongs to someone else ??
Micheal Black : It's the same as Rachel said dad..If she is not for me I want her completely ruined..
Edward Black : Seems like you guys still don't know..Park Jimin and Park Y/N are both married.. Married to each other..They are husband and wife..Do you understand that ??
Adam Black : When did that shit happen ??
Edward Black : It was done in secret..And well it was done to ruin both the Pearls and Rubies group of companies and institutions..And what do we need ??
Adam Black : Obviously bringing them both down..
Edward Black : You will not take part in any of these things Adam Black..Do you get it?? You will only focus on your studies for now
Adam Black : Fine dad.. I'm not interested in these things either
Edward Black : Tomorrow Michael and Rachel you both will go through some things so nasty along with Y/D, his brother and brother's son but don't worry I'll get you guys back and help you finish off Park Jimin and Park Y/N day after tomorrow..
Michael Black : Can the Wellington siblings join us in the game of ruining??I want Y/N to go through the worst pain a woman can go through..I wanted her badly for years I loved her for years and she simply got married to the freaking Park Jimin..I hate him so much..
Edward Black : Fine..Do as you please..For any help with the security system don't hesitate to call Daniel..He is there as their trusted Security head of everything to help you guys as well..
Micheal Black : Seriously these Parks are fools.. Emotional fools..How can they not still find Daniel is on our side..They trust him so blindly because he is so good at his job..And that is so good for us..
Edward Black : End of discussion..You guys can leave after having dinner..Call the Wellington siblings to join along..
Michael Black : Sure Dad
Next day
In Jimin's apartment
Dining table
Jimin : What do you wanna have for breakfast??
Y/N : Anything you prepare is fine with me..
Jimin : So how about we have some Omlette??
Y/N : That's fine too..
Jimin : Okay then 20 minutes and breakfast will be ready..You can watch me cooking
Y/N : Yup.. Should I consider that as breakfast to my eyes because it's a breathtaking view that gives energy to my eyes
Jimin : Aish you are being naughty
Y/N : No I'm not..I'm hungry..If you don't give me breakfast then you will see how naughty I can be
Jimin : Gosh my innocent ears
After a few minutes
Jimin : Today is my birthday..
Y/N : Really?? Aah Happy Birthday Jimin Sunbaenim
Jimin : Won't you just cancel that Sunbaenim??
Y/N : I will cancel it once you show me my husband..I hope you remember it's today that you promised to let me meet my husband..
Jimin : I know promises are meant to be fulfilled and not broken..But we make promises because we know at some point it might break..That's inevitable in life and it hurts badly..
Y/N : Are you going to break the promise you made even after knowing I might break completely in a way I can never be fixed again and I might lose myself completely..
Jimin : I won't break this promise..You will definitely meet your husband today..But don't forget about my birthday party..Just like Namjoonie hyung's birthday party it's only for family members so you can rest assured and there is no need to panic..You can come along with Taehyungie hyung and Pavi..
Y/N : What's the timing??
Jimin : It's at 7 pm.. It's more like a family dinner..Since we all have work and classes tomorrow we can't have a bigger celebration and exhaust ourselves..
Y/N : It's indeed hard being a medical student or doctor..
Jimin : It is hard but it's interesting too..And one more don't forget to bring all your things from Taehyungie hyung's house today when you come for the party..Later it would be easy to take to your husband's place..
Y/N : Okay..
Jimin : Regarding yesterday's incident don't take much stress okay..I didn't talk about it last night because I didn't want to scare you about it..Don't worry things will be alright soon..
Y/N : I'm honestly scared but I know you would save me from any trouble..
Jimin : I will..I will never think twice before saving you from whatever trouble you get into..
Y/N : I'm glad to have known you in my life..
Later in the morning break..
In college class corridor
Pavi : So you are excited for the Party ??
Y/N : Truth or a sugar coated lie..What do you wanna hear ??
Pavi : Truth of course..
Y/N : I'm so damn excited and nervous for the party..
Pavi : Aish don't be nervous.. It's gonna be like Namjoonie hyung's birthday party..You will love it..This time babies won't be coming since we will leave after dinner..And don't worry it won't be tragic like what happened at Namjoonie hyung's home..
Y/N : I hope so..
Pavi : Taehyung was behaving weird today..He was repeatedly telling me to stay with you whenever possible and not leave you alone during breaks..
Y/N : Why did Taehyungie hyung say that ?? I'm not a baby you know..
Pavi : Aaah only he knows what's going on inside that pretty s3xy genius brain of his..He said something big and shocking is going to happen in college today..
Y/N : Maybe he is planning to give you some surprises..
Pavi : Aish Officer Kim Taehyung this man will make me go crazy one day..By the way don't forget to come to the cafeteria on time today..We all will be waiting for you during lunch..
Y/N : Okay sure..See you later the break is going to be over soon..
Later during lunch break
At the cafeteria
At the table with Jimin, Jungkook,Kiara,Pavi, Seokjin and Hoseok
Jimin : Y/N are you okay??
Y/N : You are seeing me right now in front of you.. I'm okay perfectly alright..
Jimin : That's great..
Jungkook : So Jimin hyung I was just thinking about a different way to celebrate your birthday..
Jimin : Oh I'm sure it's some way I would go broke..
Kiara : That's true but still it's your birthday..
Jimin : Exactly it's my birthday so you guys should be giving me gifts treating me like a Prince..
Seokjin : Prince my foot..I heard you didn't attend the conference meeting from the Neurosurgery department yesterday?? May I know the reason Prince Park Jimin??
Y/N : Seokjinie hyung please don't scold him more for this.. It's my fault..I was-
Jimin : She was not well hyung..I had to take care of her yesterday.. Don't worry I had asked my other friend to attend it instead of me..I have already asked what happened and got to know everything.. Sorry for not informing you earlier..I know you tried so hard to get that seat for me at the conference..
Seokjin : Aah you make me feel terrible..You should have told me already about Y/N being sick..
Hoseok : Okay okay.. Let's stop talking about these serious things and go back to Jungkook's plan to celebrate Jimin's birthday..
Jimin : Aah hyung..
Jungkook : So ladies and gentlemen..I was just wondering how about we go to Australia for a vacation..See Kangaroos ,Koalas and Coral reefs..A 2 week vacation after our university exams are over..We need relaxation and we can celebrate Jimin hyung's birthday too..
Pavi : Woah that's great..What do you think Y/N ??
Jimin : Yeah Cinnamon Candy tell us..Your answer will be the final word..
Y/N : Well along with everyone as family vacation and birthday celebration I would love to go..
Jimin : Well unexpected answer for me to go broke but it's decided then.. So dear Australia we are coming to take your peace and have some for us..
Kiara : Woohoo that's so great..
Jungkook : Gosh I should have planned better if I knew you would agree..But this is fun too..
Jimin : Y/N after lunch can you wait here for a moment I have something to talk to you..
Y/N : Oh okay..
After lunch
In the rooftop
Jimin : You have a free hour now isn't it??
Y/N : Yeah the professor has got some other work to deal with..
Jimin : I just wanted to ask did you get any call from your home or your parents??
Y/N : No not today..Why what happened??Is something-
The phone starts ringing with an incoming from Y/D's secretary..
Jimin : Attend the call Cinnamon Candy..
On call
Y/N : Hello
Secretary : Miss Y/N your Dad and Mom are arrested by police earlier..Just now police arrested your uncle and cousin..
Y/N : What?? How..How did that happen??
Secretary : They were arrested for multiple cases that were filed for you against them..We still don't know who filed the cases..
Y/N : What should I..I do??
Secretary : Please immediately come to the police station and deny that all the complaints filed for you are lies..Be a witness that none of this happened..I will call you later Miss Y/N
End of call
Jimin : What is it ??(Seeing her shocked and terrified face I know what exactly happened..Earlier Taehyungie hyung called and informed me that her parents were arrested for physically abûsing her and her uncle with his son was arrested for s3xual harassment.. Rachel and Michael Black were arrested too in the morning before they came to the institution to avoid all chaos and obviously if they were arrested in the institution it would affect the reputation..Adam Black escaped because there was no proper evidence for the time being regarding the bullying and abûsing he did to Y/N when she was in school..I saw tears falling from Y/N's without control and she was struggling with a mixture of emotions.. Wiping her tears I hugged her tightly and patted her back gently calming her down)
Y/N : I don't know what to do Jimin..My parents are arrested..
Jimin : Will you hate me if I say I filed the complaints??
Y/N : Why would you do that ??They are my parents Jimin..
Jimin : But what they did to you was wrong..They are your parents but they hurt you in all the worst possible ways..
Y/N : So what ?? They are the ones because of whom I'm in this world..They have rights on me to do anything..
Jimin : No they don't have..You are an individual Y/N you have your own rights..You are their daughter they are supposed to love you as their daughter, protect you and care for you..Not abûse and tortûre you like some slave..They treated you even worse than a slave..
Y/N : But they are still my parents what can I do??
Jimin : Abandon them..They don't deserve to have you..
Y/N : I will be the worst if I abandon them..And I can't do that only they can abandon me..
Jimin : I will help you see what happiness really is,what family really is,what is it to have rights on someone really mean..I help you move forward with a new life in each and every step..So please don't go to police station and lie to them that what happened to you wasn't true..
Y/N : My parents and society will hate me for being a bad daughter..
Jimin : Each and everyone in your new family will love you for being strong and standing for your rights..
Y/N : Really??
Jimin : Really.. Don't you believe me??
Y/N : I do believe you..
Jimin : Now stop crying..Things are happening for the better..They did so much wrong so it's nature's law they get punished for their wrong doings..
Y/N : Thanks for this comfort Jimin Sunbaenim..But if you loosen this hug then I could prevent the fracture of my ribs as well as breathe a little air..
Jimin : Oh it seems like you are so fine..
Y/N : Just like you said when I think of everything they did to me they do deserve some punishment..
Jimin : Cheer up and wash your face.. Your next classes will start soon..
Y/N : See you at your party tonight..
Jimin : Sure..See you tonight.. Don't overthink or don't be sad either..
Later at night
At Jimin's apartment
Jungkook : Here is your gift hyung..
Jimin : You really didn't have too..
Jungkook : Nah till your next birthday you will say it over again and again that I didn't get a gift until I bleed from my ears..So yeah it's better to gift you rather than bleed my ears..
Jimin : Aish you Jungkook.. Stop annoying..
Pavi : Stop getting angry too much Jimin Hyung..You are getting old so you should take better care of your health now onwards..
Jimin : Your dear husband is of my age too..I have to remind him when he comes how his wife says he is getting old..
Pavi : Yah hyung I never said that..
Jimin : Oh look here is your old husband coming..
Taehyung : Who is old ??
Jimin : Your wife finds you too old for her..She wants you to take care of your health now onwards..
Taehyung : Oh really..I will show you later how old I have got and let's take care of our health together dear Wife..
Pavi : Gosh leave me alone..Cut the cake hyung.. It's getting late..
Seokjin : Just tell us you are hungry Brat..
Kiara : Let's sing the birthday song..
Y/N : Wait wait..Let me turn off the lights until the candles are blown..
Hoseok : Aah no no..You stand here with others Y/N..I will turn off the lights..
Kiara : So let's start singing..
Singing together :
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
Happy Happy Birthday To You Park Jimin!
Happy Birthday,Happy Birthday, Happy Happy Birthday To You Park Jimin!
I wanna do something special for you,
It's your birthday, and you're special too..
So I brought some guabs from the outter guab zoo.
They honk (honk) and squak
(squak) and sing just for you...
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday,
Happy Happy Birthday To You Park Jimin!
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Happy Birthday To You Park Jimin!
Open your eyes, here's a present.
More crazy creatures; don't worry
they're pleasant.
They're upside down weets on inside out swings,
They do things backwords, and backwords they sing...
Yppah Yadhtrib, Yppah Yadhtrib, Yppah Yppah Yadhtrib Ot Ouy!
Which means:
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday,
Happy Happy Birthday To You! There's a party, a party today.
A once a year occasion!
A party (party), it's comin' your way,
Your birthday celebration!
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Happy Birthday To You Park Jimin!
(Everyone clapped their hands and cheered)
Jungkook : Now make a wish then Blow the candles and cut the cake hyung..
Jimin POV
This birthday feels like a dream so good to be true but it's true.. Seeing my cinnamon candy smiling and being free honestly fills up my heart with pure joy..I wish all my birthdays for the rest of my life to be with my love my wife my cinnamon candy my Y/N..
I blew the candles and cut the cake.. Taking the first piece I held it near my cinnamon candy's mouth she was a bit flustered but gladly opened her mouth and took a tiny bite wishing me happy birthday once again..She took a generous amount of cake and fed it to me which melted my heart like an ice cream..My most beautiful birthday.. Eventually I cut the cake into pieces and fed a bite to everyone while they did the same to me too..
Later at night
Namjoon : Take care Jimin..We are leaving now..See you tomorrow..
Jimin : You too hyung..See you tomorrow..
Kiara : How will Y/N go home ??(We all already knew about Jimin hyung's marriage with Y/N but I just wanted to tease a little..But guess I shouldn't have done that..All that cheerfulness Y/N had in her face turned into confusion at Jimin hyung's reply)
Jimin : I will drop her home later..
Kiara : Oh okay..
After everyone left Jimin locked the front door and turned his attention towards me..I was waiting in the living room confused about his earlier response..What did he mean by taking me home ?? My luggage that I brought earlier from Taehyungie hyung's home is still in the corner of the living room..What is he planning now ??
Jimin : So let's see your husband now My Cinnamon Candy..

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